"You're not my...are you?"

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Upon arriving back in Liverpool, I headed straight to my parents' house. Determination seeped through my veins; I was determined to uncover the truth, whether that be nicely or harshly.

I knocked at the front door, dad opening it quickly after. "Hello love", he spoke cheerily, "Come on in". I laughed a little at how amused he seemed, following him inside and through to the living room where mum was sat.

"Hi sweetheart", she smiled as she noticed me. Returning her smile, I perched on the edge of the sofa. "So what can we do for you Kendall?", dad asked, raising his eyebrows as I faced him.

"Erm, there was something I wanted to ask you both...", I spoke gingerly, still contemplating how to ask them this. "Mmhmm?", mum mumbled, seeming to have an idea of what I wanted to ask. "Go on?"

"Erm...I had an interview after the match, and there was this one question that has really puzzled me", I looked up at them both as they listened intently. "What was that?", mum asked sweetly. "Is Joe Hart my brother?"

A shocked silence filled the room once I asked the question. Both mum and dad glanced at each other before mum started speaking, trying to laugh through her words. "Kendall you shouldn't believe everything some people tell you-", she chuckled before dad interrupted seriously. "Judith, stop", he hushed her, gazing sternly into her eyes. "It's time".

I was rather confused at this point, questioning, "Time for what?". Mum cleared her throat before starting to explain.

"Kendall, there's something we need to tell you." Already I knew what I was about to discover, but felt the need to assure myself. "You're not my...are you?" The two of them shook their heads in sync. "Your biological parents? No", dad spoke solemnly before mum informed me of my 'story'.

"Not long after me and your dad were married, we discovered that we were unable to conceive a child. At the time, we lived in Shrewsbury, our best friends undoubtedly being Charles and Louise Hart. They had a child, Joe, who at the time was 6 years old. Your dad and I longed for a child of our own, and when Louise fell pregnant, her and Charles made us an offer we simply couldn't refuse."

Tears began to fill her eyes and soon dad stepped in to talk as she couldn't continue. "They asked us to adopt the baby when it arrived, and so we agreed. However your mother and I wanted the baby to keep the surname 'Hart', and so that we could wait for the right time to tell you about this, we made the decision to move to Liverpool, so that you wouldn't question anything whilst growing up".

I sat in silence, processing everything that I was suddenly being told. "So basically Joe is my brother and I'm adopted", I confirmed; they nodded in silence. "Why have you never told me until now?"

"We didn't think you were ready", "You were too young to know", they spoke softly as anger of sorts erupted within me. "I'm 19! At what age were you planning on informing me of this?!" I got up to leave before dad's hand on my arm stopped me. "Kendall, please", he calmly pulled me back.

"We're so sorry", mum choked through her tears. I felt sorrow for the pair now, and allowed myself to calm down before I spoke again. "It's fine. I understand", my voice became muffled as tears welled up in my eyes.

I sniffed them back as I continued. "You know, I'll still think of you two as my parents. You raised me since the day I was born, and nothing's going to change that. However I do want to meet Charles and Louise, and I want to get to know them as well as Joe."

They nodded in understanding, before I got up and hugged them both, now struggling to hold back the tears that prickled my eyes.

She's a Man's World - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now