Chapter 24

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Working, don't wait up for me, probably be home late.

She got him back with the same measure and he had already crumpled a thousand times that damn paper note which greeted him as he entered the empty apartman. But he would straighten it again to read her handwriting and look at the letters written in a way only she knew, so precisely and delicately... He read that one sentence over and over again... Will reading this words bring her back to him? No and he knew it but again he read and read it... He's no Richard Castle and he can't charm his way out with his skills to manipulate words in his favor neither she is Kate Beckett, NYPD detective who after all those years still decided to give a chance to that somewhat annoying, childish writer, this is not something written in script and played by scenario...They are Nathan and Stana and damn it this is real life situation! Real life situation which he fucked up to the end! Yes, that's what is it! Wait for her to get home wasn't among the things he'll do. Moreover, that was the last thing he intended to do. Now, he can start a car and drive like an idiot through the countless streets of Los Angeles because damn it all he has no idea where she went. And even if he had, what could he possibly tell her!?? Hey sorry for being me, an immature school boy with his stupid jokes no one laugh at...?? Because that's for sure exactly what she wants to her... countless apologies after he screwed up. In vain to create excuses, because who will he tell them to anyway when she doesn't want to listen to his apologies and explanations for why he behaved like that. He couldn't help but notice, this situation is so familiar to him, as if it repeating...Damn it, of course is familiar to him! When they have been behaving just like this all this time, for two days they giggle, lose themselves in each other's eyes and can't stop their beating hearts to pop out of their chest every time they see each other, and then a day later they're arguing like never before. Later, one of them apologizes first and then it starts all over a vicious circle. Is he a problem? Even with the only one he ever wanted he can't make it last!? Maybe...maybe he's better off alone?? Maybe they don't work out for a reason?? And maybe now he’s just inventing countless ‘why’ reasons instead of going looking for her and finally being a man of his words! Why can’t he just stand in front of her and completely put his heart and feelings on ‘served’ to her? Why can't he be like that? What stops him? Damn it, Stana, I did it again...yes I fucked up, I am aware of it and I know I did it! After a thousand maybe this, maybe that, he got behind the steering wheel and finally decided to go look for her, and with this sentence repeating in his head he hoped he would be able to earn her trust again. His facade softened for a moment while remembering how he could find out where she went...On her note said ‘working’ so he knows one person who will surely be able to help him...

"Hello?" A rather confused voice answered him when he finally found who he wanted among the multitude of telephone contacts.

"Hey..Nathan's here!" He tried with his name, which caused, confusion to disappear in the voice on the other side.

"Oh hey Nathan, if you're wondering the answer is yes, she's here" Greg read him straight away, he may be demanding and have his 'director flies' sometimes but he's no dumb, after Stana's all upset coming here and now Nathan's call, he doesn't have to be a genius to connect the dots, ever since from the first time he saw them and witnessed the looks they were excanging, it was crystal clear to him that Nathan was not 'just some colleague' who she quite randomly offered to star in her series.

"I am coming there!" Soon after Greg's words, Nathan snapped in a determined voice without the slightest hint of insecurity, reluctance or doubt.

"Better not..." Greg tried to convince him that it would only make the situation worse, but none of it because Nathan didn't listen to a single word he was saying.

"What, why the hell not?!" Nathan's voice slowly turned into an angry version of an otherwise calm, smooth, deep voice

"I doubt you will get a warm welcome from her...I tryed to ask her why didn't she bring you along with her and she said, I quote "Let him, Mr. Captain is busy sailing way to the north" in not too pleasent voice. Don't come and let things soothe on their own, Nathan, take this as friendly advice" Greg tryed to reason with him, but it went nowhere, moreover it just caused Nathan's voice to escalate again.

"The fuck with friendly advice, I don't need that bullshit, the only thing I need is her!!" Nathan was now rumbling over the phone incensed.

"...and beside, I am already here..." He added in lower 'sorry-I-shouted-at-you-for-no-reason' type of voice and Greg didn't say another word to him because he saw that there was no point in negotiating.

//Meanwhile on set//

Crowd...He didn't expect such a crowd here, what's going on? Nathan was quite confused until he managed to find out it was a farewell party because the filming of the third and also last season of Absentia was over. After clarifying the ambiguities, he was ready to go in search for Stana, but before he managed to take the first step...

Stana's POV

I was walk-talking with some of the crew when I out of nowhere smashed into something firm build and before I could stumble into a heap on the ground I was caught by arms of person I stumbled in, I suspose.

"Woah! Gotcha!" His voice was deep, but pleasantly deep and damn it so familiar to me from somewhere, but I can't put a name on it, at the moment.


"You alright there?" Nathan asked polite like a gentleman he always was.

"Ya, I am, tha-" Stana wanted to thank but her mouth losing it the moment she caught the glimps of her savior...

Yup I know it's awful and I am sorry for that...

And as you can see clifhanger again... and I need to say next one will be hard and complete emocional mess(yes, I already kinda have it written in my head)...
You been warned so scrolling to the next chapter is at your own risk!

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