Chapter 8

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~Few days later~

"Bipp! Bipp! Bipp!" A strenuous, repetitive, hissing sound pulled Nathan out of a peaceful sleep. "What!?" Still in a morning but now half-annoyed voice, he replied when he grabbed his cell phone from the nightstand, sometimes he really wanted to throw that electronic device straight into the wall to shatter into a million pieces, that thing always wakes him from his most beautiful sleep, and so it was today as well...Yes, he had dreamed of her, just like the past two nights since their walk on the beach...Is he really such coot that he is unable to show her what he feels?? Every time he gathers the courage to tell her, he is ready to express his feelings, he even prepares as if rehearsing the script and everything goes perfectly, but when those hazel eyes of hers meet his ocean blue, the words fade from his head, his palms start sweating, his stomach twists with the feeling that only she can cause to him and  whole plan just fails, just because of one her look that makes him almost forget to breathe. No, he will tell her the next time he saw her, one hundred percent he will, he decided firmly in an instant, but he didn't even know that he had that opportunity right now because the person on the other end of the line was the woman who, invited or uninvited comes into his dreams for several nights now, Stana.
"Is it really that hard to get Nathan Fillion to answer the call?" Stana joked, and the plan Nathan had made a second earlier had failed because he was out of his mind again, this time it was her voice, simply put, everything about her was driving him crazy. " morning to you too"
The words coming out of his mouth were confused, out of control and without any meaning. Stana, who, unlike him, was already wide awake, attributed his confusion to drowsiness, so she decided to tease him a little, not even in her wildest dreams would she have imagined that he was so out of his mind just because he heard her voice, but that, that was true and that was why Nathan was now nervously rolling on the bed waiting for her answer and thinking about what he could have said better.
"And I thought you would always answer my call from the first, when I call you" For a long, long time, Stana heard nothing in response, and then she heard Nathan swear something under his breath. "What, you got a problem, Nate?" Stana continued to tease, still quite unaware of what she was capable of doing to this man and to what extent she could drive him crazy, just with her voice. "Stana, I beg you, don't do this to me" Nathan was now almost completely done, he knew she was deliberately teasing him and he didn't know how long he would last with it, his normal breathing had already been replaced by short, fast, sharp exhalations-inhalations. "What should I stop doing?" Stana asked, still teasing him, now she knew a little bit about the reason for his behavior, and she must admit that she enjoyed "torturing" him like that, she never even thought that she could bring someone into such state, but it seems that she is more than able to do so, and that exactly to Nathan who had that same effect on her. "You know exactly what I'm talking about, and I know you're doing this to me on purpose because you know I won't last long all this whatever it is, and you know you're going to drive me completely crazy.
So please tell me what you need while I’m still able to talk because I know you hear my breath already skipping and that’s why you keep teasing me even more" Nathan exhaled after somehow barely managing to put together so many words and sentences. "I have no idea what you're talking about, but when you have such a big problem you can at least show me what exactly I'm doing to you" Stana hit one big tease and she knew it would be hard for Nathan to focus on the answer, but she waited eagarly for what he had to say. "Stana..." Before he could stop himself, a moan escaped from over the edge of his lips. And that was it, she heard him breathing hard now, she knew she had brought him to the edge and then to drive him even crazier she suddenly changed the subject "Mostly I called to tell you that I would pick you up so we go to the set so you can meet the film crew and they will give you the scripts and all that." "When?" It was the only word he blurted out. "I'll pick you up in 15 minutes, so you better get ready" "O...ok...okay" He wanted to end the call but Stana tossed  in and stopped him from doing so. "And I see you're breathing hard somehow, just exhaling-inhaling, Nate" She tossed the last tease and satisfied broke the line because she knew she had driven him crazy to the maximum and he was no longer the only one who could drive everyone around him crazy because now someone had driven him pretty crazy.

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