Chapter 21

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*long time no update, but here's new chapter, enjoy! <3

"...purse...I forgot my purse" Tamala blurred out as she still tried to process what she had just seen. And I knew it look was becoming more and more obvious in her gaze.."He-hey Tam, funny thing I was just wondering who's purse is this...and look, it's yours"Stana fiddled with her own words as Nathan cleared his throat while straightening his already crumbled T-shirt. Both trying to act as if nothing had happened... "Looks like I am not the only one forgetting things, it seems that Nathan here forgot his goodbye kiss.." She shot them both a glare and both, Stana and Nathan knew there was no point in denying it anymore... Either way, what could they invent to cover up what really happened?? I stumbled and fell straight into his lap?? Not even a two-year-old would fall for that trick. Then why were you drooling over each other as if your life depends on it?? If they try to sell some story to get away with it, this would be a next question asked, because it really looked like that when Tamala came in. "Tam this..." " can explain..." After exchanging glances once more, they decided to come clean with it but weren't quite sure exactly how to...

"You're together, we all get it!" Tamala squealed before Nathan or Stana could finish... "Really, is it that obvious??" Stana half-whispered with cheeks as red as when teenage girl brings a boyfriend to meet her family for the first time. "Girl, please, it was obvious for 8 straight years that it wasn’t just about Caskett and their feelings" Tamala said what both of them knew well...

"Nah..." "We weren't-" "We were just-" "That wasn't..." Nathan and Stana were both lost in their own words trying to cover up what was so damn clear to see... "Ta-tah don't even try to deny it..." Another Tamala's gaze met theirs and they both closed their mouths but still muttering something... "I was the one sitting next to the two of you on the panels when you couldn't take your eyes off each other, me and the rest of cast had to come up with some justifiable excuses when you both would be late for some interview or something, and we all knew very well where you were, we were the ones who looked at smiles you were giving each other, which were all but just friendly and since when have you seen two "just colleagues" get lost in each other's eyes as much as you did?...Should I continue?" The redness that covered Nathan's and Stana's cheeks after everything Tamala said, spoke more than it should. Damn it! They didn't know it was so obvious, even then when they were filming Castle, they were trying their best to cover up everything but ah even then they were caught in act...

For God's sake, she even married a man she knew wasn't the one and he was in relationships, even though he knew very well that his heart don't belong to any other woman but Stana and all that so no one would suspect anything about them being something more that just co-stars, they tought it would be easier if each of them find someone else and so they try to forget about each other...because what if they got together and then don't work the way they tought they would? What would happend to the series then? What if they broke up shortly after, and then what, how they would  look at each other on the set or how they would be capable of filming those Caskett scenes?? But it never occured to them, or at least they tried their best not to notice the suffering their hearts went through because they were separated. And now they know how stupid they can fool yourself countless times, but your heart can never be fooled...

She is married to another man, she moved on, Nathan, she simply forgot you somewhere in the past! This thought stabbed him again and again for days after he found out she got married, everything that had ever been between them she had left it in the distant past...He tryed so damn hard to move on but his heart was tearing apart at every thought of her in someone else's arms, so he tryed to do the same thing, he got engaged and that was just another way to try to fool himself that he forgot about her, but the truth was...he didn't, he never could...

He got engaged, we both gave up on us! She was torn when she read the news about Nathan's engagement, which happened shortly after her wedding...But what she didn't know was that with that move Nathan didn't want to show that he had given up on them, on the contrary he was trying to show her that he was ready to commit, that he wouldn't have his childish behavior forever, that he so ardently imagined she's the one in front of him while he's kneeling with a ring in his hand. And all he wanted at that point was to show her that he can settle down, that he was ready, but he was ready for her, not for the girl he proposed, that girl just was there at given time but he knew well she never was the one. For God's sake, he broke off his engagement shortly after because he knew it couldn't be anything of it while his heart was madly beating for Stana. But she didn't know that, she tought he found his happy ending so she kept fooling herself that this marriage with Kris was right decision, she tought he's happy with someone else and he tought she found the one to spend the rest of her life with, even though it wasn't him, to him it was only important that she's happy, little did he know she accually wasn't and that her heart could never forgot about him.

Gosh, they were so stupid, thinking they can fool themself and forgot about each other!! They both concluded when they remembered what they were doing in an attempt to deny a love that was always destined. That message, yes that message she sent him for his birthday...from that day his life turned upside down but in best way possible because since that 27th March she is in his life again...

"Happy Birthday, birthday boy" He whispered softly the content of the message that reunited them. "...and it was the best decision I ever made, to text you" Stana continued after figuring out what he was talking about and Tamala was sitting next to them having no idea what they were blabbering on about, but she had no intention of interrupting them because the gleam she saw in their eyes while looking at each other was something not comparable. "Was it only to wish me happy birthday?" He asked slowly in a low whisper. "No..I missed you" she confessed, her hazel-greens not separating from his blues. "From that last time we saw each other until the day you texted me, not a second passed by without you being on my mind all the time." He spoke, his blues clung to her hazel-greens, their lips converge and reduce the amount of space between them... "Um...guys, I am still here..." Tamala's throat cleaning stopped them, they both completely forgot she was there, too because for him hazel greens staring at him with a flickering glow was all he could see and she was long lost in his blues not registering anything else around her.

"I...we just..." "...everything you said about us trying to hide feelings that were so obvious to others hit us as pure realization that we needed to admit it to each other long time ago and stop fooling ourself" Nathan finished Stana's sentence, just the way Castle and Beckett did. "And now don't let it take next twelve years for you two to act on that realization of yours" She joked knowing well all this started way back in 2009 when they first laid eyes on each other. "That's why I am going now" She headed for the door. "Um...Tam, this here what you saw..." Stana started, but didn't know how to continue... "Don't worry, your secret's safe with me" Tamala gave one big smile. "He was always the one, wasn't he?" She referred to hers and Stana's previous conversation. "He is the one, Tam" She confirmed her gaze fleeing on Nathan, his eyes returning the gaze with same glow.

For now, it's only Tamala who know about them, but how much longer will they be able to keep it that way?? In few next chapters you're probably going to find an answer to that question so keep reading!

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