Chapter 13

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"You okay?" Stana kept checking on Nathan and looking back at the road as she drove to the nearest hospital.
"Mhm, will do" He answered her every question with a soft murmur. "You know it's not that bad, I could drive myself, you didn't have to bother" He noticed. "Hm, really?" Stana glanced at him. "Ya, totally" In addition to the pain in his hand, he still managed to smirk. "Then please pass me that CD from the door drawer" Stana gave him a very easy task and waited to see if he could complete it. "Sure, no prob-" He began to turn to the left to reach into the drawer, but only when he moved his right hand an inch, he immediately stop and squeeze his face into a painful grimace. "Nope, none of that, you keep driving" He gave up with a sigh and stuck his head back in the back of the passenger seat. "Oh, and I thought so" Stana smiled slightly and gave him her 'I told you so' look. "Can you tell me a story, something, anything?" He asked, staring his puppy dog eyes ​​at her as he fidgeted in his seat. "We can also turn on the radio"She made a suggestion. "No, you talk please, your voice makes me forget all the pain I'm currently having in my hand" He muttered somewhat tangled and quiet, but Stana could hear every word he uttered very well. "What did you say about my voice?" She asked anyway, to be sure, and she couldn't help but smile. "Um...nothing...I...I said I was not in the mood to listen to the radio...that's what I said" Again he didn't want to admit his words, which he had just uttered a second ago. "Ya sure, and I am beautiful as Miss Universe then" Stana commented sarcastically. "Yes, you are, even more beautiful..." Nathan whispered into his chin. She gave him a look. "What?" He gave her a confused look in return, as if he didn't know what it was about. Does he really think that she is deaf or has hearing problems so she does not hear his words?? He acts like some boy who doesn't want to admit what he's saying...what makes him even sweeter to her, his confusion and effort when he tries to cover up his words that pop out of his mouth every now and then uncontrollably. At all this she just shook her head and smiled sweetly when she stopped the car in the hospital parking lot... "What are you smiling at?" Nathan asked confused as he got out of the car. "To you" She replied, and Nathan smiled slightly at that, but in fact in his head was spinning Score!, she's smiling because of me, I did something and encouraged that beautiful smile. "Um..Stana, there's one problem, you know if paparazzi catch us seen together somewhere, tomorrow the whole newspaper will be about it" Nathan knew what would happen if they walk into the hospital together
"I don't have a problem with that, do you?" Stana answered simply and with that simple statement caused to Nathan more confusion than she could have imagined. ", I don't have...a problem with that..." He somehow managed to answer her question so that the words he uttered have some meaning, and together they headed for the entrance to the hospital. "And on the other hand look, we're finally going to give some hope to the fans who live for Stanathan to become true" She tossed as they walked...

Nathan's POV

Give hope to fans? And what about the hope she just gave to my heart? Will it remain just hope? What the hell should I do now, smile and nod at all this?! "Nathan? Nathan?" I heard her voice calling to me and her hand waving in front of my eyes. "Yes, let's give them hope!" It popped out of my mouth before I could stop myself. "Give hope to whom?" She replied confused. "To them, to me!" What the hell am I saying and why can't I control the words coming out of my mouth?! "Nathan, what hope, what are you talking about?"She continued, still confused. "You know what I'm talking about! Don't make my heart hope falsely, if there will be none of it! Don't make my hopes up for nothing!"I no longer had any control over myself at all, words were coming out of my mouth against my will and I just couldn't stop them. "Your hopes up? Your heart to hope falsely? I'm making your heart hope falsely? To what?" She looked at me confused. "You know well to what! Do you even know how I broke this damn hand?! No, I didn't fall and stumble! The day you left, I punched the door with all my might until my hand fell off in pain, that's how I broke it!!" That was it, I snapped, all the feelings I kept inside overwhelmed me like a torrent.
" You..." She started but didn't know what to say." That hope I give you, what is it about?" She continued as if she had no idea what had been going on the last few days. "About us, Stana, about us!" I knew once I said this there was no going back, and here I said it!, I couldn't keep it to myself anymore. "Us? What about us?" She asked completely calmly, as if it was completely normal, hell, she disturbed my whole heart rhythm, thoughts and breathing, she showed me again what it means to live life to the fullest and what it looks like when your whole body is taken away when you just look into someone's eyes, when her smile is my greatest reward and now she asks me 'what about us?!' "Nothing, forget I ever said anything!!" I immediately regretted every word I had said aloud before.

"Mr. Fillion, come, we need to perform an X-ray of your right hand" The nurse called me and showed me the door I needed to enter...Really when it comes to love all the songs make sense at once, I thought about the line from Castle as "Loving you is a losing game" was spinning in my head as I walked towards the door of the X-ray room. "We'll talk later!" I heard Stana's voice shouting after me. "No, we won't, I'm done! And thank you for the ride, I'll take a taxi later!" I retaliated, entered the examination room and the door began to close. "Nathan, don't do this!" I could still hear her voice. My heart was now torn in two halves, but damn it all, those two halves were still beating so fiercely, wanting to see that smile of hers again...

"Mr. Fillion I don't know how you did it, but you screwed up this hand well, you have the fracture of the whole right fist" The doctor made the diagnosis after reading my X-ray. "You will need to wear a splint for two weeks, no heavy activities and someone has to take care of you, at least for the first week." The doctor ordered strict rest. Great, I just needed this, on top of everything. It was running through my mind. "Okay, thanks doctor, can I have my papers?" I asked, just to get all this over as soon as possible, to go home and I so fervently hope that all this will be just a dream and that I will wake up and none of this will be true. "In fact, the lady who came with you has already picked up your papers, so I guess she will be the one to take care of you." The young doctor explained rather calmly. "And what kind of hospital are you to just let someone pick up someone else's papers?!" I answered nervously, everything was already over my head and this was a drop that spilled over the glass of my patience. "I'm sorry sir, she introduced herself as your friend, we thought..." He started nervously with apologies.
"You tought..., what the hell were you thinking?!" I snapped, grabbed my jacket, and walked out the door, looking for Stana and my papers.


"Give me back my papers so I can go home!" Nathan tried to sound as calm as possible when he reached parking lot. "Talk to me first" Stana set the terms. "I'm done talking to you, now give me those damn papers!" Nathan's voice cracked and his tone rose. "Nope, talk first, then the papers, and after all I'm listed to take care of you through next week, so we have a whole week to talk" She said but her voice didn't really serve her the way she wanted, it would crack here and there. "Isn't it enough for you that you played with my heart, but you're still going on now, ha?!" Nathan tried to be calm, but there was no sign of calm. "Nathan, I would never hurt you on purpose, you know that and please listen to me to the end what I have to tell you..." She tried to control herself, but without her control, light tears began to cover her brown-green eyes. "You know what, screw all this!" Nathan just turned and started walking away from Stana... "Nathan, come here, get in the damn car and listen to what I have to say to you, for God's sake!" She shouted after him, intermittently through her sobs. "No!" He replied in a raised voice. "Come here or I'll come to you!" She still didn't stop, and her voice became weaker and weaker due to sobs. His heart convulsed painfully at every sound of her sobbing...He finally relented and began walking back to the direction where she was standing. He came, without a word opened the car door and sat inside, she did the same after a few seconds and sat in the driver's seat, but he did not even flinch...

To be continued in chapter 14!!!


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