chapter 3

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elena was four months and three weeks pregnant she trying to go to the kitchen but she fell  from the pain in her stomach and passed out 5 mintues later

bonnie walked into elena's lake house she had talked to a witch and figured out elena was having a baby with kol mikaelson"elena" bonnie shouted no answer"elena" she walked into the kitchen and seen elena passed out on the ground she pulled out her phone and called caroline

"hello" caroline said

"help elena passed out" bonnie siad she didn't know what to do

"i'll be there in a minute " caroline said

"ok" bonnie said she felt elena's pulse and was happy that it was still there

caroline vamped in and helped bonnie get elena up and on the couch she bit her wrist and shoved it to elena's mouth they waited 10 minutes then elena's eyes opened and she sat up

"you ok" caroline said

"it still hurts i'm getting used to it" elena sighed she rubbed her baby bump"what are you two doing here whats with the visit"

"so your having an original's baby a witch contacted me told me there was something mikaelson going on is it true" bonnie asked

elena put her head down and a few tears went down her face she was scared to tell her friends she knew they were going to be upset and that they were going to react bad to everything

"i'm sorry" elena teared

bonnie rubbed elena's back"its ok elena its not your fault everything will be ok"

bonnie and caroline were feeling bad for elena caroline hated how much pain elena was going through she wished there was something that she could do to help but she knew that she couldn't do much bonnie wished that she could ease her pain but there wasn't much she could do she knew that elena didn't need caroline's blood she needed kol's

"how i can't stand or do anything by myself i'm not gonna make it" elena said

"elena i know your gonna hate me for this but you should tell them they are the only ones that can trust you right now" bonnie said

"i don't want to tell them bonnie"  elena said

bonnie put her hand on elena stomach and smiled she was happy that her best friend was dealing with everything well

"congrats elena your having a boy" bonnie said causing elena to smile

"Henrick Grayson Mikaelson" elena said

"henrick where did that come from" bonnie asked in a confused tone

"it was kol's brothers name the one who died" elena said she put her head down

"the one that died and it was the reason for them to turn" bonnie said

"yeah" elena said

"aww thats cute" bonnie said

"it hurts so much bonnie" elena teared

"i know it does but theres nothing that i can do  right now" bonnie said

"i'll help you upstairs you need to rest" caroline said

caroline stood up and helped elena up and helped her up the stairs and into her room she wished that there was more that she could do to help elena but she knew that there wasn't much that she could do

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