3: Meeting or Date?

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*Marissa's POV*

I woke up before my alarm for a change, as I crawled out of my warm covers to see the sun hadn't begun to rise. I quickly turned off my alarm so it wouldn't ring while I take a shower before opening my wardrobe and picking out my outfit for today. I picked out a mustard yellow knee-length skirt with a white button-up blouse with rolled-up sleeves, I pulled out my thick braided dark brown belt, before leaving I grabbed my white matching bra and panties. I walked into the bathroom and started the shower before stripping down and climbing into the warm water.

I made sure to wash my hair thoroughly and wash every inch of my body with my strawberry and vanilla body wash. After I had finished and gotten dressed, I walked back into my room and applied a light amount of make-up before I walked downstairs to see dad at the kitchen counter, "You look nice," he commented with a smirk.

I blushed in embarrassment, "I dress like this all the time, it does not mean anything," I said as I opened the refrigerator and pulled out some fruit for breakfast. After I had eaten, I walked back up the stairs and into my room before sitting on my bed and pulling on my brown heels and grabbing my blue purse and mustard yellow scarf before walking towards my closet and pulling out my navy-blue coat.

I quickly put my watch on my left wrist and headed downstairs to see Bella making herself a quick breakfast, "You're going to have to make dinner tonight," I informed her, "I don't know how long I will," she turned towards me with a smirk.

"Maybe Dr Cullen will take you on a date," she teased causing me to blush. I sighed and kissed her head before leaving.

***Time Skip***

I t was the end of the day, and I stood in my classroom cleaning up the mess of paper before looking at my watch to see it was fifty-five minutes past three. I quickly made my way to the front entrance and stood by the door watching as the students hung around the parking lot laughing and talking with their friends. Suddenly, a black Mercedes-Benz entered the lot and parked next to my car, I took a deep breath as Carlisle exited the vehicle and made his way up to me. I smiled at him, "Four o'clock, on the dot," I commented.

He chuckled, "Well I didn't want to keep you waiting too long," he said as we made our way into the school and towards my classroom. I watched as teachers eyed him as we walked past them before we entered my classroom and closed the door.

"I take it that, that happens a lot," I commented as I took a seat behind my desk and Carlisle sat down in front of me.

He chuckled, "I honestly don't know what the fuss is about," he replied.

I smiled at him, "So Mr Cullen, what is it you'd like to speak about regarding your children?" I asked.

"Are they doing okay in your classes?" he questioned with a smirk.

"They're acing all my classes," I replied before fiddling with my hands.

"Well, that good to hear," he commented, "Since we're on a second name bases Miss Swan, I see that you're a family orientated woman and yet you have no ring on your finger nor did you come to the hospital with anyone yesterday."

My heart started beating faster 'Is Carlisle hitting on me?' I thought, "I am not married Dr Cullen nor am I in a relationship of any kind," I said with a smirk, "What about yourself?" I inquired realizing that he wasn't here to discuss his children.

He smiled at me, "I have not been with anyone in a very long time," he replied, "Perhaps we should move to a more appropriate setting," he commented.

"And where do you plan on taking me?" I asked.

He smiled seductively, "I have a nice bottle of red wine back at my house and the kids are away visiting family for the weekend and I'm sure the chief would be alright with his daughter spending the night if she's going to be drinking," he said, "Besides, what the harm of two adults getting to know each other?"

I chuckled under my breath, "I will have to grab a change of clothes," I said and packed away my belongings, he smiled and stood up with me before opening the door and followed behind me.

"I will follow you to your house then I can drive us to mine," he said as we exited the school and hopped into the cars. I smiled as I put my bag down on the passenger seat when I suddenly remember a Quileute legend. Being that were as cold as ice, and yet had the most alluring appearance. Cold ones. I shook my head as we pulled up to my house, I climbed out with Carlisle following closely behind me.

When I opened the door, I found Bella standing in the kitchen cooking, "So, how'd it go with the love doctor?" she teased.

This caused me to blush crimson, "Bella, he is standing right behind me," I muttered before making my way to the stairs.

"What's going on?" dad asked as he entered the kitchen just as I got to the stairs.

I turned to him, "I'm heading over to Carlisle's for a drink and he's allowing me to spend the night and will drive me back in the morning," I said and quickly made my way upstairs.

*Carlisle's POV*

I smiled as she walked up the stairs before I turned to Charlie, "It's great to see you again Charlie," I said and shook his hand, "I won't keep her too long but there was something I'd like to ask you," he tilted his head at me.

"And what would that be Carlisle?" he asked.

"I'd like your permission to date Marissa," I said with a smile.

Charlie's eye widened, "Uh, sure I guess," he said before walking away. Marissa then walked down the stairs, I smiled and took her bag before we headed back out to my car where I placed the bag in the trunk and slipped into the driver's side as she climbed into the passenger side and buckled in. I copied her actions and buckled my seat belt before starting down the road.

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