chapter 5

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elena was sitting on her couch she was now 5 months pregnant caroline was coming back with food there was a knock at her door she got up and went and opened it and nearly fell back

"caroline" elena yelled

"coming" caroline said she walked downstairs"sorry jeremy called something about he's coming back cause his compulsion was un done"

"caroline" elena yelled"we got visitors" caroline vamped to elena and screamed

"what the hell are y'all doing here" caroline asked looking at the four originals"who told y'all cause i know for a fact me or her didn't"

"bonnie came to see us we came to talk" kol said

"no" elena said"no no no i don't want to talk to y'all" 

"go sit you shouldn't be standing i got this" caroline said elena huffed and walked back over to the couch and sat down caroline walked outside"what do y'all want with her she can't stand you any of you "

"why didn't we know" kol said

"so your leading this time you think you scare me you hurt her you followed your brothers orders and because of that she is suffering and we can't help her i don't know why bonnie would tell you"

"caroline calm down and let us talk" rebekah said

"what do y'all got to say" caroline said

"we don't abandon family no matter the consquence" klaus said

"OOOWWWW" elena yelled caroline vamped in elena was on the floor holding her stomach

"damn it get bonnie" caroline said she heard someone flash away and come back a couple minutes later bonnie ran in

"what happened" bonnie asked

"she was supposed to be sitting down i don't know what happend she started screaming this wasn't supposed to happen" caroline said

"get me a cup now" bonnie said caroline nodded and got a cup and went outside she handed the cup to kol"you blood now" kol bit his wrist and let blood drop into the cup and handed it to bonnie"she passed out its not good" bonnie walked inside and went to elena she forced it down her throat she knew it was gonna take a while for her to wake up

"what was that" caroline said

"kol's blood it should heal her and help the pain go away protection spell it helped she won't die for the next 4 months but the pain is still there" bonnie said

"no" caroline said she knew what bonnie was thinking

"now" bonnie said

"fine but i go to i'm not leaving her" caroline said

bonnie nodded and walked to the door"come in" bonnie said they all walked in"i'll let you take her but i swear if anything happens to her you will die and thats a promise"

"i'm coming to i don't trust y'all" caroline said

"wait i thought we were elena not elena and barbie" rebekah said

"bitch your just as blonde as me and if you think i am leaving her with you guys your insane you haven't met her moodswings and you might not want to and i'm the only one who can calm her and considering she can dagger all of you i wouldn't tempt it if i was you" caroline spat

"whatever little girl" rebekah said

"shut up she's my best friend not your little prisioner" caroline said"can we just go"

kol picked up elena and vamped her to the mikaelson manor he went to the guest room next to his and layed her in it

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