chapter 4

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klaus was in his study when he got a call from one of his witches

"abigai how may i help you" klaus siad

"i'll be at your house in 10 mintues gather your siblings together there's something you three need to know that concerns your family and the doppelganger and your mother" abigail said

"what" klaus said

"i'll explain when i get there" abigail said she hung up and klaus vamped to the living room where rebekah was sitting

"everyone down here now" klaus yelled kol and rebekah vamped in and esther walked down the stairs followed by finn

"yes niklaus" esther said

"mother what did you do to my doppleganger" klaus asked

"wait this is about elena i'm leaving" rebekah said she hated elena with all her heart

"stay" klaus growled

"i'm here" abigail said walking in with a scared bonnie

"what is the bennet witch doing here" kol asked

"its about elena"  bonnie said "what did your brother do to elena"

"oh that he did as an order he was never fond of doppelgangers" klaus said

"yeah i wanted to seduce the doppelganger" kol said

"so my spell worked" esther said

"why does the person that tried to kill us still live with us" rebekah said

"elena's pregnant she wouldn't tell us anything then i ran into abigial who told me she was sensing something mikaelson related" bonnie said

"wait what" kol said

"yeah genius she's pregnant and its y'all fault when caroline seen the test and told all of us she wouldn't tell us anything she was scared out of her mind any of you touch her i'll knock you all out and use her blood and kill all of you" bonnie said

"wait what that bitch is giving me a neice or nefew better yet you forced him to seduce her" rebekah said

"that bitch really she is suffering i seen her yesterday your originals 10x more powerful than a regular vampire who is already 100x more powerful then a human she was on the floor so close to passing out when i came in i had to force caroline to stay there and watch her she's refusing to come talk to y'all" bonnie said she hated that her best friend was in so much pain"i'm here asking go see her see what y'all did to her and i swear if any of you kill her vampires will no longer exsist and thats a promise by the way she's having a boy congrats" bonnie walked on leaving the originals

"abigail" kol said

"your mother  must have overheard your conversation or the orders you were given because she put the procreation spell on elena and bonnie's not kidding she's in pain so much pain and she's about to be 5 months wait a week before you go see her" abigail said

"mother" klaus saod

"y'all so call care for family she's the only one that can fix the mistake i made lets see how much you really care cause i know kol couldn't care less about her not the way you three do rebekah was so close to being friends with her but she choose her family elijah betrayed her and got her killed klaus you need her blood to make your hybrid army and care for her saftey" esther said

"abigail can you do a protection spell on her asap she's right elena's going through hell" rebekah said

"elijah go have a talk with the salvatores there gonna try to hurt her they don't like us rebekah get a witch to track your blood and find her location" klaus said they vamped out and turned to esther and finn "you two leave and never show your faces again" finn grabbed esther and vamped out klaus turned to kol"you come with me we need to have a talk"

"ok" kol said they walked into klaus's study"what nik"

"your scared i can see it in your face your not mikael none of us are kol" klaus said

"this is not my fault i was just following your orders" kol said she knew that it was a lie but his brother didn't need to know that he was mad that elena didn't tell him

"i know its my fault but right now we have to make the best out of this and that means helping elena first" klaus said

"ok i will" kol said

"thank you" klaus said

elijah arrived at the salvatore boarding house and walked inside and seen the salvatores were sitting on the couch

"oh if it isn't everyone's favorite original what do we owe the pleasure" damon said it wasn't a surprise that he didn't like elijah

"this is a warning stay away from miss gilbert" elijah said

"why would we do that" stefan asked

"elena is pregnant as i'm sure you all know by none other then my little brother" elijah said and he watched as there eyes widened

"she would never" stefan said

"she didn't have a choice in the matter lets just say klaus doesn't like traitors" elijah said

"whatever" damon said

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