29: Rose's Story and Grad Party

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*Marissa's POV*

We arrived at the house quickly and I climbed out angrily before grabbing Bella by her good arm and dragged her inside before sitting her at the kitchen island, "Stay," I ordered and went upstairs and to Carlisle's office. I gently knocked and opened the door, Carlisle looked up hearing me enter, "Bella's downstairs with a broken hand," Carlisle smirked for a second before grabbing his doctor bag and walked downstairs with me.

I took a seat next to Rosalie who was reading the paper and glaring at Bella, I tapped her leg gently causing her eyes to glide over to me and soften upon my disapproving look. I smiled at her and gently to a hold of her hand as Carlisle fixed Bella's.

"It's just a sprain," Carlisle spoke, "It should heal fairly quickly," he smiled at Bella.

Emmett and Jasper then made their entrance, "Tried to walk and chew gum at the same time again, Bella?" Emmett joked as he hopped onto the counter and leaned around Carlisle.

Bella smirked at the attention, "I punched a werewolf in the face," She said proudly.

Emmett smirked, "Badass," he drawled, "You're gonna be one tough little newborn."

Bella smirked again, Tough enough to take you on?" she jokingly asked.

This caused Emmett to chuckle breathily before Rosalie threw down her paper and ripped her hand away from my own and stormed outside, "Don't worry about it," Emmett whispered.

I laughed, "Emmett she ahs a right to be upset," I stated causing them to look over at me as I stood from my spot, "You know how she feels about Bella's decision and why she doesn't agree to it like you did," I walked outside and stood next to Rosalie who's eyes were glistening with venom.

Not even a minute later, Bella walked out, "Go blather to someone else about the joys of becoming a newborn," Rosalie stated as she held my hand tightly.

Bella sighed, "Okay. Rosalie... I don't understand what I did, to make you hate me so much," she said with a frown.

This statement caused Rosalie to giggle slightly, "I don't hate you. I don't particularly like you, but... Bella, I envy you," I squeezed Rosalie's hand staying quiet.

"What?" Bella questioned, "That's ridiculous."

Rosalie shook her head and stated, "No, it's not. You have a choice. I didn't. None of us did, not even your own sister," this statement caused me to squeezed her hand a little harder, but no cracks formed, "But you do, and you're choosing wrong. I don't care how miserable your human life is."

Bella smirked and shook her head appalled at the thought, "My life is not miserable. It's not perfect, but nobody's life is perfect," she stated which cause Rosalie and me to giggle a little bit.

Rosalie, eyes still lined with venom look out into the woods, "Mine was," she muttered loud enough for Bella to hear, "Absolutely perfect. "

Bella's face scrunched in confusion, "It was a long time ago, maybe you're forgetting the bad," she suggested and walked a little closer to us.

Rosalie smiled sadly as she lamented, "I remember. And it was perfect. Till the end..." She turns toward the river. Bella slowly move to our side, "I had... almost had... everything, even though it was the Great Depression. I was eighteen, beautiful—everyone in Rochester envied me. There's only one thing I wanted that I didn't have...I wanted a child badly. A home of my own, a husband to kiss me when he came home from work. And I thought I was going to have all of that... Royce King was the most eligible bachelor in town. I barely knew him. But I was young. I was in love with the idea of love. I was young...on the last night of my life, I left a friend's house late. I wasn't far from home. I didn't see who he was until that night. Who they all were...they left me in the street, all of them thinking I was dead. Believe me, I wanted to be. Carlisle found me; he smelled all the blood...thought he was helping me."

Bella feeling sorry for Rose said, "I'm sorry."

Rosalie smirked as I wiped the venom out of her eyes, "I got my revenge on them. One at a time. I saved Royce for last, so he'd know I was coming. I was a little theatrical back then. Things got better after I found Emmett," Rose smiled happily, "But we'll always be this. Frozen, never moving forward. That's what I miss the most, the possibilities. Sitting on a front porch somewhere, Emmett grey haired by my side, surrounded by our grandchildren, their laughter."

Bella turned to face us more causing Rose and I to look at her, "I understand, that's what you want," she stated, "But there's nothing I'll ever gonna want, more...than Edward."

Rosalie shook her head and I scoffed, "You're wrong again. After you've been changed, there's one thing you'll want more...one thing you'll kill for..." I stood closer to her and leaned towards her ear to whisper, "Blood."

-Time Skip-

A few days had passed, and Carlisle and I were sitting in the rows of students and family at the senior of Fork High School Graduation, Jessica was up at the stand in a yellow grad dress and cap, "When we were five, they asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up. Our answers were things like astronaut, president, or in my case, a princess," the crowd giggled with her, "When we were ten, they asked again. We answered Rockstar, cowboy, or in my case, a gold medalist. But now that we've grown up, they want a serious answer. Well, how about this, "Who the hell knows?"," at this statement everyone laughed again, "This isn't the time to make hard and fast decisions, this is the time to make mistakes. Take the wrong train and get stuck somewhere. Fall in love. A lot," she sighed, "Major in philosophy because there is no way to make a career out of that. Change your mind and change it again, because nothing's permanent," I smiled at this and took a hold of Carlisle's hand, "So make as many mistakes as you can. That way, someday when they ask what we wanna be, we won't have to guess. We'll know."

Everyone clapped for her and the students that passed the stage, Charlie and I decided to be embarrassing and stand up to clap for Bella causing her to duck her head and hurry off.

-Time Skip-

Night had come very fast, and our house was now filled with drunk teenagers, I was hiding with Carlisle in his office. I giggled as Carlisle sucked gently on my neck, he was sitting in his office chair with me in his lap, he had gotten my shirt off and now his hands were roaming my body. I moaned slightly feeling his hand grip my rear harder, "Mm, is someone feeling a little hot and bothered?" I asked, looking down at Carlisle with a smirk.

Suddenly I found myself thrown onto his desk with a loud thud, I gasped as my skirt was lifted, I sat up on my elbows as he got between my legs, "Seems like I'm not the only one my love," he chuckled and trailed a finger un and down my heat.

I gasped feeling my panties move to the side and his finger slid into me with little resistance, soon Carlisle had three finger pumping into me, I moaned at the feeling, getting close to my release when two voice made us stop.

"Alice was wrong?" we heard Bella ask.

"The decision's been made," Alice stated solemnly.

"You're not going to Seattle," Bella said.

"No," Alice whimpered, "They're coming here."

Carlisle and I looked at each other, this wasn't good.

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