Just Be Honest

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Awaking the next morning, the constant beeping of my phone rang in my ears. I checked it to see I had several messages telling me to read the latest story about myself. Jessica, an old friend of mine, had sent me the link to read the article.

"Battle of the Blues

Everton stars Kendall Hart and Ross Barkley fight each other in the War of Jealousy.

Both 19 year olds spent last night on dates at the same restaurant, blatantly attempting to make one another jealous. Hart arrived at the restaurant alongside teammate Gerard Deulofeu, before Barkley entered with an unknown girl in tow.

The pair then proceeded to exchange competitive looks all night, before jealousy pushed each of them to edge and even concluded in Hart storming out of the restaurant in central Liverpool.

So what does this mean? Do Kendall Hart and Ross Barkley secretly care for each other? Were they using jealousy to admit these feelings for one another?"

I shouldn't have paid much attention to it but the article only created several questions in my mind. It was then that I remembered the reason for Gerard knowing about the rose; Ross had been having a conversation about me with someone else. I just had to find out who.


I entered the training ground, walking onto the pitch to see the majority of the team already there with the exception of Ross and a few others. It was the perfect opportunity to ask who had spoken to Ross yesterday, with Phil replying that he and Ross had had a conversation about me.

"Look, I know Gerard was listening in on that conversation, because he knew to get me a white rose last night and Ross was the only one that knew they are my favourite. I just want to know what else got said", I explained whilst Phil nodded along.

"Kendall, I would tell you what got said, but I'm not the person you need to hear it from. You need to talk to Ross", he informed me, placing a hand on my shoulder when he saw the disappointed look on my face. "I'd also ask what was wrong, but I read the article this morning. For once I think the reporter is right".

"Right about what?", I questioned, confused. Phil raised an eyebrow at me, signifying that I should know, but I couldn't read anymore into it. He ran off before I could say another word, leaving me facing Ross, who had just arrived.

I simply glared at him, waiting for him to speak first. "I erm, I take it you saw the article then?". "Yep", I replied, my tone communicating my anger and upset towards him. It fell silent for a few moments before he asked another question. "Is it just me or do you think they're right? We're using jealousy to hide feelings?"

I shrugged, despite knowing that I agreed with him. "I don't know Ross, but if I was trying to make you jealous it certainly worked didn't it?". "What do you mean?", he demanded an answer. "Well you did spend all of last night glancing over at me, then glaring at Gerard like you wanted to kill him every time he did something to make you jealous. Then you would try to do something that would make me wish I was that girl you were with last night. The spite in your eyes made it obvious how jealous you were, just admit it".

"I wasn't jealous", he shouted, trying to laugh so as to back up his point. "You were the one that stormed out of the restaurant so I'd say you were the jealous one here". I shook my head as he continued, trying my hardest to deny everything.

"Don't deny it Kendall, you were jealous. I, on the other hand, had no reason to be jealous-". I could tell that Ross was lying and was quick to point this out. "Ross", I interrupted him, "Just be honest...and I'll be honest with you".

He contemplated my suggestion for a few moments before nodding solemnly. "Okay", he started, "you really want the truth?" I nodded, biting my lip cautiously whilst he continued. "I was jealous from the moment I heard about you and Gerard going on a date. He was talking about it after you left yesterday, mentioning where he was taking you etc. So I decided to go to the same restaurant last night, in hope that I could make you feel just as jealous as I was. I hoped that you felt the same way about me as I feel about you".

I listened to his every word, realising that his thoughts were exactly mine. We had both had the intentions of making each other jealous, hoping that we felt the same way about each other. My heart told me that Ross did actually have feelings for me, but my head wouldn't allow me to believe it unless I heard it from Ross himself.

"If you were hoping that I felt the same way about you as you feel about me, how do you feel about me?", I locked my gaze with Ross as I asked this, raising my eyebrows in hope of a truthful answer. His eyes glistened with the longing to tell me what I wanted to know, but time seemed to be against us.

"Kendall! Ross!", Roberto called out to us. "How about you two finally join in with training today?!", he asked impatiently. Both Ross and I sighed, but not another word was said as we jogged over to everyone else.

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