chapter 13

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Elena was back home it was later Henrick was sleep. She was doing light cleaning when she heard the door close.

"You seriously left"

Elena sighed and turned aroung to see Kol."I'm back aren't I. I just needed a few days. People can do that they can just lie and knowing everyone i ever cared about has lied to me i'll believe it. All she had to do was use the right words and know you weren't here to make me think that she was telling the truth."

Kol walked over to Elena and made her look at him."Hey i would never do that to you. I love you and him to much to hurt either of you."

"Then what were you doing what was so important you weren't here, Hayley is 8 months pregnant she should be sleeping at night and resting not staying up at all hours" Elena said.

"Do you trust me" Kol asked.

"I do trust you and thats why i'm scared cause some how everyone i have ever trusted betrayed me or died. And i don't want to lose you i don't want our son to lose you but i don't want to get hurt either i don't think that i'll recover this time. Its not just me it's Henrick we're his parents, we are going to be here his whole life. What if something does happen how it affects him."

Kol held his hand out for her."Come on let me show you something."

"But what-"

Kol whistled and Caroline walked in."She can stay and watch him just let me show you something."

Elena nodded."Ok."

"It's good to see you Elena go i got my godson."

Elena nodded and held on to Kol who flashed them out. When they stopped they arrived at the Cemetery."Why are we here."

"Just wait." He whistled and Sophie walked out.

"Come in."

They walked in and headed towards his playhouse he opened the door and they walked in."Sophie got the new Claire witch to open this."

"What is this place."

"I was close with witches in 1914. Closer to them then my own siblings."

There was something on the wall and a few boxes next to it."Your birthday is in 3 months followed by Henrick's a month after."

She was confused."Yet you won't let me do anything for your birthday."

He shrugged."I've been 19 for 1000 years doesn't feel special to me anymore."

He uncovered the painting. It was of them three the day that Henrick was born."How did you get this."

"Well its a memory. Sophie is a good witch and when you bribe her she's even better. She wanted to learn how to craft Dark objects. Most witches that knew how to make them are now dead."

"But you knew how."

Kol nodded."They returned all my previous objects to me. I can't leave it with Nik or he'll still them. There two dangerous to be around Henrick so i keep them here. Nik was actually working with me he painted this. But didn't know why he was painting it." He picked up a box and handed it to her.

"What is this."

"Open it. Early present."

She untied it it was a locket."A locket."

He nodded slightly."You have a thing about Necklaces."

She opened the locket and inside was a picture of Henrick."Aww" She smiled up at him."I love it."

"I would never hurt you Elena not after everything that everyone else has put you through. I would never hurt my son like that."

"Thats what Bonnie said." Elena smiled."I don't want to get hurt. I like this being with you i like having Henrick. I wouldn't change this for the world. This may not have been how i wanted my life to go but i know that this is where its going and thats not going to change."

He wrapped his arms around her waist."I am not going anywhere."

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