19: Bella's Decision

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*Marissa's POV*

After letting go of Carlisle, I turned to the kids, "Do I get a hug or not?" I questioned with a mischievous smirk. Suddenly, I was engulfed in a hug by a single person, I looked down at the head buried in my neck and was met with short dirty blonde hair, I smiled and ran my fingers through his hair.

"I'm sorry momma," Jasper whimpered, I griped the sides of his head and pulled his face out of my neck to look him in the eyes. I saw his eyes were filled with venom that I knew would never fall, I smiled softly and gently rubbed my thumb across his cheek, he leaned further into my hand.

"My sweet baby boy," I whispered to him, "You have nothing to be sorry for," he smiled back at me and buried his head back into my neck. A small pair of arms wrapped around our legs, I looked down and saw it was Victor, then more pairs of arms wrapped around us. I smiled at the familiar feeling of family, everyone then pulled away and Carlisle wrapped a single arm around my waist.

"Now how about we all head home?" he suggested, I smiled and nodded as Victor, Carlisle and I made our way upstairs and the kids left to go to the house. I walked into my room and begun packing my bags, then I noticed that I was alone, I looked around before making my way to Vic's room to see Carlisle helping him pack.

"You excited about having siblings?" Carlisle asked with a warm smile.

Victor shrugged, "I guess," he muttered under his breath knowing Carlisle would hear him.

Carlisle looked at him before noticing me in the doorway, "What? Do you not want siblings?" he asked.

Victor stopped folding his shirt, "It's just...the way that the blonde guy hugged mom...I feel like she'll have less time for me," he sighed, my dead heart clenched at the words that left his mouth.

Carlisle speeded over and kneeled in front of him, he gently grabbed his shoulders and turned him to face him, "You're mother would never have less time for you," he spoke, "You will always be one of her top priorities in her life," he smiled and looked at me, "Why don't you ask her yourself?"

Victor turned to see me in the doorway, he looked down ashamed, I walked towards them and kneeled next to them and said, "Sweetheart, you will always be my top priority, even before this guy," I nodded to Carlisle who gave me an incredulous look, "I will always make time for my best boy," he looked at me and smiled before wrapping his arms around my neck. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his back and under his thighs before lifting him up and standing.

He laughed as Carlisle wrapped his arms around us both and we had our own little family hug. Carlisle let us go and I put Vic on the ground, when suddenly the front door opened and a familiar scent entered the house, "Marissa who else is here?" Paul called out.

I saw a flash go by me, I hurried after Carlisle to see him lunge at Paul and shoved him out the back door. I hurried out the door to see Paul had shifted and they were growling at each other, "Stop it both of you!" I yelled. But my calls fell upon deaf ears as they lunged at each other, a brawl had started, I watched as Carlisle gripped Paul's front and tried to shove him away.

It was futile however, Paul had overpowered him and threw him into a tree, Carlisle stood up form where he landed, they growl and stalked each other before running. Suddenly a cry came from behind me, "Stop it!" Victor cried with his hands over his ears, thunder and lightning cracked above us, the trees swayed with the wind as a tornado formed in the distance, heading straight for us. I turned and rushed to Victor replacing his hand with my own and having him look at me.

"Shh, shh," I shushed him, "It's okay mommy's here baby, mommy's here," I pushed his face into my neck as tears poured from his eyes, the thunder and lightning stopped, the tornado disappeared and the trees rested. I turned to the man I call my fiancé and the wolf that is my sons imprinter, I tilted my head and stared, "You," I pointed at Paul, "Shift back, get dressed then come inside and into the living room," I then pointed at Carlisle, "And you inside and in the living room...now," I demanded with compulsion.

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