My Shrewsbury Family

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After informing him of my situation, Roberto allowed me the day off from training so that I could travel down to Shropshire - Shrewsbury to be exact - in order to meet my real parents.

"Good luck Kendall, I hope all goes well", Roberto spoke as I was about to set off. I thanked him, but out of the corner of my eye saw Ross heading into the building. He stopped before turning to face me, our eyes connecting in an instant. We hadn't spoken since our altercation after the Norwich game, and I was still rather mad with Ross but truthfully there was something within me longing to reach out to him; I guess I'd grown to care about him since meeting him.

He looked on with sorrow screaming out from his eyes; I knew he regretted the accusations he'd made towards me and missed our friendship just as much as I did.

Roberto caught sight of me and Ross and brought me out of my daze. "Don't worry, I'll look after him", he reassured me. I smiled gratefully before saying goodbye and starting my journey to Shrewsbury.


I arrived in Shrewsbury a few hours later, unfortunately with no sense of direction at all. Mum and dad - well, Judith and David - had given me the address of Louise and Charles, but I still had to ask a few locals to point me the correct way.

Eventually I found the house, parking my car at the end of the driveway. Nervously, I made my way to the front door and, after a few deep breaths, knocked and waited for an answer.

Louise opened the door, gasping in disbelief when her eyes set upon me. "Oh my can't be", she whispered to herself, still unable to believe that her daughter had turned up on her doorstep. "Please may I come in?...Mum?", I asked softly as tears welled up in her eyes.

"Who is it Louise?", a male voice, who I believed to be Charles, called. My assumptions were right as it was Charles, who's face dropped like a stone as I came into his view. He staggered back slightly, before freezing to the spot just as Louise had.

Eventually, Louise allowed me to step inside as she had processed the current events. "Come in dear", she stuttered, "I must say I'm surprised to see you". "Me too", I whispered in reply. "Judith and David told me everything, and that's why I'm here".

She nodded as I spoke, the tears spilling from her eyes. Charles awoke from his shocked state to break out a smile whilst tears now slid down his face. He stepped over to me and pulled me into a tight hug, kissing the top of my head. Once he let me go, Louise did the same, whispering in my ear, "19 years it's been. You know, you've grown into such a beautiful young woman. Judith and David have clearly done well with you; I'm sorry we weren't there for you all this time".

Stifled tears wouldn't let me reply, but she then took my hand and led me towards the living room. Once at the doorway I stopped for a moment as Joe was sat on the sofa with his back to us. Charles noticed my sudden injection of nerves and told me to wait at the door whilst him and Louise walked in and sat opposite Joe.

"Son, you know how a while ago we told you that you had a sister? But that she was adopted by a family in Liverpool straight after she was born?". Joe nodded as he listened intensely to Louise, urging her to go on. "Well", she spoke with a huge grin on her face, "she's here right now".

She gestured to the door as Joe turned to face me, standing up from the sofa. "Joe, meet your little sister Kendall", Louise acquainted us both.

For a moment we just stood there, taking in each others appearance. It was now that it dawned on me how much I resembled Joe. The blonde hair, the blue eyes, you name it; everything was similar. Like Joe, I was quite tall, but compared to him I was about the size of an ant, making me feel rather intimidated. I was just stood on the spot, waiting for him to make the first move.

Eventually he did as he cautiously stepped closer to me. Just as cautiously, I looked up at him before he awkwardly wrapped his arms around me, seemingly worried that I wouldn't return the gesture. Of course after a few seconds I did, warmth surrounding the moment.

Charles sighed before happily breaking the silence. "I thought this day would never come". I could tell that he was looking on at me and Joe and smiling, as I was too. When I thought of this day I never imagined it would have turned out like this; as I had expected, I was somewhat reunited with my real family. However, I didn't expect to hear the words that Charles spoke next.

"Welcome home Kendall".

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