Chapter 7: Baseball Game

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*Marissa's POV*

I smiled at myself in the mirror, I was dressed in white jeans with a beige bunch turtleneck and a pair of black flats as well as my Cullen crest necklace draped around my neck. I smiled before heading downstairs to see dad cleaning his shotgun, "Hi Dad," I greeted, "I'm going with Carlisle to play baseball with his family, so I'll see you tonight," I kissed his cheek before heading outside to see Carlisle waiting with Edward in Emmet's jeep. He smiled at me as he and Edward climbed out of the car, as Edward made his way up to the house, Carlisle wrapped his arms around me.

"Hello, my love," he greeted and pressed his cold, frozen lips against my warm ones. I smiled into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck, wear his scarf lay, I giggled as he lifted me off the ground and spun in a circle. As we parted Bella and Edward made their way down the drive. I smiled at the two and opened the passenger door, as I went to climbing in Carlisle lifted me up by my hips and put me into the seat before buckling my seatbelt. I shook my head at him, he just winked and closed the door. After everyone had gotten into the jeep, we made our way out of Forks and into the forest.

I smiled as we drove across the rocky terrain, suddenly my hand was enveloped by a larger colder hand, my smile grew as I entwined our finger and turned to look at Carlisle. He looked at me out of the corner of his eyes and shot me a smile before focusing on the road, I then distracted myself by playing with his fingers. I looked into the rear-view mirror to see Edward smiling at me, I smiled back at him before we stopped, and my hand was no longer cold. I unbuckled my belt as my door was opened, and I was lifted out of my seat by my hips once again.

As I was placed on the ground, I put my hands upon Carlisle's chest, "You know," I started, "I can get in and out of a car myself thank you very much," I sassed.

Carlisle chuckled, "Well maybe I just enjoy grabbing my beloved's hips and seeing her smile," he replied before placing his scarf upon my shoulders.

"Hi, momma bear!" Emmett yelled from across the field causing me to look at him.

"Hello Emmett," I stated knowing he heard me from where I stood. I walked over to Rosalie who was throwing a bat between herself and Jasper, "Hello my darlings," I greeted the two before I was engulfed into a hug by Jasper who buried his head into my hair.

"Hi mom," Rose greeted with a sweet smile when she saw Jasper hugging me.

I felt Jasper smile into my neck when I wrapped one of my arms around his back and used my other hand to pet his head, "Hello mother," he whispered before letting go. I smiled and ran my hand through his messy blonde curls.

The two of them walked over to Alice as an arm wrapped itself around my slender waist, I smiled as I turned to Carlisle, "So since when do vampires play baseball?" I questioned as we walked over to the home base.

Carlisle chuckled, "Well it's an old American pass time and a thunderstorm's approaching so it's the only time we get to play," he replied as I stood behind Jasper who was playing both catcher and player as we were one vampire short.

"Call them as you see them, Bella," I said as thunder cracked above us. Suddenly Alice wound up her arm before throwing the ball so fast that my eyes couldn't follow it, Rosalie swung as hard as she could causing the ball to go flying into the dense forest. Rosalie took off around the diamond not even a second later.

"Okay now I see why they need the thunder," Bella commented as Edwards sped into the forest after the ball, "That gotta be a home run right?" she asked me still watching the game.

I smiled, "Edward's very fast," I commented just as Rosalie hit third base and the ball came flying back out of the forest and into Jasper's hand. Rose slid to home base a second after Jasper touched the base.

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