chapter |11| break

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when i awoke the next morning, kyle wasn't in bed with me once again.

for a moment, i didn't suspect anything because yesterday he was just in the bathroom.

"kyle?" i said as i grabbed my phone to check social media.

no answer.

i decided to just go see what he was doing, so i made my way to the bathroom.

"hey ky?"

when he didn't answer me again; i started to worry. i opened the door, and he was passed out of the floor.

"kyle?" i said, tapping him to try and wake him up.

why was he asleep on the bathroom floor?

kyle groaned as his eyes began to flutter open.

"what are you doing?"

"can we go back?" he said, sitting up.


he was acting strange, and i wasn't sure why.

"i want to go back." he said, "home."

"to the coven?"

he nodded.

"is something wrong?" i asked, cupping his face.

"i just want to go home."

kyle was really upset, and looked emotionally drained. i was honestly confused, we had just had a great day. why?


his eyes looked to be starting to water.

"hey, what's wrong?" i cooed as he hugged me. he started to silently cry as i hugged him back. "what happened kyle? you're scaring me."

"don't you remember?"


kyle pulled away and looked at me for a moment before pulling me into his arms and holding me close. he placed a kiss of my head and tried to calm himself as he hugged me.

"you woke up crying, over me."

"i did?" i asked, very confused.

"you don't remember?"

i shook my head no.

"you were panicking. you thought i was dying." he told me just before breaking down into tears.

"oh, i'm sorry. i'm sorry i upset you."

"i'm just-i'm sorry for hurting you. we should go home- and you need your life back."

"you didn't hurt me." i told him, "and if you want, we can go home."

"i want to go home." he cried, "but the coven isn't my home, i don't have a home y/n."

"what do you want kyle?"

"i don't know.." he said, "i'm sorry."

i placed my hand on kyles face, trying my best to soothe him.

"i want to go home." he continued, i honestly didn't know where this was all from. he was so happy just a day ago. i just wish i could remember what happened last night.

"we'll go back, okay? don't worry."


by the weekend, i had gotten bus tickets so kyle and i could go back to new orleans. i knew he didn't want to go back to the coven, but he didn't have anywhere else.

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