Chapter 4

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Did he or did he not just now offer me to sleep at his place? Did he mean it seriously? Does he want to say something to me with that move or did he just gentlemanly offered help?
These were questions that kept spinning in Stana's head after she heard Nathan's words. But one more thought, Stana couldn't get rid of at all, she would have just stopped thinking about it but that persistent thought came up again and again and soon became the main topic her brain wanted to figure out.
He said colleagues, but are the two of them really just colleagues??
Yes, this is quite unexpected, the two of them see each other for the first time after so long, but...the people who are now her co-stars are her colleagues, Nathan is not her colleague, he is...both of them are married to the wrong people...
She knows very well that she is married to the wrong person...Kris... is just Kris. He could never make her feel like Nathan had made her with just one encounter. She didn't know if Nathan had a girlfriend or was in a relationship but she didn't even intend to ask him because she knew if she asked that question that Nathan's male ego would jump to the sky, but curiosity also penetrated her.
The dilemmas currently running through her head were interrupted by  Nathan's hand waving in front of her eyes, and then the silence was broken by his deep but worried voice:
"Hey, are you okay?"
"I am, I am, my thoughts wandered and...if I really could, I'd spend night at yours" She stated with a hint of questioning tone. "Of course you can, come on let's go!" The duo came out now into the already somewhat cold night...
"It's pretty cold..." Stana muttered to herself so no one could hear her and put her hands deeper in the pockets of her hoodie so she tried to warm up...But her belief that no one had heard her changed quickly when she felt the warm jacket with the scent of Nathan's cologne wrapping around her body. "You'll be warmer now" he gave her a gentle smile. And so walking with his jacket around her and smelling his scent, the only thought that she constantly tryed to fight off, was now spinning all over her mind again and again: Are the two of them really just colleagues? Does she want them to be just colleagues? Does he want them to be just colleagues? Does he even want this walk of theirs or whatever is it, to be happening at all? Maybe they should have give it a try when they had chance or maybe they shouldn't have? Maybe this meet up of theirs is happening with reason...maybe the universe wants to give them a chance again? Maybe this is new begining of something? Or maybe they just missed the chance they had and now it's all over??
Or she just fantasize too much? Stana gave up of her thoughts without any solid conclusion or answer to any of these questions. "Thanks for the jacket" She thanked him with a sweet smile. Why the hell does she smile so sweetly and can’t control herself, why are her cheeks so hot and red and why the hell does she smell that jacket of his every 5 seconds?? What's going on with her??
She had a discussion in her head again trying to figure out what Nathan was doing to make her feel that way, he was literally just standing next to her and she was acting like a real lunatic. He can't do this to her! Every time she looks at him her lips immediately form into a smile, if by chance their eyes meet her legs no longer function and she barely stays stable if he says one word that the word echoes in her ears the next full minute if he laughs her cheeks turn redder than the reddest pepper .... But what exactly is he doing??? Yes, that's a good question, what exactly is he doing to make her act like this?? Nothing absolutely nothing! He just stands next to her and behaves quite normally as he usually behaves...So why is she so...why she behaves so strangely and has that feeling?? She doesn't know, she doesn't know why she's like this and how someone is able to do this to her, but she also knows that this is not a normal Stana... This realization that something strange was happening to her was soon confirmed by Nathan's words:
"Um...Stana, I know you like to walk but we have to get to the other end of town so I suggest we take a car"

What the hell is this man capable of doing to her??
She would walk the whole city because she even lost her mind that there was a car!! And all just because Nathan Fillion was standing next to her and had his usual smile.

"Okay, way home!" He stated, stepped on the gas and the car started...
"What, I'm a proud Canadian!" He explained with a smile when he saw that Stana was interested in watching the 'Canada flag' pendant hung on the rearview mirror of his car.
"Ay!" Stana took the opportunity to show her Canadian accent and saw the smile that began to show on Nathan's face. "Boy, you're good!" Nathan immediately praised the accent that stuck to his ears
"You're not bad yourself, Mr. Fillion"
Stana returned the compliment...
After the compliments, there was a somewhat awkward silence, and neither of them knew how to break it...Stana turned her head toward the window to hide her rosy cheeks, and Nathan somehow hesitantly decided to take the first step to break the silence:
"Okay, we'll be there soon!" He hinted and began to slow the car to turn into one of the alleys...

Because yes she is completely ready to spend evening and night with him in the same house, after she barely stayed to herself while they were in that cafe and at that parking lot, while he was just standing next to her...
"Oh,my God, what did I get myself into?" Stana was thinking when she felt Nathan stop the car and they started walking towards the porch of his house...

And chapter 4 is here!!
Hope you like it and enjoy the story so far! 😊

Chapter 5: At Nathan's house
Chapter 5 soon💜!

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And of course stay safe!

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