chapter |4| monster

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the next morning, kyle woke to his mother knocking at his bedroom door.

"i made breakfast, if you want some."

kyle nodded, and then looked away. pain filled his body once again. it was only worse now that he was too weak to fight back.

he clung to his pillow, holding it into his chest and burying his face into it to silence his sobs.

he just wanted to leave, or die. kyle felt like a prisoner. he felt so hopeless, so scared, and he really didn't think he would see me again.

"oh, i forgot to tell you, a friend of yours called..she said she wanted to stop by for lunch."

kyle didn't answer, so his mom just left once again.

a few hours passed, and kyle was sitting on the floor of his bedroom. he was on the verge of a panic attack, everything was wrong.

"kyle, come on." his mother said harshly, "are you mad or something."

she took the silence as a yes.

"i never meant for it to go that far, but i know you don't hate it. i'm the only one who can please you."

kyle shakily stood us, and his mom came close to him, rubbing against him.

kyle was building up the strength to push her away, but it took a minute.

"NO!" kyle yelled, pushing her to the ground.


with just a few punches, she was dead. kyle had killed his mom. all the strength in him was drained, and he immediately felt regret.

"oh.." he whimpered, wiping his face that was now covered in blood.

he made his way to the bathroom, and plopped himself down on the floor.

i'm a monster.

kyle sobbed, louder then he ever had before.


when i knocked, no one answered the door so i decided to go inside.

"kyle? alicia?" i called, but no one answered.

suddenly, i heard banging and crying as i stepped down a hall. i turned to look in the bathroom, and kyle was covered in blood, banging his head against the edge of the tub and crying.

"kyle? oh my god.." i said, sitting beside him, "what happened?" he threw his arms around me, sobbing harder. he was so relieved that i was back with him.

"it's okay." i cooed, "i've got you."

then i thought, oh shit, wheres his mom? i flung from the bathroom and searched the house. there, in his bedroom laid her dead body. i was in absolute shock. how? what?

"did you kill her?" i yelled, causing him to flinch.

he hadn't been yelled at since he was brought back from his death, and the yelling terrified him.

he was crying so hard he couldn't breathe. i came to realize, this was my fault. i shouldn't have left him here, he was only so new to life.

i sat infront of him, "okay, i'm sorry. this was my fault. i shouldn't have left you here."

he was scared of me now that i had yelled at him, and moved back against the wall. kyle was scared i would hurt him.

"i'm not going to hurt you."

soon, kyle relaxed and moved closer to me. his head fell into my chest, and he curled up near me.

"you're alright." i whispered, holding him. he was whimpering of fear and trembling. "let's clean you up."

i pulled away from him so that i could start the bath, i knew we couldn't leave with him covered in blood.

while the water was filling the tub and kyle got undressed, i stepped out to call madison.

"what is it?"

"can you get here, i'll text you the address."

"okay, why?"

"kyle murdered his mother."

"how? he can barley walk."

"i-i don't know. get here soon, okay?"


i hung up, and texter madison the address. i knew i couldn't clean this all up on my own and madison was really my only friend right now.

i stepped back into the bathroom, and he was sitting in the tub. he looked terrified every second of every day, and it really upset me to see him like this.

"okay, is it okay if i touch you?" i asked, wetting a washcloth.

he gently shook his head.

i cleaned the blood from his face, and chest and helped him wash his hair. he was a mess, and he couldn't yet clean himself anyways.

he looked up at me, and we caught eyes. he looked so beautiful, even when he was at his lowest. i watched so carefully that i noticed his tear ducts becoming wet.

"no, you're okay." i said softly, putting my hand on his cheek.

i heard the front door open, and kyle jumped.

"it's fine. it's my friend, she's going to help us." i told him, "you stay in the bath. i'll be back."

kyles eyes followed me as i left the room and shut the door, and then he was left alone.

"the bodies in there." i told madison, pointing to kyles bedroom.

"damm, zombie boy hits hard."

all we had to do was use lots of magic to get rid of her body, and then we started to clean up the mess.

"oh, shit. i forgot kyle in the tub." i said, quickly running to the bathroom.

kyle had wrapped himself in a towel, and was leaning against the wall just feeling so alone.

"we cleaned up everything." i told him.

he looked at me, tears threatening to spill.

"mom." he cried, still feeling regret even after everything she'd done to him.

i pulled him into a hug, trying to make him feel better.

"i'm sorry kyle. this is all my fault." i whimpered, starting to cry too. it seemed like i was at fault for this, for kyles pain.

kyle wiped a tear from my eye, trying to comfort me.

"y/n! i'm leaving!" madison shouted.

"okay! thanks!"

there was really no other option then to take kyle back to the coven, so i sent him to pack his things.

i tried my hardest to piece together why he would kill his mom, he seemed so sweet. what could've happened to make him react like that?

i brought kyle back to the coven, and brought him to my room.

"there's things i have to do. i'm sorry that i have to do this." i said, handcuffing kyle to a pole in my room.

he looked up at me, confused.

"i want to trust you, i just can't yet."

he nodded, looking at the chains and handcuffs he was attached to. i didn't want to do this, but i had mo other choice.

kyle pulled at his chains, upset that he was just left there. he felt better knowing that he was in my room, and safe, but it still sucked.

"i-i'm a mon..ster." he choked out to himself, crying alone in his chains.

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