Chapter 16

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When he heard a knock, he opened the trailer door and their gazes met...
For a moment he remained mesmerized, lost in those brown-green eyes that stared at his blues, but he recovered and quickly returned to reality,as it had been. "Wha-" He started but her lips crashing straight on his, cutting off the word he wanted to utter. "This" She confirmed when they separated. "" He started with the words again, but he didn't have much time to explain because her lips found their way to his again.They parted, looking at each other, and after a few seconds of silence, Nathan's soft voice spoke " this real?" He asked completely uncertainly, unsure what to do next. "No, but this is" She took a step forward him and their lips locking together again. She was giving him a real kiss and he didn't refuse. It soon became more than a kiss, his strong arms wrapped around her, pulling her closer, she is holding him by the collar of his shirt and pulling him closer to her as she stood on her toes to catch his with her lips...It was a real passionate kiss until he suddenly pulled back... "What is this?" He had a thousand questions again, Nathan, man couldn't you choose a little better time to question than now! "This is me kissing you" She approached again so that her lips are lightly touching his, her hand already disappearing through the bundles of his brown hair. "No, I mean all this.” He took a step back again so that their lips were no longer pinned together. "All this?" This time she sighed and moved away from him. "Ya, this and know what I mean..." He muttered everything that bothered him and why he was so insecure about this move of hers. "Look at me..." she put her fingers under his chin and lifted it gently so she could see those beautiful  ocean blue eyes "it was about divorce papers" She spoke and immediately saw his eyes shine at what he heard. She couldn't blame him, and she herself was somehow more relaxed and content since when she decided to give Kris those divorce papers. Without any warning, Nathan took her hand and laid it flat on his chest so she could clearly hear his heartbeat. "Nathan, it's going to explode" She whispered as she listened to his heart beating rapidly.
"Yes, it will, but I want to do this first..." He connected his lips to hers, before she wanted to climb on her toes to reach his lips properly, he lifted her into the air, her legs wrapped around his waist, and he, along with her in his arms, leaned his back on one of the walls of the trailer. As her fingers clashed with the buttons of his still-buttoned shirt, Nathan stared in pure admiration at the woman who was still in his arms, whose lips he had just kissed and whose scent he had just smelled."How did you..." He wondered catching his breath as her lips found his sensitive spot, just below his jawline. "Come on, isn't it obvious, every time we filmed Castle-Beckett scenes and my lips moved just an inch closer to your jaw, your eyes would popped out, your breath flickered, and your whole body stiffened" Stana showed him how easy it was to read him. "Well then..." He didn't waste a second more than showing her that he also knows very well where she likes to receive kisses. His lips traveled gently along her neck, feeling all the warmth of her skin, until he came right behind her ear and laid one kiss that earned Stana's warm breath to leave her mouth at faster rate and a little intermittently. And as he was showing what he is capable of doing with those lips of his, Stana dug her fingers through his hair again, she ran her fingers through his scalp repeatedly gently, just like the day she was lulling him to sleep while the pain pounded in his hand. She didn't know why, but she just loved pulling her fingers through his hair, maybe it was because of the thin layer of gel that Nathan neatly put on his hair every morning. That scent reminded her of Castle because Nathan's clothes still smelled the same as all of Castle's suits, suits she'd wanted to stick her head in and smell his scent, but she couldn't because it wasn't written in the script, but now she can let her nostrils fill with his scent all day long. His shirt was finally torn and thrown to the floor, now his whole bare chest was completely exposed. Stana enjoyed the view, but it didn't suit to Nathan that he was the only one shirtless, so he quickly set to work unbuttoning her white blouse. The material that still covered Stana's body slowly began to slide down her shoulders and show the first outlines of her bare skin, at the sight of which Nathan's eyes darkened and a decent lust was born in them. He took a big breath, throwing his head back and closing his eyes to calm flashes of the contours of her body that were constantly swirling rapidly in front of his eyes. A pair of her lips joined his, asking for entry, he approved and still with his eyes closed he tasted all the magic inside her mouth, biting her lower lip which he so fervently wanted to kiss forever. And before they knew it, it became more passionate, warmer, more tense to keep their mouths shut so that the moan wouldn’t escape them, it was starting to be very difficult for them to have control over what they were doing. And just at that moment when Stana knew it's going to become unbearable to not go all the way and control the situation, she separated from him, and he was panting against the wall trying to catch his normal breathing rhythm again. "My place or yours?" She asked as a smile played on her lips. "M...mi...minee" He answered intermittently, still panting, his breath returning a little, but every time his gaze fell on Stana who with delicate strokes of her fingers buttoned the buttons of her blouse, all the progress he had made would fail and his breathing along with his heart would go crazy again. "Okay, I'm going, I'll be there in ten minutes, and you come to your senses first and then get behind the wheel" She tossed it to him, putting her hand on his still bare chest because he was still not capable enough to pull on his shirt. "Mhm-hmm" He muttered, his heart pounding like crazy again and again when he felt her touch on him. She straightened her hair, adjusted her blouse, checked to see if anyone was in sight, and carefully stepped out of his trailer so no one would suspect anything, leaving Nathan stunned to the wall and with a giant smile on his face as if he were on cloud nine. "Ah, men are so clumsy..." She shook her head and smiled, when she was already at the car and saw Nathan with his shirt sloppy tucked into his pants, his hair disheveled, and walking towards the car in complete stupor, just to look at him, everyone would conclude what he was doing moments before. And of course as was to be expected, she came to his house before him... She waited for a few minutes and finally heard the squeaking of tires, braking and quickly spotted Nathan's car turning sharply into the street, his tires slipping but eventually he somehow managed to turn left and enter the street. She couldn't help but grin at the sight of Nathan sprinting out of the car straight to her. "Um, it seems to me that you are not really capable of driving" She teases him. "Actually, I'm not, but I'm very capable of doing this..." He gave her one wide smile before grabbing her in his arms, opening the door with one free hand, later closing it with one  smooth leg move, and the rest of the day was just theirs...


Will this be it this time or??'ll see, you'll see...

Chapter 16 soon!

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