Difficult Decision

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"Oh my god", I whispered, my voice just as shaky as the rest of my body as I sunk down to my knees. "Shhh", Ross attempted to calm me, cradling my petite figure. "It'll be okay Kendall".

"How can you even say that?!", I exclaimed. "That weasel has my entire career under his thumb! If he really wants to, he can destroy everything I have with the simplest thing of making us public knowledge! So right now this is anything but okay, Ross!"

"Well we could just give him the money then", Ross suggested as the two of us stood up again. "I'll pay half of it". I looked at him in disgust as he said this, wondering if he even understood the severity of the situation. "That man is not getting a single penny from me Ross! Or you for that matter!"

"Then what're we going to do about it then?". I paused for a moment once Ross asked that. "I don't know", I replied softly. "But stop saying 'we', Ross. This is my problem, not yours. Geoff couldn't care less about you". I quickly regretted saying this, knowing that I'd unintentionally taken my anger out on Ross.

"Excuse me for wanting to help you, Kendall!", Ross suddenly exploded, his shouts booming around the room. "But no, I'm sure you'll be fine; I'll just leave then". He made his way towards the door, opening it halfway before I quickly shut it again. "Ross, please", I stopped him. "I need your help".

He stood with his back against the door in complete silence, not even looking at me. This lasted for what felt like an eternity before he sighed and suddenly pulled me into a tight embrace. "You're so stubborn at times", Ross whispered into my hair. "I wouldn't be a Hart if I wasn't stubborn", I laughed. "True", Ross chucked in agreement. "Look, I know you'll want to deal with this by yourself Ken, but just know that I'll be here to help you in any way that I can".

"I already knew", I said, meeting my gaze with Ross'. "And I'll tell you now that I'm going to need your help. I have no idea what to do Ross".

"We'll we've got so long to decide. I mean, six days, wow...", Ross joked, earning a sharp punch in the arm from myself. "But seriously, you'll make the right decision, I'm sure. First though, let's go home before we get locked in".

"Okay", I spoke, barely audible, then picked up my boots and followed Ross out of the stadium.

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