2: Accident and Hospital

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*Marissa's POV*

I pried my eyelids apart as the annoying sound of my alarm blasted in my ears, I looked and saw it was about five forty-five in the morning; I sat up and stretched my arms above my head, today makes it the first week of Bella staying with us. As I was getting out of bed to pick my outfit, I saw the sun had started to peek over the horizon letting the orange and yellow rays flow into my bedroom. I walked to my closet I chose a dark plum coloured shirt and skirt with various patterns around it. I grabbed a pair of dark purple panties with a matching bra before I headed into the bathroom for a quick shower.

When I finished, I walked out with a towel wrapped around my hair to see Bella leave her room rubbing her eyes with one hand while holding her clothes with the other. I smiled at her as I entered my room and took the towel off my head before grabbing my hairbrush and pulling through my freshly washed hair. After my hair was done, I tied half of it up and grabbed my warm mid-calf high boots and slipped them on my feet before heading over to my vanity. I applied light make up consisting of light eye shadow, nude lip gloss and that was it, then I opened my jewellery box and pulled out a necklace made of onyx octagons.

After I clasped it around my neck, I picked up my black purse and headed downstairs to see Bella making breakfast and dad sitting at the table reading the paper. I smiled, "Good morning," I greeted them as I quickly buttered a piece of toast before kissing dad and Bella on the cheek and headed out.

I climbed into my car placing my bag next to me before reversing out of the driveway and heading down the road towards the school. As I pulled into the parking lot, I saw Edward's silver Volvo was parked next to his sibling's cars, as I was picking up my purse my door was opened. I looked up and saw Edward standing in front of me, "Good morning Miss Swan," he greeted as I climbed out of the car and he closed the door.

"Good morning Edward," I replied before locking the car and making my way into school with him next to me, "I hope you're feeling better now," I said as we reached my classroom.

Edward being, a gentleman, opened the door for me, "Yes ma'am just a bit sick," he said following behind me and over to the front desk. He leaned against it, "So my siblings tell me you're having a meeting with dad tomorrow, can I ask why?" he inquired.

I smiled, "There's no problem Edward, your father just wanted to meet me before Parent teacher evening," I told him setting up my lesson plan. He nodded and made his way to his desk just as the bell rang.

"Good morning Miss Swan," Mike said as he walked into the classroom hanging up his jacket.

I smiled, "Good morning Mr Newton," I replied as he took his seat.

*Time Skip*

"Remember guy's homework's due back next week," I called out over the chairs scraping and students heading out my classroom from their last class. I slowly packed my things when a student burst into the room panting, it was Jessica Stanley, one of Bella's friends.

She bent over and put her hand on her knee, "Miss Swan you gotta hurry," she said urgently through her panting.

"What happened?" I queried as I picked up my purse.

She looked up at me, "Bella's been taken to the hospital, there was an accident," she told me. I quickly made my way out while pulling out my phone.

I dialled dad's work number, "Fork police station, can I help you?" the receptionist said.

"Jerry," I said climbing into my car and grabbing my keys, "It's Marissa Swan, I need you to put Chief Swan on the phone now," I demanded, taking a quick breath.

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