Chapter 11

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After Nathan closed the door behind Stana and leaned his back against the metal part of the front door of his apartment, he was suddenly struck like lightning by what he had done:
He chased away the only woman he truly loved... "What a fool you are, Nathan! You idiot!" He shouted and grabbed his jacket to run after Stana, but there was no need because when he opened the door, Stana was standing there, on his porch... "Wh-what are you doing?" He asked as his eyes flared with confusion, shock and excitement, all emotions mixed in his head. "I am standing at the door of the man I love" She answered seriously, but a small smile began to show on her face. "" Nathan lost himself in his own words, but Stana quickly interrupted him "Once in your life stop looking for the right word to say, just shut up and kiss me!"He obeyed, he obeyed and kissed the lips of a woman who had completely taken control of his being, who had been renting free in his mind for days, he kissed those lips like never before in his life. Now Stana was the one with her back pushed to the door, and Nathan in front of her tasted all the splendor of her lips. He allowed himself to weave his own tongue with hers and let them to dance together rhythmically and harmoniously....Both of them this situation was very familiar....Castle 4x23 "Always", Castle's and Beckett's "Always" now became their "Always". But still this time it's something different, this time neither of them is holding back, as they had to that time when all the cameras were pointed at them, this time this is their "Always" and no one will interrupt it...Except maybe Nathan's shocked sighs here and there, because he still wasn't fully aware that the woman standing in front of him and wich he's kissing now, is Stana. "Oh, woman!" Nathan half exclaimed, half exhaled, trying to focus, bring his eyes and lungs back to function again the way they should, but none of that. "" Stana also exhaled with a heavy sigh and pulled him back to her, so that their lips hit each other again. He pressed against her again and slammed her on the door,this time harder, letting go of all the desire for that kiss that had been forming in him for the past few days into that kiss. A small moan escaped her as her body pressed against the metal part of the door, the sound coming out with a warm breath from her mouth drove Nathan even crazier, the next moment he was looking for her pulse spot...and a second after he found it, he started sucking which made standing straight almost impossible for Stana, she positioned his head exactly where it should be and continued to struggle with the task of standing on her feet...the moment he laid his lips on her neck, Stana could say goodbye to normal breathing...Now his lips were on hers again, and before he could put his tongue in her mouth again and make speaking impossible "Bedroom" Stana murmured against his lips, and it didn't take Nathan a second to lift her into his arms and carry her in the direction she wanted, now Nathan had the whole night ahead of him to show her what exactly she was doing to him that day over the phone...

