1: Bella Comes Home

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*Marissa's POV*

I sat in the living room marking work that needed to be done before Dad and I had to go to the airport and pick up my little sister Bella. I'm a history teacher at the local high school in Forks, I'm the one teacher that takes their work seriously because I was determined that every one of my students pass. I had just finished grading Mike Newton's homework when my dad walked in and looked at me, "All you ever do is work. Why don't you go out and enjoy life instead of spending every second working," He said, "You need a social life, I know that I work a lot but I at least watch the game with Billy."

I sighed and put down Tyler Crowley's paper and looked up at dad, "Dad, I know, we have this conversation every week. But right now I just want to finish my work before we get Bella," I said and smiled, "I promise that while she's here I will at least try and enjoy life," he smiled and affectionately pet my hair. He turned and walked back upstairs as I continued grading homework.

*Time Skip*

Dad and I stood in the airport waiting for Bella, I looked around and smiled when I saw her walk away from the baggage claim and saw us waiting for her. I wrapped my arms around her as she walked up to us, "Welcome home Bella," I whispered in her ear and let go with a wide smile. We headed to the car after she and dad hugged I sat in the back while Bella sat in the front, it was slightly awkward, to say the least.

"Your hairs longer," dad commented keeping his eyes on the road.

"I cut it since the last time I saw you," Bella noted and looked down at her hair.

"Oh...it must have grown out again," Dad said and silence enveloped the car once again. As we pulled up to the house, I climbed out of the back and opened the trunk, grabbing Bella's bag. I followed the two up to the house as we entered the house I placed her bags down at the bottom of the stairs as Bella and dad walked inside he led her to the room she'd be staying in.

I smiled at the two and headed back into the living room to finish grading my class's homework. I had just finished grading Angela Webber's paper when a honk came from outside, I smiled and stood up from the couch and headed out the front door with dad and saw Billy Black and his son Jacob climbing out of the old red Chevy truck that was parked in our driveway next to my sleek white Mercedes-Benz and dad's cruiser. I smiled and hurried down the steps and hugged Billy, "Hello Marissa," he said and wrapped his arms around my shoulders.

"Always good to see you, Billy," I said and stood up straight to hug Jacob.

"Hey gorgeous," he flirted as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I internally sighed, 'Same old Jake, always flirting,' I thought as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders when Bella came out of the house.

I turned to her, "Bella you remember Billy Black right?" I asked with a smile.

"Yeah," she said, "You're looking good," she laughed quietly causing me to smile at her.

Billy smiled, "Still dancing, I'm glad you're finally here, Charlie hasn't shut up since you told him you were coming," he commented.

Dad shook and sighed, "Alright that's enough before I roll you in the mud," he threatened.

Billy rolled around to face him, "Not before I ram you in the ankles," he countered and chased dad down the driveway where they began to playfully fight. I chuckled and crossed my arms watching them amused before they walked back up the drive.

"So what do you think?" dad asked as he patted the truck.

"This?" Bella questioned pointed to the truck.

"It's your homecoming present," He said with a smile as she gushed about the car and climbed inside hitting Jacob with the door on accident. I laughed and headed back inside to get a head start on dinner, just as I was grating cheese for my famous homemade macaroni Bella and dad walked in and sat down at the table.

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