chapter |3| alone

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"you did a terrible job at bringing him back." the witch who pulled us over, misty, told me.

kyle had calmed down now, and we were in mistys little cottage.

"i'm kind of new at this." i admitted.

misty was laying green mud onto scars and cuts on kyles chest. after she was done, i leaned down beside him.

"kyle, it's me, y/n. do you remember me?" i asked softly.

kyle didn't say anything, or even nod his head. instead, he looked at me in awe and moved his hand to grab a small strand of my hair and run his fingers along.

"i have to find out where to keep him tonight." i told misty as i looked at kyle.

"he can stay here! until he's doing better, i'd be happy to keep him here with me."

"really?" i asked, "you'd do that?"

she nodded, smiling.

"okay, well, i should get going then."

i thanked misty and started to walk out to leave.

"noo!" kyle grunted, sitting up. i looked back at him, and he looked as if he was going to cry. i sighed, he must be so scared.

"i'll be back, don't worry." i assured him, holding his face. i watched as tears filled his fearful eyes. "i promise."

leaving him there was so hard, but he just wasn't ready to go back home and i couldn't take him to the coven.

i couldn't help but cry in the car on the way back to the coven, my life had changed completely since moving to the coven only a week ago.

misty eventually got kyle to trust her, and kyle was able to find ways to soothe himself. everything hurt, and he was so confused but it helped to have someone there with him.

misty fed kyle, bathed him, and got him to sleep that night. but, he woke up multiple times during the night having some type of panic attack, and he couldn't stop these.

misty didn't mind though, she understood that this boy wasn't himself and that he was struggling so she just powered through.

all kyle wanted was me, though. i was the first person he saw when he was resurrected and the only familiar face he'd seen. he found comfort with me, and didn't know if i'd left him forever or not.

"here, eat this." misty said, putting a spoon up to kyles mouth. "you're friend will be coming by today, if that makes you feel better."

kyle slowly opened his mouth and ate the food that sat on the spoon. after he finished his food, kyle watched as misty began to clean the house. she always had on music, and had a lot of cool things in her small home.

as kyle looked around, there was a knock on the door. this startled him, sending flashbacks through his mind of how he died. he hadn't remembered this til now.

when misty let me in, i noticed kyle sitting at the small table in distress.

"kyle..i'm back." i whispered, sitting in front of him. he was trembling a little, and whimpering softly. i looked up at misty, "is he going to be okay?"

"it'll be a few months, but he'll most likely recover. the first few weeks will be real hard for him."

i held kyles hand, "kyle i'm sorry i did this to you."

he moved in slowly, and wrapped his arms around me for a hug. he was almost clinging to me, afraid that i'd leave again. i hugged him back, drawing circles on his back as i did so.

"you're okay kyle."

after kyle calmed down, i let go of him and looked back at misty.

"i should probably take him back home, his mom isn't doing well. she needs him home."

misty frowned, she didn't want us to leave.

"at least stay for dinner?" she asked.

i looked over at kyle and then back at misty, i mean why not?

"okay, we'll stay."

smile smiled big, "oh good! i'll start cooking."

i sat with kyle as misty rambled through the kitchen, putting together dinner. it seemed like he was upset by something every few minutes, and when he was o assured him everything was okay and held his hand.

misty set down a plate of food in-front of me, and then in-front of kyle.

"spaghetti!" misty said, sitting down at the table.

i smiled back at her, "thank you, it looks great."

when i looked back at kyle, his shaky hand was attempting to pick up his fork but he was too weak to feed himself. in this moment i felt so sorry, and so sad. i brought kyle back, and he couldn't even feed himself or talk, or anything.

i picked up kyles fork, and helped feed him.

kyle was a little upset that he wasn't able to feed himself, but he held in his emotions as i fed him.

"don't worry kyle." misty said, "you'll be able to feed yourself again, it takes time."

after dinner, misty helped me put kyles few things together so we could get ready to go back to his home.

"okay, you ready to go?" i said, helping kyle up.

he didn't say anything, or motion any type of response.

"come back again soon please." misty said, smiling even though she was kind of sad kyle and i were leaving.

"i will, thank you."

it'd be too hard to explain to kyle mother everything, so instead i walked kyle up to the doorstep and ran from the house.

the look kyle gave me was heartbreaking, but when the front door opened i could hear laughing and noises of happiness. i felt okay leaving him there, i was just worried that she'd figure out he was once dead.


kyles mother brought kyle up to his room, giggling of happiness of being home.

as he looked around, he started to remember his life, and the horror his mother put him through over and over.

"they told me you were dead, they were so sure of it!"

kyle didn't want to look at his mother, he was too confused and scared. kyle knew that i didn't know what his mother did, but he was still upset that i left him there.

"why don't you shower, okay?" she said, "i'll-ill get your bed set up. oh, i'm so happy you're back."

his mother turned the shower on, then left him alone in the bathroom.

"no." he cried to himself, taking off his clothing to shower. "noo."

the hot water burned his sensitive, scarred skin. it all hurt. mentally, physically, everything.

kyle groaned at the sting of his burns, moving away from the water. it was difficult to hold himself up, so he kind of leaned against the shower wall.

the door creaked open, and kyle knew exactly what was about to happen to him.

later that night, kyle laid in bed thinking about what his mother had done to him, thinking about his death, thinking about everything he's lost. he was heartbroken and numb.

the door opened, and his mother laid beside him in bed.

"they were so sure you were dead." she whispered, laying her head against kyles chest. "your bodies different, you're different."

kyle shut his eyes, trying to shift his mind away from the situation he was stuck in.

his mother's hand trailed down to his pants, and history repeat itself. this had happened so many times, you'd think he would've been numb to the assault. but, this was so much worse now that he was back from the dead.

he leaned his head back, holding in a soft sob. in this moment, he wished he had stayed dead.

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