27: To The Quileute Res

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*Marissa's POV*

A couple days have passed since the protection detail was put in place, Carlisle, Victor, and I sat in my Mercedes at the junction between the Reservation and Forks as we waited for Edward and Bella to show up so the other could feed. I smiled at my teenage boy as he bounced in his seat impatiently, "Vic, they'll be here soon," Carlisle chuckled.

Victor only groaned, "But they're taking forever," he exaggerated and flopped back into his seat.

I giggled, "Look, here they come now," the silver Volvo showed up just as Jacob pulled up in his car with Paul. He immediately ran over to the car and climbed in next to Victor and pressing a chaste kiss upon his lips before smiling at us in greeting, Carlisle and I smiled back before we all tuned into Bella and Edward's conversation.

"Doesn't he own a shirt?" Edward questioned staring at Jacob's half naked body, knowing he could hear him.

Bella only looked up at him, "I'm good here, you should go," she insisted as Edward looked down at her reluctant to leave.

He looked away, "I'm not gonna be gone long," he told her.

"Don't rush," Bella reassured, "You need to hunt."

Edward quickly wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her in for a long and deep kiss. This action made us all laugh as Jacob tensed up and then scoffed as he continued to stare at the two, all the while we were all cracking up silently.

Edward pulled away and Bella sighed, "Okay, maybe hurry a little," Edward smirked before letting her go to walk over to Jacob.

Jacob smirked at her, "Hey, beautiful," he greeted and wrapped his arms around her neck before glaring at the glowering Edward who stomped to his car before driving off.

Our laughter died as Jacob and Bella to climbed into his car and rushed off to do whatever they were doing for the day, "Well guys, we better head to the cliff if we're gonna be there in time to meet the others," I said turning to the two teens in my back seat, they cheered as I started the car and rushed off to the cliff.

-Time Skip­-

I laughed as Jared was shoved off the cliff by Embry, then he was shoved by Paul who quickly dodged Embry's hand as he tried to pull him in after him. I pursed my lips as Victor walked up to Paul before leaning in for a kiss, Paul slowly closed his eyes as Victor neared his face. As their lips were about to connect, Victor shoved him back off the cliff causing Carlisle and I to burst out in laughter with him, he waved to us and back flipped off the edge before Carlisle and I looked at each other before he grabbed my hand and threw us off the cliff.

Our bodies crashed into the waves as we sunk down into the water for a few minutes, we smiled before Carlisle pulled me in for a kiss as we slowly kicked to the surface. He pulled away when we were above the water before we quickly made our way to the beach where everyone had gathered around for food. I went over to our bag and pulled out three thermoses of blood, mountain lion for Carlisle, deer for me and a mixture of both for Victor, I handed Carlisle his with a smile.

"Thank you, Darling," he appreciated and took a sip before I quickly walked to where Victor sat cuddled up to Paul.

He looked up at me before his eye zeroed in on the familiar black thermos in my hand, "Gimme," he demanded with a hand raised and a smile present on his face.

I giggled and handed him the thermos before ruffling his hair and then Paul's before I walked back to where Carlisle sat in the sand, I kneeled between his legs before turning so my back was facing him and sitting so my back was pushed against his chest and stomach. Everyone was in high spirits when Sam and Emily arrived with two other people, I recognised them to Harry and Sue's kids, Seth, and Leah.

Carlisle and I tensed before we looked over at Paul and Victor, they too had tensed upon their arrival, they quickly rushed over to us where Victor cuddled into my front and Paul kneeled protectively in front of us.

Leah paused in her steps upon seeing the four of us, "Why are their leeches on our land?!" she demanded as she growled threateningly at us. Carlisle and I done nothing but look at her while Paul growled protectively, "They're not welcome!" she exclaimed as she readied herself for a fight.

Sam quickly intervened, "Enough Leah," he order before turning to us, "Sorry Marissa, I was waiting for you to be here to explain," he explained causing me to nod.

"It's fine Sam," I assured, "But remember, like us, you too have rules and one of them is that no one can harm an imprint and that includes the pack so make sure she watches how she treats my son," I growled with a glare.

He nodded and turned back to Leah and Seth, "They're allowed the land because Billy and the other elders, which included your father," they flinched slightly, "Granted them permission, that and their son, Victor," said boy lifted his hand cautiously and waved, "Just so happens to be Paul's imprint and as Marissa explained, no one can harm an imprint and that includes the pack."

Seth nodded before rushing over to me and tackling me to the sandy floor, he laughed, "It's been so long!" he cheered before climbing off me and greeting Victor, "Hey my name's Seth," he held his hand out, "Nice to meet ya!"

Victor chuckled at his enthusiasm before returning the handshake, "Likewise," he said, and everyone went back to having fun. I smiled at everyone as Carlisle pressed a gentle kiss upon my neck.

-Time Skip-

It was now late into the night as we all gathered around a campfire as we waited for Jacob and Bella to arrive, "You sure this is okay?" I heard Bella's voice question, "I hate being a party crasher," that comment made me giggle and Carlisle to smirk as we sat beside Sue, Billy, and Old Quil.

Jacob then retorted, "Technically, you're a council meeting crasher," they both chuckled, "See. The council leaders, Dad, Quil's grandpa and Sue Clearwater," as they walked closer Jacob explained, "She took over for Harry when he died."

I heard Bella's footsteps falter, "Okay, I should not be here," she insisted and tried to leave only for Jacob to grab her arm.

"You're okay," he persisted, "I thought...I mean they thought it would be good for you to hear the histories."

"The histories?" Bella questioned, "The tribe's histories? Aren't they secret?"

"We all got a role to play," Jacob explained, "And you're a part of this," they continued walking towards us, "Besides, it's the first time Seth, Leah, Quil and Victor are hearing them, too."

That's when Seth jumped up and ran towards the two, I tuned out their conversation until they all came jogging over.

Billy then began the story, "The Quileutes have been a small tribe from the beginning... but we've always had magic in our blood. We were great spirit warriors... Shape shifters, that transform into the powerful wolf. This enabled us to scare off our enemies and protect our tribe. One day our warriors came across a creature...It looked like a man, but it was hard like stone, and cold as ice. Our warriors' sharp teeth, finally tore it apart... But only fire would completely destroy it. They lived in fear, the Cold Man was not alone. And they were right. She took her vengeance out on the village. Our elder chief, Taha Aki, was the only spirit warrior left to save the tribe, after his son was killed. Taha Aki's Third Wife could see that he would lose...the Third Wife was no magical being, no special powers, but one... Courage. The Third Wife's sacrifice distracted the Cold Woman, long enough for Taha Aki to destroy her. She saved the tribe. Over time, our enemies have disappeared. But one remains... The Cold Ones," Carlisle and my faces turn towards the fire as we feel their gazes upon us for a second, "Our magic awakens when they are nearby. And we sense it now, we feel the threat in our blood. Something terrible is coming. And we must all be ready. All of us..."

The night ended and Billy shook Carlisle hand before I leaned down to kiss his cheek before the two of us as well as Victor and Paul headed towards the car. We all buckled in and Carlisle silently drove us back to the house, my mind thought about the crisis currently happening in Seattle when a hand engulfed my own. I looked and saw Carlisle had grasped my hand before turning to me and sending me a small smile for a second before focusing back on the road. I knew then that as long as I had my husband and my kids, everything would be fine, I hope.

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