Do I Look Ugly?

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For the past two weeks Joe and Ross made it their priority to visit Kendall every day. Both had become somewhat restless, especially Ross as he was constantly having to travel to and from Liverpool.

"Coffee, please", Ross yawned as he struggled to keep his eyes open. "Long day, huh?", the waiter joked. "Yeah, give or take around 13 days", Ross mumbled in reply as the two chuckled. He paid for the coffee before turning around to face an excited-looking doctor.

"She's awake", the doctor announced, immediately causing Ross's face to light up at those words. "Can I see her?", he asked eagerly before hurriedly following the doctor to Kendall's ward.

Kendall's POV:

Finally I found myself with enough energy to keep my eyes open. I lay in wait since the doctor had informed me that there was someone here who had been waiting to see me.

The curtain slid open, revealing a tired-but-overjoyed-looking Ross standing before me. An overwhelming feeling rushed through me, and I felt myself become instantly happier. It felt like it had been so long since I last saw Ross, and I knew nothing more than to suddenly force myself up to a sitting position.

"Woah, woah!", Ross exclaimed as I sat up, instantly throwing his arms around me to hold me steady. Our faces were inches apart at this point, allowing me to re-familiarise myself with his features. "I take it you're wanting to sit up then", he jokingly whispered. I nodded eagerly as Ross positioned the pillows behind me, keeping one arm around me before gently helping me lean back.

"So how are you feeling then?", he asked softly, sliding his hand into mine and squeezing it gently. "Me? I'm great. I feel like I'm floating on clouds with dancing ponies!", I exclaimed sarcastically. Ross smirked to himself before we both burst out laughing. Suddenly flashbacks graced my mind; flashbacks of moments like this since we first met all those months ago.

Until this moment I hadn't realised it, but almost all of a sudden I began to feel a slight breeze on the right side of my head. Slowly I reached my hand up to touch my head. Surprise sparked within me as instead of my usual long, thick hair, there was nothing but short and prickly stubble. My eyes met Ross's, who was watching me with a now solemn expression. "They, erm, they had to shave the side of your head to operate".

"Do I look ugly?", were the first words that came to mind after a prolonged silence. "No, of course you don't!", Ross gasped at my question. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a mirror lying on a nearby table, but knew I couldn't reach it. "Pass me that mirror?", I asked Ross, gesturing to the object. "Kendall-", Ross began before I interrupted him. "Please? Pass me the mirror?".

Ross seemed annoyed at this but sighed and handed the mirror to me. I closed my eyes for a second, almost like I was preparing myself, before opening them to glance at my reflection.

"You were lying to me Ross", I choked through the tears that were now pouring from my eyes. A now agitated Ross snatched the mirror from my hands, gaining my attention as he placed his hands on each side of my head.

"Kendall, listen to me! With or without your hair, you are beautiful. Nothing is going to ever change that. In fact, I'd say that not having all of your hair would make you even more gorgeous, but that's not going to happen until you realise that it isn't a big deal".

His words hit me hard, but I partly smiled as I knew that he was right. I would've have told him this but found myself stopped as the doctor re-entered. "I hate to shoo you away so soon Mr Barkley, but visiting hours are up I'm afraid". Ross nodded before the doctor left and he turned to face me again.

"Alright then. Erm, since we have a match at Swansea in two days I won't be able to come and see you until next week, sorry". "It's fine. I'll be cheering you and the rest of the team on from here", I replied, squeezing his hand in reassurance.

He stood up to leave, but then leant down to kiss my forehead rather than saying "goodbye". He left without another word, everything he had wanted to say being communicated through that kiss.

Leaning back again, I sighed as I thought of what he had said the last time I had heard his voice. Just now, he hadn't spoken anything like he had then. Had I really just imagined it?

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