Chapter 15

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It was different now but that was a good thing. They didn't have to hide from anyone that they were dating she knew that now it was risky. She could easily be used to get back at him but she didn't care she could handle herself. They were going to be ok and that was all that she wanted.

She had just come from talking to Caroline who of course had a lot of questions but she didn't tell her everything. But she did tell her enough to keep her off her back for awhile and to make her happy. She walked into the house and seen Kol playing with Henrick."Isn't this a sight." She went and sat down next to them one thing she could always say was that no matter what she knew that he would always be there for this son no matter what.

He looked over at her he'd been tiring Henrick out but knew he wouldn't go to sleep until he seen Elena again. He was spoiled that was for sure but there was nothing wrong with that."How's Caroline?"

"Very nosey, as usual." She loved her best friend but she didn't like all the questions but that was what happened when you keep a huge secret. She was happy to be home with her two favorite people.

Henrick yawned and climbed on Elena's lap. It was no secret that he prefered his mother over his father."Mama's boy."

Elena smirked cradling her son she was happy that he prefered her sadly because she knew that she was going to be the more strict parent so she wanted at least one kid to choose her over there father."He's not even one yet your mad cause he prefers his mother."

"Yes very much." He smiled he was happy that he prefered her he had to admit that he was a lucky guy and he had no intent on losing either of them ever. He was going to marry her one day he had no doubts about that what so ever.

"Oh bequiet"She layed her head on his shoulder these were the moments that had made every decision that they ever decided worth it. She loved the moments when it was just them without any worry of what was going on in the outside world.."So how was your day?"

He had an interesting day his brother was whipped and he knew it."Nik spent the day trying to get information for Caroline and advice on to not get him killed."

Elena looked up at him confused."From Caroline or Hayley." She knew he was with Caroline but was having a baby with Hayley so she wondered which one he needed help with.


Elena chuckled lightly looking down at her son. She had something to tell him and she now knew the perfect way to tell him"To think in a year were not gong to have any peace and quiet maybe will get lucky and it'll be as calm as Henrick."  She could tell he was shocked by the silence.

"You really are an asshole." He couldn't help  but to smile while saying it he was happy he loved her and there son and he knew he'd love the next one just as much.

She looked at him with a smirk his face was priceless. She was happy to be pregnant again although that mean she couldn't drink and she was going to be a hormal bitch she knew that she would be able to handle the pain better being a vampire herself and it was worth it for the bundle of joy she would get."You should have seen Caroline's face this morning i told her that no one is ever going to get any sleep in this family. She just looked at me but they start sleeping with out then she realized what i was saying." She loved her best friend but sometimes she was just a little slow. But she wouldn't trade her for anyone else in the world.

"That does explain why you've been so emotional." He knew that it was mean but it was true she was so emotional but he wouldn't trade that for anything. He was happy she cared not a lot of people actually did.

Elena put her hand on her stomach she knew that she was emotional that wasn't a first."I want a girl. And that is not fair i am emotional all the time even when i'm not pregnant."

He smiled and nodded he didn't care what the gender was as long as they were healthy."As long as there healthy i could care less but i do love how much you do care even it means crying here and there."

She punched him in his shoulder."Shut up" She stood up putting henrick's head on her shoulder. It was time to get him to sleep."You coming."

They walked into Henrick's room she layed him down and they both looked at him. He was the perfect mix of both of them that was for sure."I can't wait to see your bump."

"Oh the pain." She didn't care how much it was going to hurt as long as he was at her side she was going to be ok."If i have a girl when she starts dating your going to have hell to pay." She could already see him being pissed if there daughter started dating.

"Then i guess i'm going to have hell to pay"He took her hand and guided her into their room the only thing that he wanted to do was hold his beautiful girlfriend in his arms. She layed her head on his chest and snuggled into him.

No matter what they had went through since the ball it didn't matter to either of them these were the times that made it worth it. That made the tears the hiding and everything else worth it.

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