chapter |1| death

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it was a beautiful morning, but little did kyle know, it would be his last.

"kyle, breakfast!" his mother yelled.

kyle absolutely hated his mother, but loved her at the same time. she was a shitty, abusive drug addict who'd done terrible things to him. but, there were also times when she would buy kyle gifts, and tell him she loved him.

"okay. coming!" kyle shouted, running downstairs and grabbing his backpack.

kyle sat at the table, and his mother placed a plate infront of him. pancakes. kyles favorite. it hurt to look at his mom, but he tried.

"thanks." he mumbled, taking a bite.

"you be good at school today. okay?"

he knew she had only made him breakfast to try to "make up" for what she did to him last night. sometimes these tricks worked, even though he was still heartbroken.

"i always am, ma."

"i know." she falsely laughed, placing a hand on his thigh.

kyle set his fork down and got up. he felt uncomfortable.

"i got to go, josh is here to pick me up. bye."

kyle ran out of the house with his bag in his hand, and guilt and fear in his chest. if only he knew this would be his last.

"hey, man." josh laughed, unlocking the car door. "you ready for the party tonight?"

"of course i am! been waitin' for this all week."

kyle threw his bag to the floor of josh's car and hopped in, turning up the radio.

kyle and josh drove off to school, singing to the radio and laughing just like a normal friday morning would go.

"your clothes suck." madison said, going through my closet. "don't you have anything nice?"

"i don't know, i wasn't able to bring much."

"new orleans isn't the place to wear this shit!" madison snarled, throwing a shirt of mine to the side. " especially at the coven. you're a witch now. you can't wear light pink."

"i don't have too much black, or party clothes." i told her, "i'm not sure i even want to go to the party tonight."

"oh, you're going."

i sighed, sitting on the bed.

"i'll take you to the mall tomorrow, but tonight we are getting drunk. now, wash up slut."

i liked madison. she was the only one my age  who showed interest in me since i moved in 3 days ago. even though she's a bitch, i kind of find it cool.

madison left the room, leaving me to pick up the few idems of clothes she'd thrown from my closet.

that night, madison and i stood in her room.

"black, again?" i asked as madison showed me a tight black dress of hers that she wanted me to wear to the party that began soon.

"you're a witch, so yeah. plus, it's the only thing of mine that will fit you."


i shook of the hurt from her passive aggressive words and put on the dress. if i'm being honest, it did look good on me. madison wore a tight dress too, just in red. she said that she wanted all the attention tonight.

"okay, you ready?" madison said, grabbing her purse.

"i guess!"

she stared at me, long and hard, for a moment.

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