The fourth phase

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There were a total of 25 applicants who made it passed trick tower.

"Congratulations on escaping trick tower everyone." a man with a purple mohawk, and glasses congratulated.

"All that remains now are the 4th and final phases of the exam. The fourth phase will take place at zevil island." he informed us, while pointing to the island faintly appearing in the distance.

"Now let's begin." he snapped his fingers in the air and someone rolled a table out in front of him. There was a small, metal box on the table.

"To start with I will need each of you to draw lots now." The small crowd burst into whispers of confusion. I wait for the rest of the instructions.

"You will be picking lots to find out who you hunt and who hunts you." he answered with a mischievous smile spreading across his face.

"In this box are exactly 25 numbered cards. Your number is on one of them. Each of the cards correspond with a badge number. Now each of you will draw a card in the order you exited the tower. Whoever is first please draw" the man explained. Hisoka walked forward, picking a card that was closed shut. Next was gittarackur; after he received his, I walked forward drawing a card. Next was 294, and so forth till every applicant acquired a card.

"Now that everyone's drawn, please open the card and examine your number. The number you see, is your target." Everyone opened their cards and examined their number. I got number 34. I looked around and managed to see my target as he put away his badge. I replicated the action, and took off my badge; hiding it away in my backpack, the card with it.

"The objective is to steal your targets id badge. The method is up to you; although by killing your target, you can take their badge and not have to worry about them coming after you."

The man started explaining the points accounting towards your targets badge and your own. I already got the idea. Keep your own badge and get your targets badge by the end of the time on zevil island.

We are soon all boarded onto a boat, bringing us to the island.

After the 2-hour long boat ride we arrive at Zevil island.

Hisoka walked in first, then gittarackur, then I. Walking inside of the lush forest straight forward. I found a tree that had been partially hollowed out. I crouch down inside, it would be easy to see anyone who walked into the forest. I used zetsu and pressed into the tree to avoid being seen.

After a little bit of waiting, my target entered. He didn't seem to know nen. For now I'd stalk him.

Watching him; I quietly climbed out of the tree and used zetsu to follow him. I mostly stayed about 20 feet away from him, and hid behind trees while following. It was starting to get dark, I had been ensuing him for a few hours by now.

He stopped walking and started climbing a nearby oak tree. He wasn't very good at hiding in the tree; if that's what he was going for. He laid down on a thick branch, and almost immediately started snoring. I quietly climbed up the tree, it was easy to slide the badge out of his pocket. He didn't even notice either. 

I climbed down; being silent and using zetsu. I started to stroll away from the tree. After five minutes of walking, I climb into a large tree and get comfortable laying on the largest branch. I grab a jacket I had stuffed in the bottom of my backpack; tying it around me and the tree branch so I wouldn't fall. I lean my head against the tree, flipping my backpack around so it was resting on my chest. I close my eyes, relaxing as I doze into sleep. The 1st day on Zevil island was over.

The next day went by with me staying hidden away in the tree. There were a few participants walking by, but they never noticed me. The next day went the same, along with the next. It was getting awfully boring sitting in a tree all day; so I packed up my stuff and put on the faint dark blue zip up hoodie I had been using to to myself to the tree. I climbed down the tree and started to wander around. I've moved the badges from my bag to the inside the soles of my shoes. After a while of wandering, I came across Hisoka. He was sitting underneath a tree, with a red butterfly fluttering nearby to his shoulder. I was planning to just walk past, but he noticed me first.

The End. Illumi x reader x HisokaWhere stories live. Discover now