chapter 6

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Elena woke up and she was in a room she was feeling a lot better she looked around and noticed she wasnt in her room and her things were in here she got up and opened the door she was in the mikaelson manor

"You ok" rebekah asked walking up to her

"Why am i here" elena asked she wanted to be far away from them not in the same house

"Better question why didnt we know you were pregnant" rebekah countered

"Yeah tell the first family of vampires im pregnant by one of them yeah thats easy" elena said

"We could help we have way more witches then you do to stop the pain" Rebekah said

"I rather take the pain then be in the house with the person who killed my aunt me and tried to drain me of blood" elena said

"Elena calm down"  caroline said she walked up to elena and put her hand on elenas shoulder

"I dont want to calm down i wanna know why im here" elena said she didn't want to be here this is the last place that she wanted to be she wanted to know why she was there

"I got her Rebekah they should have sent me instead of you" caroline said Rebekah nodded and walked back downstairs  caroline took elena in her room and closed the door


"Elena we didnt have a choice thats why im here bonnie knew that this was the safest bet kols blood is way stronger than mine and you being up after 2 hours is proving that you won't survive without it elena" caroline  said

"ugh i hate you" elena groaned she knew caroline had a point but she still didn't want to be there

"you can hate me all you want i wasn't letting them leave and take you without me" caroline said she knew that elena hated them and she didn't trust them"lets go downstairs you can yell at them now"

"ok" elena said she got up and they went downstairs rebekah was sitting on the couch with elijah and klaus and kol were gone

"nice to see your attitude is gone" rebekah spat

"rebekah" klaus growled walking in

"what was she supposed to do she passed out in her lake house and woke up in a house full of people she doesn't like" caroline said

"she's five months pregnant and she didn't tell not one of us" rebekah said"i have a right to an attitude she doesn't"

"she's 5 months pregnant she earned that attitude you didn't" caroine said

"you can always leave your not being forced to be here caroline you can leave any time you want she can't" rebekah said

" i am not y'all prisoner so don't act like i am" elena said

"don't get mad at me you can take it up with kol and klaus and you can't leave if one of the not so loyal witches discover your pregnancy they'll kill you" rebekah said

"your arguing with a pregnant women are you slow" caroline said she didn't like this one bit and she wasn't gonna let rebekah talk to her best friend like that"and for your information as long as she is here i will be to i am not leaving her alone in a house full of killers"

"killers really if i wanted you dead you'd already be dead and are that insecure you think i'm gonna hurt my nefew i may hate her with a passion but i would never go after family" rebekah said

"now we have two insecure brats good to know" kol said walking in

"now we got two physco's" rebekah said"you and elena do like doing crazy shit when things don't do your way"

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