23. It'll good to go back to school...I was wrong

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Hello my little Angels and Devils!
Sorry that it takes me so long to update, but I am currently finishing my school year so I may have more time to update.
Sincerely, Shinigami148

*Marissa's POV*

It had been about a month since Carlisle and I returned from our honeymoon and life couldn't be any better than it is now. The kids are starting school again, Victor is growing into a young man faster than I thought he would, Carlisle is back at work and I'm about to return from my maternity leave. I had just finished my shower and wrapped my body in a towel when Carlisle opened the door to the bathroom, "Good morning, my love," he said as he undressed and climbed into the shower .

"Good morning, Darling," I replied as I blow dried my hair before walking into our shared bedroom and pulling out a pair of baby pink panties with a matching bra before pulling on my outfit for the day, I chose to wear a pink long sleeve shirt with a grey above the knee skit and a pair of pink wedges. I grabbed my handbag and turned just as Carlisle appeared in front of me, "Have a good day at work, My Husband," I muttered pressing a chaste kiss upon his cold lips.

"You as well, My Wife," he replied and pulled me into a deeper kiss before pulling away and shooing me out of our room and downstairs.

I giggled as I saw Jasper and Alice waiting for me, "We wanted to ride with you today," Alice spoke as she pressed a kiss to my cheek.

"That's fine with me, my darlings," I replied as Jasper kissed my forehead.

We made our way out of the house and to my white Mercedes before we were off down the road, we chatted all the way to the high school. When I pulled into the parking lot, cheers echoed through the air as many students hollered and clapped about my return, we all laughed as I parked in my spot before climbing out. I waved at all the students before kissing both Alice and Jasper's foreheads before making my way into school. I was continually welcomed back to the school as I made my way to my classroom, I giggled as a group of students bowed towards me before I entered my classroom.

I sighed at the sight before placing my bag down and preparing my lesson of the day, I sat in my chair just as the school bell rang and students began to fill the class, when all the seats were full and the final bell had rung, I stood from my chair. With a wide smile I announced, "Class is in sessions," everyone cheered, "I've missed you all so much, I don't think I'll be taking that long of a leave any time soon."

Everyone laughed, "Alight, upon to chapter five..." I trialed off as I began my lesson.

-Time Skip-

I smiled as I grabbed my lunch and sat with Bella, Edward and their friends. As I walked over, I heard my say, ""My fellow students", right?"

Eric nodded along as I sat down next to Bella who smiled at me, "Yeah," Eric agreed before waving hello to me to which I returned with a gentle smile.

Mike waved a pen around the table before smiling and waving at me before continuing, "Right? "We are the future, anything is possible if you just believe"," he spoke to Jessica who only stared at him.

Angela nodded, "Nice," she agreed before smiling at me.

Mike then looked over the notepad he had in his hands, "Blah...blah...blah. Perfect, there you go, I just wrote your speech," he smiled sliding it over to Jessica, who only stared at before ripping the paper off the pad.

Jessica chuckled with a sarcastic smile, "No, this will be my speech when I want everyone to throw diplomas at my head. So..." she trailed off before crumbling up the piece of paper and throwing it at Mike who only blinked as it hit his head, "...thank you."

Eric turned to Jessica, "We are the bread and butter of all valedictorians," he told her with his arm around Angela who nodded along with him before turning to look at him.

"And that is why you are not a valedictorian," she stated.

Bella chuckled at the group before looking at me, "It just doesn't need clichés. The speech is gonna be epic," she stated.

Jessica looked at her sarcastically, "Epic? It'll change lives," she promised with a smirk. That's when Alice and Jasper joined us at the table, Jasper sat next to me and gently held my hand while Alice sat next to him cuddling into his side.

Alice smiled at even then battered her eyes at me, "I've decided to throw a party," she announced before giving me puppy dog eyes basically begging me to agree and get Carlisle to agree as well. I sighed and nodded my head telling her it was okay and that I would talk to Carlisle.

Jasper gives a sarcastic look to Edward before asking, "After all, how many times are we gonna graduate high school?"

Edward and I smile knowingly.

Angela smiled at us widely before asking, "A party, at your place?"

Jessica turned to look at them skeptically, "I've never seen your house," she stated shocked.

Eric leaned towards her and whispered, "No one's ever seen their house."

Edward looked at her skeptically as well, "Another party, Alice?" he asked.

Alice glared at him before stated through her gritted teeth, "It'll be fun."

Bella sighed, "Yeah, that's what you said the last time."

It was then that Alice spaced out and gently fell back into her chair, everyone looked at her weirdly before Bella got their attention by asking Angela, "Hey, Angela do you need any help with those?"

Everyone's attention snapped to Bella except Edward, Jasper and I, when she snapped out of her vision, she looked at the three of us scared and knowingly. She saw Victoria. She's back for revenge. I tapped Edward who looked at me, 'You need to get Bella away for the weekend, just in case' I thought causing him to subtly nod and hold Bella's waist a little tighter. I then turned to the group, "Well I better get going to prepare for my next class," I announced and said my goodbye before walking out of the cafeteria. That's when I pulled out my phone and dialed Carlisle's number, when he answered he said, "Hello Doctor Cullen speaking?"

"Carlisle," I started as I entered my classroom, "It's Marissa."

"Marissa?" he questioned, "What's wrong has something happened?"

I sighed, "Not yet, but something will," I paused looking out at the woods that surround the school, "Victoria's back."

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