Chapter 10: The Battle for Our Lives

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*Third POV*

Bella and Marissa slowly made their way into the old ballet studio, they stopped for a moment and gazed around the room in search for their mother before taking a few steps forward. Then Renee's voice echoed throughout the room, "Bella? Bella? Bella, where are you?" she called.

"Mom," we whispered and hurried to the closet, we thought our mother would be in there but there was only a small T.V that showed an old recording of Bella and Renee when Bella was about seven or eight years old.

"What are you doing in here?" mom asked.

Younger Bella looked at her mother, "Everyone makes fun of me," she insisted.

"Come on, you're a wonderful dancer," mom urged.

"Mom, I suck," Bella continued to protest.

"You do not suck," Mom protested. Then a presence appeared behind the two girls and whispered into their ears.

"That's my favourite part," a male's voice taunted into their ears. They whipped around to come face to face with James, "You were a stubborn child, weren't you?"

He brushed their hair away from their necks, "She's not even here," Marissa sighed.

"No," James said, before pushing Marissa against the wall and put his mouth close to her ear, "Sorry. You know, but you two really made it too easy. So, to make thing more entertaining, I'm gonna make a little film of our time together," he pulled out an old video camera, "And action," he taunted.

He continued moving back and forth between the two girls, "This'll break little Edward's and poor Carlisle's heart," he smirked, Marissa's face turned sour.

"They have nothing to do with this!" she exclaimed and pushed him away.

James just pushed her back, "But they do," he whispered to the girls, "Their rage will make for a more interesting sport than their feeble attempts to protect you both. And let's continue," he finished and turned to Bella. Bella fidgeted for a few seconds before pulling out her pepper spray and immediately hitting James in the eyes, this caused him to pause. Marissa and Bella made a break for it, however, they did not make it very far as James chased after them, Marissa pushed her sister out of the way and James grabbed the back of her coat before throwing her into a pillar behind him.

Her head slammed onto the pillar as Bella crashed to the ground, James put the camera in her face, "Beautiful. Very visually dynamic," he spoke. Marissa turned over as blood gushed from her head, "I chose my stage well," he kneeled in front of her and grabbed her hand that sported blood on the palm, "It's too bad he didn't have the heart to change you, instead, he kept you this little fragile human. It's cruel really," he slowly stood up before hurrying over to Bella and slamming his barefoot down on her right leg causing her to scream.

"Tell Edward how much it hurts," he taunted, "Tell him. Tell him!" he started yelling.

"No Edward don't," Bella begged, suddenly a body slammed into James and threw him away from Bella. It was Edward. James crashed into a pillar as Edward rose from where he landed, suddenly James had taken Edward by the neck and pinned against one of the mirrors.

"You're alone," James taunted, "Cause you're faster than the others," James pulled him back before smashing him into the mirror and cracking it, "But not stronger," his gripped tightened.

Edward grunted, "I'm strong enough to kill you," he slipped out of James' grip and kicked him away before he kneeled down to Bella, "I'm sorry." He picked her up before rushing to the one he called mom and picked her bridal style. He jumped up onto the balcony where he entered only to be pulled down by James, Bella flew off his back and landed on the ground whereas Marissa flew into a mirror causing it to shatter upon impact. A large shard landed in her thigh and served the femoral artery in her leg.

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