The First Game/The First Interview

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Eventually all of pre-season was complete and the team felt ready for the start of the season. There was a good vibe within the team; we all felt like this season was going to be a good one.

Our first match would be away to Norwich. We all knew it was going to be a tough game; they have some good players and Chris Hughton is a really good manager.

"Okay everyone, listen up", Roberto called as he entered the changing rooms. Along with everyone else, I went to sit down on the benches, but found all the space taken up. "Seriously? Do I have to sit on the floor or something?" I questioned a tad angrily, gesturing to the benches. "Course not Kendall", I heard Gerard reply softly as he gently grabbed my wrist.

I was expecting him to just move over so I could sit down, but was rather surprised when I found myself being pulled onto his lap. His finely toned arms wrapped around my waist, subtly pulling me closer to him. For some reason, I felt a sudden rush of heat to my cheeks, something that failed to go unnoticed by the men.

There was an eruption of laughter as Leon cried out, "Aw look at her! Bless, I think someone fancies Gerard!" My head sunk to the palms of my hands at this, before I heard Leighton Baines remark, "No no no, by the look on Gerard's face, I think someone fancies Kendall!"

The laughter continued until an impatient Roberto silenced them. "We done, yeah? Good, now listen to me, no more interruptions. The starting XI today will be as follows: (3-5-2) Howard; Baines, Jagielka (c), Coleman; Oviedo, McArthy, Barkley, Barry, Deulofeu; Lukaku, Hart. The bench will be: Joel, Distin, Stones, Osman, Mirallas, Naismith, Kone."

We all nodded in sync as Roberto spoke about the teams and tactics, before we had to head to the tunnel. "Hey", I nudged Ross, "you better give me and Rom some good service upfront today", I joked, only earning a dirty look from him. "Don't you worry Kendall, I'm sure Gerard will have that covered", he snapped before rejoining the team line away from me.

I didn't have time to feel hurt by his words or question them at all as the next thing I knew we were headed out onto the pitch. "This is it", I thought to myself as the stadium's atmosphere engulfed me overwhelmingly, "Time to make history". As usual, we shook hands with all of the opposing team's players, before the referee blew the whistle to get the game underway.


The score was 0-0 at half time, and in all honesty, nothing much had really happened. Norwich had had a few chances and so had we, but none had amounted to anything.

There was one chance for us though, where Ross had the ball in midfield. I was standing in acres of space and if he had passed to me I would've had a clear goal scoring chance, but instead he only glared at me before trying to find Rom, who couldn't keep the ball when Ross made the pass.

"Barkley, what the hell was that!" Roberto practically screamed as soon as Ross entered the changing rooms, referring to the chance where I could've scored. I was stood by Roberto waiting for an answer from him also, but found myself let down when Ross simply shrugged. "Well I expect you to make up for it in the second half Ross, that wasn't good enough", Roberto explained before Ross shrugged again and then barged past me, almost knocking me over.

Luckily Gerard had been standing close by and placed a hand on my back to prevent me from falling. I flashed a grateful smile to him, but he was already off starting an argument with Ross. "Hey! You could've knocked Kendall over just there!", Gerard shouted angrily. "Do I look like I care?!", Ross snarled back, a blank expression plastered on his face. "You'll care when I'm done with you!", Gerard again shouted, then proceeded to shove Ross roughly in the chest.

Until now, everyone had merely been onlookers to the situation, but as it began to look as though a fight may break out, Phil decided to step in. "Woah, lads, calm it. We're a team, right?" Phil glanced at both of them as they solemnly nodded. "Then no more fighting between ourselves, save it for on the field against the opposition!"

With that, the conflict was over and the team began to head back out onto the pitch. I walked back out with Phil and Leighton, thanking Phil for his intervention. "It's no problem Kendall. However I do think that two certain people have taken rather the interest in you. One certain someone has been desperately vying for your attention whilst the other certain someone becomes increasingly more jealous."

I barely understood a word he said as he spoke so quickly, and then didn't have time to question him as he immediately ran off. Getting into position I glanced from Gerard to Ross, taking Phil's words into consideration. Yes, it was blatant to me that Gerard liked me, but Ross? It would explain his recent behaviour towards me as Gerard constantly attempts to flirt, but I just couldn't see him feeling that way.

I was shook out of my thoughts as the whistle blew for the start of the second half.


The game finished 2-2 with van Wolfswinkel and Whittaker scoring for Norwich whilst Ross and myself provided Everton's goals. We were informed that, as the goal scorers, we were wanted for an interview, and so made our way to the press room.

"That was a great assist today to give me my goal by the way", I broke the extremely awkward silence as Ross had shown no intention to. "I was aiming for Rom", he mumbled loud enough for me to hear, as well as making me now rather annoyed with him.

"Ross, have I done something wrong? Because recently you've been nothing but short with me. You try to avoid me as much as possible and then look like you want to kill me when I finally get to say something! I honestly don't know what I've done so if you'd care to tell me...?" He merely looked at me but didn't have time to reply as we were informed that the interview was about to take place.

"You're live in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!"

"So now I have Everton's goal scorers with me, Ross Barkley and Kendall Hart. Ross, how tough a game was that today and do you feel you should have come away with the 3 points?", the interviewer blabbed. Ross began to answer, his thick Liverpudlian accent rolling off the tip of his tongue. I wasn't paying attention to what he was saying, but there was something even about his accent that just left me mesmerised.

"Yes, now Kendall, you're the first ever female footballer to be part of a predominantly male team. How are you settling in to the new squad?", the interviewer turned his attentions to me, waiting eagerly on my answer.

"Erm, pretty well actually. I think from the off the team made me feel welcome within them and I'd say I've formed a good bond with them all. But, erm, they're kinda overprotective of me, especially this one", I jokingly pointed to Ross, who flashed a fake smile and I could tell he wasn't amused. The interviewer laughed along with me before proceeding to ask Ross another question and then come back to me.

"Finally, I have something that a lot of people have been wanting to ask you, Kendall", he spoke, making me slightly confused. "We are all wondering if you are any relation of Manchester City's Joe Hart, by any chance? Just with the both of you having the same surname, and you do look a bit like each other, are you two cousins or siblings or something?"

I was taken aback by the question, desperately trying to think of an answer whilst it floated around my head. I had always thought that the surnames were a mere coincidence, but now that I thought about it, we did bear a similar appearance.

Still I was yet to answer the question, and as the interviewer became desperate for an answer, Ross nudged me slightly to pull me out of my thoughts.

"Erm, well, last time I", I eventually answered, attempting to make a joke of it. The interviewer sighed, clearly having expected a much more interesting answer, then brought the interview to a close.

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