Chapter 11: Bella Goes to Prom and Mari Has Some Fun

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*Marissa's POV*

Its been almost a week and a half since Bella and I were admitted to hospital due injuries caused by James, and that week was spent in the hospital resting and the half was packing and travelling back to Forks. I was given another week off from work due to my injuries with full pay even though I'm not there. I spent most of my time off work with Dad and Carlisle together, when neither of them has work we go to get lunch together, go for walks being cautious of the sun and so much more. I also spent time with them separately, Carlisle has taken me on many dates while dad and I spend time watching football and talking together.

Bella, on the other hand, has been spending less and less time with Dad and more time with Edward. I don't blame after what happened the night that we left but she could at least spend some time with him after all he's been through.

There has been no sign of Victoria since the chase with James, but we know that she's out there somewhere waiting for us. And Laurent? He left for Alaska the same night Bella and I left for Forks and we've received a letter every few days from him telling us what has happened.

*Time Skip*

It was five days before prom for my children and I was currently helping my girls find dresses to wear while Carlisle took the boys to get their tuxes fitted. Rosalie and I scanned racks of dresses for Alice as she waited in the changing rooms for us to bring it to her, she had promised me not to use her powers to see what dress we will pick. We weren't finding anything until my eyes took notice of a sparkly navy-blue dress. I gasped causing Rose to turn to me and noticed what I was looking at, we turned to each other and smiled before I took it off the rack and looked for shoes.

I came across a pair of strappy silver heels that would match the dress perfectly, I picked them up and found a matching silver clutch before taking all the items to Alice who sat patiently for us. We waited outside in front of a set of mirrors as she exited the change rooms, our eyes widened at how beautiful my youngest looked in her dress. It was a fitted dress that hugged her small waist and flared a little at the bottom. Seeing our expression, she turned and gasped herself.

"I love it," she whispered, I smiled and stood up walking behind her. I placed my hands on her shoulders and put my chin on my right hand smiling at her through the mirror.

"Well," I started, "We've found your dress now we must find Rosalie's," Alice quickly changed out of her dress and paid for it before Rose sat in the change rooms and Alice and I looked for her dress. Again, Alice promised not to use her powers.

We spent about twenty minutes searching when once again a dress caught my eye, it was a dark pink off the shoulder A-line dress. I tapped Alice and pointed out the dress causing her to smile, she quickly grabbed it while I went to the shoes once more, after searching for a few minutes I found a pair of black peep-toe heels. I picked them up and headed to the accessories where I quickly found a rose clip, I giggled before picking it up and heading to the change rooms where Alice stood waiting for me.

We gave the clothes to Rose who quickly changed before exiting with a nervous face, Alice squealed while I brought my hands to my mouth in surprise and happiness. She turned to look in the mirror, gasping at her own reflection.

"It's perfect," she muttered, and venom tears brimmed her eyes. We quickly paid for the dress before climbing into Rose's convertible with me driving we headed to Seattle to do a little more shopping while the boys finished with their tuxes.

I laughed as we walked through the Shopping Centre with arms full of bags when Alice and Rosalie took ahold of my full arms and dragged me into a lingerie store, I shook my head as they scanned the racks. "Dad is going to go crazy when he sees you in this," Alice commented with a giggled, this caused my eyes to widen and turn to her with a shocked expression.

"Oh, come on mom," Rose stated, "All us kids are going to be out of the house all night while you and dad get a little...cozy," she spoke suggestively with a raise of her eyebrows. My cheeks glowed red as the threw lingerie at me before we headed to the register, we quickly paid for the items before hopping back in the car and started heading home. When we stopped at a pair of lights, a familiar jeep pulled up next to us, the passenger window rolled down to reveal Emmett.

"Hello ladies," he greeted. The girls and I giggled when the light turned green and we sped off faster than they could, we somehow made it back faster than the boys and we quickly hid the items in the girls' closet just as they entered the house.

"Did you girls have fun?" Carlisle asked pulling me into a loving embrace with a gentle kiss on my lips.

I smiled at the girls causing them to giggle, "We had a lot of fun," I said hiding my giggle as best I could.

*Time Skip*

It was prom night and I was helping the girls get ready, while Rosalie showered, Alice and I set up makeup and hair straightener as well as laid her dress on her bed for her. "So, have you thought about what you and Carlisle are doing while we're gone?" Alice asked with a smirk, I paused before turning to her.

"That's for me to know and for you not to find out," I said with a playful growl.

We laughed as Rose exited the bathroom and Alice entered it, I sat Rose down and begun doing her hair, I had straightened it out before curling the ends and putting her hair in a half up half down hairdo. I smiled at my work before pulling out the makeup, I applied a light blush with a natural eye look and a bold lip colour the same shade as her dress. She stood up as Alice walked out and carefully pulled on her dress after I zipped up the back, she began to work on Alice's short hair.

I began applying Alice's makeup which consisted of a natural eye with a wing eyeliner and a nude lip colour. Rose and I then helped her into her dress before the put on their heels and I put Rose's clip into her hair before we nodded in satisfaction. I quickly headed downstairs walking over to Carlisle as he wrapped an arm around my waist. The boys stood next to us minus Edward who left to pick up Bella, as the girls came down, their jaws dropped at the sight of their wives.

I pulled out my camera and took photos of them before they all climbed into their cars and left. Carlisle and I waved at the two cars that quickly left our sights before heading inside, we sat in the living room watching movies and drinking wine, well I was drinking wine Carlisle was drinking blood. Slowly though, my thoughts begun to change, I thought about what the girls had said at the lingerie store causing my cheeks to flush.

*Third POV*

Carlisle turned to see his girlfriend's eyes had glazed over like she was deep in thought, "Love are you alight?" he asked concerned.

She snapped out of her stupor, "Uh y-yeah!" she exclaimed before clearing her throat, "Yeah I'm fine," she stood up and walked out of the room and into the kitchen. She poured herself a glass of water, as she drank from it a pair of arms wrapped around her waist.

"Love," Carlisle stated, "If there is something you wish to tell me, you can," he reassured the woman in his arms.

Marissa slowly put down her glass before turning in his arms, she looked up at him and wrapped her arms around his neck. She gazed into his honey gold eyes as they're bodies moulded together, before pulling him into a deep kiss, he happily kissed back but soon the gentle kiss turned heated as Carlisle pressed Marissa against the counter and swiped his tongue across her bottom lip. She gladly opened for him, he slipped his wet muscle into her mouth and tangled it with her own. Marissa slowly trailed her hands down his chest as their tongues mingled in each other's mouths.

Her hand slowly made way to his jeans gripping onto the waist of it, Carlisle quickly pulled away, "Are...are you sure?" he asked, "I don't know if I will be able to keep control."

Marissa smiled, "I'm sure," she reassured, "I trust you," she pulled him back into a kiss before he wrapped her legs around his waist and raced up the stairs where they began to have their fun for the night.

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