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15 Years later
Elena walked into the compound as Hope and Juliet flashed in."Stop it." She loved how close the girls were being less then a year apart. Hope Andrea Rebekah Mikaelson Klaus and Hayley's daughter she was the perfect mix of both of them. But didn't mind splurging for her stepmother and aunt when they wanted her to be girly. Juliet Jenna-Miranda Mikaelson was a mini of her father through and through. She acted just like Kol with the smirk and all total Daddy's girl. But she knew better then to upset her mother that was for sure. But her brother was a different story he was a mix of his mother and father his fathers temper with his mothers attitude that was not a good combo. If anyone tried to say anything about his mom they were risking there life. He was still a Mama's boy and defiently tried not to upset her.

"Sorry Mom."

"Sorry Aunt Lena." They always did that flashed around town. They knew most of the people and they knew the town like the back of there hand. They both had wild personalities and like pranking people.

"Where is Henrick he is grounded." She had got a call from Alaric saying that Henrick started a fire. She knew that Kol went up there but she hadn't heard from her fiance either. He was keeping with his promise he made to himself when Henrick was younger he was going to marry her she was without a doubt the love of his life.

Juliet shrugged she wasn't going to tell her mother the whole truth but she wasn't going to lie either there was no way that she was going to be the brute of her mothers anger she knew better. And she knew not to get in the middle of anything that was with her parents they didn't argue often but she knew to keep her distance when one did something without telling the other."i think dad took him somewhere."

Caroline came down talking with Hayley."Yes they up and decided why not throw a ball its no surprise why not have a camping trip."

Elena looked at the two. She wanted to know did she hear them correctly that was just like them to up and leave whenever he got in trouble."What?"

Caroline looked at Elena. she knew that Kol wouldn't tell her she didn't approve of his methods but she knew that he had a good reason for kidnapping Henrick this time at least."Oh the guys went on a camping trip."

"They did it because the 16 year old is grounded for causing a fire thats why he didn't tell me." Elena truly loved him but hated when he tried to bail them out of trouble. They were in trouble they couldn't do whatever they wanted to no matter who they were.

Hayley looked at the girls."Juilet Hope homework." She nodded for them to go upstairs.

"Ok." They both flashed upstairs.

"I'm going home." Elena flashed out she would have to talk to them when they came back she wouldn't ruin there trip no matter how mad at them she was.

Rebekah came down with Freya they had heard what happen. This was like there brother to not tell her something that something that was said about her and to reward the son who only protecting his mother"Does she know why they took him on  a camping trip?"

"I doubt he told her that Damon said something we all know that Henrick is without a doubt a mama's boy. And when someone says something about his mother he will react no matter what."
--- Few days later
Elena was laying down in her bed she was halfway sleep when she heard the front door open and her fiance telling their son to be quiet. Soon her walked in to their room she sat up to look at him. She knew that a couple days gone would calm her down. He sort of had a right to do what he did."You still mad at him?"

She smiled lightly"Depends if i say yes is he going on another camping trip."  She wasn't as mad at him as she had been when she first got the call. But she had to have a serious talk with him.

"No." Kol came and climbed in next to her."And he deserved that trip." He knew her well that sometimes she needed a few days to calm down and he knew how she would have reacted to the things that she heard at the school.

"He started a fire." She didn't want her baby to hurt anyone no matter how old he got he would always be her baby boy.

He knew that it was time to tell her she had a clear head now. As much as he didn't want to he knew that he had to."Yeah he started a fire at the Salvatore Boarding school when Damon came by and asked how is his slut of a mother doing."

"Fuck" She couldn't believe that Damon Salvatore was still causing them trouble didn't he understand that he never stood a chance with her. She was thankful for everything he did for her before the Mikaelson ball. But things changed afterwords. She met Kol she had Henrick she found the love of her life and started a family of her own. "I'm still mad at him and at you. Damon's an asshole and he's angry his brother is dead and their is no one else that will put up with his shit not even Ric. He needs someone to hurt and thats why he comes at us but it doesn't help that he has your temper."

Kol scoffed trying to hold back his laughter he knew that he had a temper that was not a secret but her attitude was horrible and there daughter and son inherited it."My temper your attitude is horrible. And your good at manipulating people which your son got."

She chuckled lightly she was good at that but so was he."My son when he manipulates someone have you met you."

"Both pregnancy statements."

"First one you didn't learn from me second time i was an asshole when i was pregnant but in my defense your reaction was to die for and my attitude is not that bad." She didn't think that it was that bad. She knew that she had one and that she could hold a grudge but that was besides the point.

"Umm you packed two bags and left in the middle of the night." He reminded he loved her and they talked through all of there problems but it was hilarious to hold it over her head.

"I came back it may have took a week but i was pregnant and emotional." They all knew she was emotional that was the one thing that she could never deny. She cared she was compasionate she cared about others and what was said about her. She cared about what people thought about her.

"Your always emotional." He loved that she was emotional he may tease her about it a lot but it was one of the many things that he loved about her.

"Asshole." She layed down on his chest she knew that he was just teasing. She did hate when he went on random trips then she couldn't use him as a pillow."By the way the whole point of sharring a house with my fiance was that i get to use you as my pillow every night."

"Seriously." He really couldn't say anything he would never deny holding her in his arms.

She nodded closing her eyes she was glad she was still up when they got him"You woke me up goodnight love you."

"Love you too" He kissed her on her forhead pulling her in closer.  He knew that he had made a lot of bad decisions in his 1000 years on earth but choosing her and fighting for her and there family had to be the best decision yet.


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