///Next morning///

Stana's POV

I woke up in a bed that I know isn’t mine, it took me a second to realize what was going on, as soon as it occurred to me what had happened, a smile began to spread uncontrollably over my face...Did we really? Looks like we did, I concluded when I saw all my clothes in a pile on the floor. Speaking of that, where is he anyway?
I started to wonder, but my question was quickly answered when a man with broad shoulders, striking gait, brown hair in a LYPD police uniform walked into the room. "Well, good morning, officer" I greeted him with a smile when he walked into the room with his The Rookie outfit, gosh, he’s so handsome in that police uniform! Why the hell did the writers never let Richard Castle wear a uniform?! In fact, I think it’s pretty obvious why they didn’t, because then I could never wait until season 4 to start Casketting around. I mean imagine he came to the set every morning in that police uniform, I couldn't help but bite my bottom lip while I was thinking about it. "Hey, good morning to you too"  He retaliated, smiled, and with that same smile pulled me out of all the thoughts swirling in my head. "Ready for work, I see" I teased him "Yes I am! Today we are filming a new episode and you will never guess who is coming as a guest star!" He said in his classic two-year old style. I started guessing but I didn’t quite make it and he couldn’t wait any longer so it popped out of his mouth "Molly!" He exclaimed. "Molly...our Molly??" It was the only Molly I could think of, and only she would make him so happy."Yes! I can't wait to see her again, which is probably why I've been awake since six in the morning and someone seems to have extended a bit with sleeping" He tossed, jokingly. "Well, after yesterday...that yesterday, it was so..." I stopped to find the right word, for that magical night yesterday. "Wrong" He continued in a serious voice the sentence I had begun. Wrong, really?! After all, the only thing he has to say is 'wrong'?!? What the hell is wrong with HIM?? He didn't even move, he's standing there with a serious expression on his face, and I, like a real fool, am lying in his bed, not believing what he had just said as if the bus had passed straight over me. "W..wrong?" I managed to repeat that damn word he had uttered quite calmly and seriously a few seconds ago."Yes, Stana, wrong" He confirmed and just buried me more and more, I wanted the earth to open up and swallow me. "Look, I'm sorry, but it shouldn't have happened" He kept going. "What now? You're going to kick me out of the house and act like nothing happened?!" Slowly I was overwhelmed by some indescribable anger. "No, I'm not that much of jackass! I'm just saying this was a mistake! We’re both adults and we don’t need this, we acted like we’re some teenagers with passing relationships! For God’s sake you have Kris! I...I'm sorry..." He came back to the topic of Kris and I had a guilty conscience when he was mentioned, but me and Kris...there is no 'us' anymore...there was never 'us', it was more like me and the guy I married because he was good to me, he was always there for me as a support...he was more like a best friend who was in love with me, but that dear, caring Kris who I knew completely changed when we got married, he became possessive and jealous and then his true character and what kind of person he really was showed up. And on the other hand there’s Nathan, I always thought he wanted this to happen, for the two of us to end up together, and now his only word on everything is ‘wrong’.
"What do you saying then?" I returned to our discussion and asked in a slightly raised voice. "I'm just saying this shouldn't have happened, okay?!" He retaliated in an annoyed and louder voice. "Well it wouldn't have happened if you were able to keep your pants closed!!" I snapped and in the heat of the moment said what I didn't mean. "So now you're saying this is my fault?! And the fact that you constantly seduced me doesn't matter, ha?!" He tries to sound calm, but his tone would rise anyway. "First of all don’t say I seduced you like I was just waiting for you to jump on me, like I’m some easy girl, and secondly it’s not my fault if you’re incapable of controlling what’s going on in your pants!!" I snapped at him as anger just accumulated and flashed from my eyes like thunder. "And now I'm getting out of here! I wish this never happened!" I added shouting as I marched toward the door. "Ya?And I wish I had never responded to that birthday message you sent me!!" He shouted and slammed the door when I came out, that same door where we..yesterday....oh for God's sake I can't believe it! Why?! Why did I do that at all?! When at that moment it seemed as such a right decision and that was all I wanted..." Oh, gosh, Stana, you're really stupid!" I scolded myself as I walked towards my apartment. I don't need Kris nor Nathan, I'll be better off alone...

"Agh, hell everything!!" Nathan yelled as he punched into that door of his apartment which seemed to be causing a lot of trouble. And now that door was like a punching bag to Nathan to vent his anger. And he hit and hit...he didn't stop until his right hand was all bloody and his face was convulsing with pain. He may have broken a pair of fist bones but he doesn’t give a fuck about that at all. Because there is one thing that hurts him more than a hand that pulsates with pain..His heart, his heart aches with all his might, he made the same mistake again! "Only know you love her when you let her go" Now he understood the verses of this song more clearly than ever before in his life. He had cursed every word he said a hundred times, regretted it a hundred times, for God's sake the woman who had always had a special place in his heart had given him her time, her love, and he had acted like the greatest idiot ever. But what does he have left now? He had a chance, but he missed it...Now he goes to work, and later he will go to her to tell her that it would be best to find someone new for the role of that spy... He has cursed himself countless times, he knows, he knows he is the greatest possible idiot because only such an idiot can let a woman like Stana out of his arms...

///at set///

"Nathan!!" He heard a familiar female voice calling his name and running up to him. "Hey, Molly, good to see you" He retaliated when he saw the redhead well-known figure. But it wasn't his voice, it lacked the joy and happiness in his tone, and he knew it himself, and Molly noticed that something was wrong with him too. "Nathan, what's going on and oh god what happened to your hand?" Molly asked anxiously when she noticed Nathan's clumsily wrapped right hand. "It's nothing" He said in a low voice and pulled his injured hand behind his back because he didn't want to talk about it. But Molly knew him too well to believe that story, she knew, he had always been like an open book when it came to emotions. "Whoever she is, go after her" Nathan was surprised by Molly's words, how?? How did she know it was about that? "How-" He started confused, but Molly interrupted him: "I am a girl, girls know things and now instead of wondering how I know, don’t waste time on it, go after her while you still can!" She gave him an encouraging smile and patted him on the shoulder. "But...what about work? We're filming new episode and I should be here" He asked rather confused. "Just go! I'll cover for you" Molly said and Nathan ran towards the car, mouthing 'Thank you' to her, he knew exactly what his next destination was...

Chapter 11 here!
To be continued in chapter 12...
Hope you like it! <3

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