The Call

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I awoke the next morning to what felt like a hammer banging within my head. Safe to say winning the league had been a cause for celebration; I may have taken the extent of that a tad too far.

Opening the satin curtains of my bedroom faced me with blue skies and a glistening sun, as if it was late morning by now. With this in mind, I checked my clock to see that it was 10:45; I had 15 minutes to get to the training ground for the team's post-season briefing, and Andy would be far from happy if I was late.

In a state of panic, I threw on the first clothes in sight, pulled my hair up into a ponytail, grabbed my keys and pretty much sprinted out of my apartment to the car - Usain Bolt style in my opinion.


I arrived at the stadium at 10:59, leaving me one minute to get to the meeting room. Bursting through the door, panting from running so fast, I noticed everyone was already here and waiting for me.

"3..2..1", Andy counted down, looking at his watch. He then looked up at me, raising his eyebrows at my probable rosy-pink state. "So I see we are all here on time...just. Sleep in much, Kendall?" He smirked at me as I sat down, attempting to calm me breathing. "Pfft, of course not", I smirked in reply, earning a small laugh from the rest of the team.

Andy proceeded to begin his presentation, before a knock at the door interrupted him. In walked Sandy, the receptionist, explaining that there was an urgent call for me at the front office. I followed her to the office, thanked her as she left and picked up the phone.

"Hello, Kendall Hart speaking", I cheerfully spoke to the recipient. "Hello Kendall, this is Roberto Martinez, manager of the Everton male squad". Confused as to why Roberto Martinez would be calling me, I asked, "Oh, erm, how may I help you, Mr Martinez?"

"Call me Roberto, please. So, originally I wanted to discuss this matter in person, but I'm afraid I am spending the majority of my summer on business in Italy, so the phone is the only option. I have been watching your performance for Everton Ladies FC this season, and I must say I am rather impressed".

I thanked him, waiting for him to continue. "It's a real shame, Kendall, that Everton Ladies isn't a professional team, as I believe you could make it big in the football industry. So I have a proposition for you".

"I have discussed this with the FA and they thankfully have agreed to it. I would like you to play for the Everton male squad, as the first ever woman to play for a senior, professional, male football team."

For what seemed like an eternity, I remained completely speechless, unable to process what Roberto had just offered me. He wanted me to play in the men's Premier League? For a side as big as Everton? I knew that this wasn't a joke, but couldn't quite bring myself to believe it.

"Hello?", Roberto asked, concerned that I had hung up on him. Finally, I managed to stutter a reply of sorts. "I, erm, yes- yes I'm still here. I'm sorry, I'm just a bit shocked, that's all."

"Completely understandable, Kendall. I have just sprung all of this on you out of nowhere...I would completely understand if you were to reject my offer."

"No!" I suddenly shouted, probably startling Roberto. "No", I spoke more calmly, "no...I- I- I accept your offer Roberto. I would love nothing more than to join your squad."

His tone spoke triumph as he replied. "That's fantastic, thank you Kendall. I shall be sure to have someone meet with you to discuss contract details etc. within the next few days. Then I shall see you in July when the squad begins our pre-season schedule. Goodbye Kendall."

"Thank you for this opportunity Roberto, I won't let you down, I promise that. Goodbye".

I hung up the phone and slumped back in my chair, a large grin spreading across my face. So much of my life had just changed within the last five minutes, it felt like a dream.

But now was my chance; I may have just made it.

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