chapter 12

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elena was sitting on her couch henrick who was now 7 months was sleeping she heard a knock at her door and she went up to get it she opened it and a girl with brown hair who looked to be 17

"yes" elena said she didn't know why she was here but she didn't want to be rude either

"are you elena hi i'm davina i wanted to talk to you"  davina said

"yeah i am why are you here my son is upstairs sleeping right now" elena said she was confused on to why there was a little girl at her door

"are you kol's girlfriend he said he didn't have one and just had a baby mama is that true" davina said

"how would you know i was his baby mama" elena asked she didn't understand what was going on"and why do you care"

"i was with him last night and i heard about you so i just want to make sure i didn't over step my bondary's" davina said

"he was what he told me he was with haley helping her with something" elena said she was starting to get mad that kol lied to her to go hang out with some whore

"so you two are together" davina said

"not anymore can you please leave now" elena demanded she felt tears coming down her face

"bye" davina said she left and went to her house and called haley

"did it work" haley said

"yeah there totally together she's on the verge of crying what to do now" davina said

" sneak a letter in her purse explaining everything" haley said

"alright" davina said she hung up

the next day

the originals were in the compound with haley when caroline vamped in

"elena left" caroline said

"i told y'all she was going to take henrick and leave" rebekah said

"what do you mean she left" kol asked

"last night i went to see her she was in tears she wouldn't tell me why she said she needed a break she only packed enough for a week she left i don't know where she went she looked so upset and sad" caroline said

"one sec" haley said she pulled out her phone and texted elena 'davina was doing me a favor sorry there's a letter in your purse everything was a lie wanted to prove a point sorry- haley P.S i knew you would be mad so i also  ordered henrick a new 500$ play car when he hits 1' "my bad"

"what the hell did you do" kol said

"your dating elena and hiding it there blind to it" haley said her phone beeped'its ok i'll be back in a week went to mystic falls to see my brother- elena'

"i'm not dating elena" kol said

"yeah you are and the fact that caroline found her crying was proof once again my bad i didn't think she would cry and leave i thought she would yell at you in front of everyone" haley said

"what did you do and how are you certain there together" caroline said

"before i say it keep in mind i am 8 months pregnant and i already apologized and i bought henrick something cause i knew you two would be pissed i also made a bet with your siblings and caroline" haley said

"ok what did you do" kol asked

"i sent someone over to her house a friend of mine i don't know what she did but something along the lines of are you to dating i don't want to over cross he told me about you" haley said"and caroline said she was crying so i'm guessing it was a yes"

"give her the keys she won" rebekah groaned

"keys for what" kol asked

"my apartment i get if i won i'm sorry" haley said"she said she went to mystic falls to see her brother"

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