Late Cancellations

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A/N I changed the name of Kendall's adoptive mam from Diane to Judith so as to avoid confusion between her and Ross's mam who in reality is actually called Diane


Christmas Eve soon arrived and I was prepared to travel down to Shrewsbury to spend Christmas Day with Charles, Louise and Joe. Leading up to the day I'd become increasingly more excited; my first Christmas with my real family. Judith and David would be there, but I still classed them as family; they did raise me for 19 years after all.

"You ready yet?", Ross shouted as he entered my apartment. He had offered to give me a lift to the train station since his parents didn't live too far from there. I would have driven to Shrewsbury myself, but since the recent weather had consisted of torrential snow, I thought it safer to get the train.

"Yeah, just a second!", I shouted in reply, sighing at how impatient Ross could be at times. "Don't worry, sir, I shall waste no more of your precious time", I remarked sarcastically, throwing my bag over to Ross to put in his car. "Ha. Ha. Ha. Just get in the car". I threw my hands up defensively as I stepped into the car, earning a broad smirk and shake of the head from Ross.


We arrived at the train station with a half hour until my train was due. Before I could say no, Ross was getting my bag out of the back of his car and opening the passenger door for me to get out. "Such a gentleman", I complemented jokingly as I shut the car door. "That's one of my many special qualities", Ross boasted with a grin. "You love it", he winked. "I wouldn't count on it if I were you", I sniggered at him.

A comfortable silence fell between us during which we just smiled at each other. Ross then gripped my shirt, pulling me closer to him before wrapping his arms around my waist as mine locked around his neck. My chin rested on his shoulder, our cheeks grazing against one another's.

We remained like this for a while, no words said, before pulling away slightly to face each other. "Kinda early, but Merry Christmas Kendall", Ross whispered due to the minimal gap between us. "Merry Christmas", I repeated in reply.

Ross's arms then dropped from my waist before I released his neck. "I have to go, but promise you'll call when you get to Shrewsbury?". I merely nodded to answer his question, before one last smile was exchanged between us; Ross then left, leaving me to make my way to the platform and wait for the train.


I wrapped my arms further around myself to try and stay warm as the temperature began to fall dramatically; just as night fell, also. I had been sat on the same green bench for hours now, waiting patiently for the belated train. Due to the weather, it had been delayed, but now I spotted that a man was walking up to each person waiting and talking to them before they started to leave.

Soon the man was standing in front of me. "Miss?", he questioned to get my attention. Looking up at him to acknowledge him, he began to explain himself. "I'm afraid the train has now been cancelled, as there is no way that it can travel through the snow. We are attempting to clear the snow, but the tracks won't be clear until Boxing Day at the earliest. Is there anywhere you can stay?"

Thoughts racked through my mind as the man spoke. I mean, I could go back home, but it was a half hour car journey from the train station. At 11:00 at night and in temperatures of now -10 degrees, there was no way I'd make it home whilst walking.

The man looked on impatiently as I thought, before I eventually stood up and walked away from him, out of the train station. For a while, I kept on walking without knowing where I was even going. When I regained 'consciousness' from my thoughts, I found myself stood at the front door of what I realised to be Ross's parents' house. Somehow, I had remembered the route from when Ross told me to come here if I was ever in an emergency situation, since he spent most of his time here.

Without further hesitation, I knocked hopefully on the door. Thankfully the door soon opened, revealing a rather shocked Ross in front of me. "Oh my god!", Ross gasped as he pulled off his jumper and wrapped it around my shivering body. "Are you okay?".

I tried to speak but my teeth chattered every time I opened my mouth. "", I eventually stuttered. Ross hurriedly pulled me inside the house, holding me tightly against his warm chest to try and up my body temperature. All I could do was shake against him.

"Who was at the door Ross?", I heard Ross's mum Diane call before she entered the hallway. "Oh, Kendall", she spoke, surprised. "It's nice to see you again. But shouldn't you be with your family now?". "Her train got cancelled, mum", Ross replied for me. "Can she stay with us?".

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that", Diane spoke genuinely, "But yes, of course she can stay. Firstly though, I think Kendall needs a cup of something extremely warm, she's shivering. Come into the living room, dear". Ross guided me further inside, sitting me down on a leather sofa. He placed himself next to me, allowing me to cuddle into him; my head cushioned on his shoulder, my legs held over his knees.

"You feeling somewhat warmer yet?", he asked, brushing a few strands of my short hair out of my face. I nodded as my eyelids struggled to stay open, before I eventually allowed them to close as I drifted off into a sleep.

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