The Game Ends Here

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A/N: Some of this chapter and the next few will be changing between Kendall's POV and a 3rd person POV.


3rd person:

The teams walked out of the tunnel onto the pitch on that fine Saturday afternoon, led by Vincent Kompany and Phil Jagielka. The Everton players then proceeded to make their way down the line of Manchester City, shaking hands with each player.

As if by nature, Joe pulled Kendall into a quick hug, each of them whispering "Good luck" and "You're gonna need it" in each other's ears. Ross was at the end of the line, so was the last player to shake hands with Joe. As he stuck his hand out, Joe grabbed it and forcefully pulled Ross closer to him.

"The game ends here, Barkley. I know everything between you and Kendall. Either you tell her how you feel or you leave her be", Joe snarled in his ear. Ross knew nothing else than to nod, rather shocked at Joe's aggression towards him.

Kendall's POV:

Getting into position along with the rest of the team, I noticed Joe exchanging words with Ross. Sighing, I prayed that they weren't hating each other, but shrugged it off as they both smiled at me.

Everton had kick off so I tapped the ball to Romelu, who then passed it back to Gareth Barry. Gareth then passed it to Ross, who began sprinting forward along with Romelu and myself.

After a long run, Ross then tried to play a through ball to me, but it was quickly blocked by Kompany, who attempted to blast it away immediately. I was still running, unaware that Kompany had just blocked the ball, and his powerful shot smacked straight into the right side of my head. Pain seared through my skull as the impact pushed me to the floor.

It took a few moments before I regained composure and pushed myself back up. My head throbbed; I was unsure whether I should be in as much pain. "You okay Kendall?", I heard Vincent ask, concerned by my dazed expression. "Yeah, course", I lied, reassuring him, "just a bit shocked that's all".


Half an hour later, and my head remained full of antagonising pain. Minute by minute, the agony intensified, along with increasing dizziness.

At this point I believed that everyone knew there was something wrong with me, but I continued to lie, saying repeatedly that I was fine. However, I knew myself that there was something wrong, as the outer parts of my eyes began to blur, before eventually flooding my view with darkness; the last thing I knew of was my body collapsing to the ground.

3rd person:

Kendall's view failed her as she collapsed to the ground, suddenly unable to control her body. For a few moments the game continued as her body lay motionless on the turf.

All of a sudden, Kendall's body fell into a state of fit, not a soul knowing of what to do as shock silenced the stadium. "Kendall!", both Joe and Ross screamed, rushing to her jerking figure. Paramedics darted onto the pitch, attempting to calm her shaking body.

Eventually she lay still again, but was constantly drifting in and out of consciousness. Everyone stood frozen, clearly shaken by the current events. Ross's eyes were glazed with tears, along with Joe's, as they were pushed away from the crowd of medical staff surrounding Kendall.

A short while later, an ambulance arrived, more paramedics piling out of it. Now laying on a stretcher, Kendall was rushed into the back of the ambulance. Both Joe and Ross ran after, hoping to go with Kendall in the ambulance, but were stopped abruptly by the referee.

"Where are you two going? The game is still in play", he insisted. "You've got to be kidding me", Roberto exclaimed as he made his way over. "I hardly think anybody is in the correct state of mind to watch let alone play this game after what's just occurred. Plus, I have both Ross and Kendall's brother Joe here who need to be at the hospital with her".

"The game ends here", Ross demanded, quoting Joe's earlier words.

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