12: Bella's Birthday Gone Wrong

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*Marissa's POV*

I smiled at dad as we entered Bella's room, "Happy birthday," dad greeted as he held a large flat present with a small camera on top of it

"I thought we agreed no presents," She drawled.

"Well the one form dad isn't wrapped," I said and took a seat on her bed, "So it doesn't count," I smirk as dad handed her the camera and the wrapped present form our mother.

She smiled bashfully taking the big purple bow off the small digital camera before looking up at dad, "That's actually great thanks," she said before dad handed her the wrapped present.

"This goes with it from you mom," he said as she unwrapped it, "We coordinated, well more like she coordinated me," Bella finished unwrapping the present to see that it was a scrapbook.

"It's to put your pictures in from senior year," I smiled and stood up.

"Senior year," dad muttered, "How did you get so old so fast?" he questioned with a smile causing me to stifle a giggle threatening to escape.

Bella looked up at him in shock and fear, "I didn't," she said, "It's not that old," I smiled and lent forward.

"I don't know," I whispered and moved a piece of her hair, "What is that a grey hair?" I muttered.

She jumped out of bed distressed, "No," she said and looked at where I had touched seeing there was no grey hair, she sighed and turned to us as I giggled, and dad raised his hands.

"Happy birthday," we said before exiting her room, I smiled as I made my way to my room to get ready for work, I quickly to a shower making sure to wash every part of myself before wrapping a towel around my body and one around my hair and leaving the bathroom. I walked into my room and grabbed a pair of grey dress pants and a black short-sleeve shirt before pulling them on. I looped a belt on to my waist before putting on my multiple necklaces and slipping a yellow jacket onto my body. I picked up and paperwork for school before putting it in my grey handbag and sliding my feet into a pair of black heels and heading out to my car.

I climbed in before placing my bag in the back seat before putting my key in the ignition and backing out of the driveway and making my way to school. I smiled seeing Bella taking a photo of her friends as I pulled into my parking space next to the principal's car, as I grabbed my bag, my door opened. I looked up and saw it was Emmett and Rosalie, "Good morning my darlings," I greeted as I climbed out of the car and Rosalie looped her arm around mine.

"Good morning mother," she replied as we walked to my classroom, I quickly open the door before setting down my bag.

"Are you excited about the party tonight?" I asked.

I heard Rose sigh, "Hell yeah, I am," Emmett cheered, I smiled at him before ruffling his short hair and pressing a kiss to their foreheads before I entered my classroom. I pulled out the homework that I had marked the night prior to the school day, I smiled and greeted my students as they entered the classroom ready to learn.

*Time Skip*

I smiled at Carlisle as I saw him standing next to my car, I made my way down to him before wrapping my arms around his neck and pressing my warm lips onto his cold ones. I giggled as he wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me off the ground spinning us in a circle before placing me down and pulling away from me. We smiled before he opened the driver's door for me, I climbed into the car before he closed the door and made his way to the passenger side and climbed in.

As I made my way out of the parking lot, Emmett's Jeep and Rosalie's convertible followed behind me. I laughed as Emmett drove up next to me before passing in front of me and speeding away, I looked at Carlisle and shook my head. As we pulled up to the house, Carlisle was already out of the passenger side and opening my door. I smiled as he took ahold of my hand and spun me out of my seat and wrapped his arm around my waist.

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