chapter 7

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elena was still sitting in her bed and kol was next to her he hit bit his wrist and offered it to her knowing that she probably needed it

"here drink" kol said

elena nodded and took his wrist and drank from it after a minute she let go and scooted back against the headboard"so which time do you think that i got pregnant" elena asked there was more to the story than the two would care to admit

"i don't know" kol said he went and sat next to her  he knew that his brother would kill him if hen knew

"take a guess when do you think it was during the ball after the ball the next morning or that night" elena asked

"i thought we agreed never to speak of that" kol asked raising his eyebrows

"were with people that don't have vampire hearing does it really matter anyways whats the worst he'll do" elena asked

"have you met my brother i slept with you four times" kol said

"don't forget you also promised to leave with me when i get turned but that might not be smart to tell anyone" elena smirked they didn't want to tell anyone they didn't want to hear anyone's opinion

"yeah nik would probably dagger me" kol smiled he liked spending time with her"why didn't you tell me"

"i didn't know how and i'm a pretty good at acting thats how i got bonnie to leave me alone until last week all she thought was i was scared for my life" elena said

"caroline told me you picked a name what you got" kol asked

"henrick grayson mikaelson" elena said she seem him think of something to say but he was speechless"your sister told me about him you were the closest with him it seemed right"

"really" kol asked

"yeah it felt like the right thing to do" elena smiled

"how about we go your blonde friend might try to kill us" kol said

"ok comeon" elena said she stood up and they went downstairs

"you ok"jeremy said

"yeah i'm fine were gonna go" elena said

"be safe don't get yourself killed" jeremy said

"i'll try" elena smiled they left and he vamped them back to the mikaelson manor they walked in and caroline vamped to her

"did you two get lost or something" caroline said

"more like to vampires tried to kill me" elena sighed

"what" caroline said"who"

"who do you think i'm fine i promise" elena said in a calm voice she knew caroline would

"well i'm gonna have a little talk with a vampire about touching my best friend someone might end up dead " caroline smirked and vamped out

"well there dead" elena sighed"i'm going upstairs to lay down bye" elena walked upstairs

caroline vamped over to the salvatore boarding house stefan and damon were sitting on the couch with sour faces

"how dare you try to kill my best friend" caroline growled

"why would she sleep with an original" stefan spat he hated

"you think she wanted to sleep with kol she was raped at klaus's order but her son is a blessing for all of us don't touch her again kol will kill you for tryng to kill his son" caroline said she didn't understand them if they loved her why didn't they want her to be happy"you think she wanted to be tourtured everytime her first baby kicked you think she wants to survive by drinking kol's blood she doesn't"

"it could all be over if we kill the baby" damon said

"touch that baby and i promise you it will be the last thing that you ever do" caroline said she didn't care that the baby was an originals child she wanted to

"and who is going to stop me" stefan asked vamping in front of caroline

"you want the original family as enemies be my guest they will rip you limb from limb and throw them in the ocean after burnig you to ash" caroline spat she knew what the originals would do to them if they tried to hurt elena or henrick they would be on there death bed"they will make you pay"

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