chapter |5| love

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that night, i put kyle to bed in one of the two twin beds in my room. he had brought a pillow from home to make him feel better about being somewhere so new.

he fell asleep pretty fast, but that sleep didn't last long. just an hour later, kyle awoke in distress. his mind kept going over everything that'd happen in the past few days.

"it's okay. close your eyes." i cooed, gently helping him lay back down.

he was hesitant, but then he was okay.

by the third time he woke up, i was exhausted. i climbed into bed with him and wrapped my arms around his whimpering body.

"no one's gonna hurt you." i whispered, "you're alright."

kyle followed my voice to help him calm down, and soon he was back asleep.

as i watched him sleep through his pain and distress,  i started to think that he should've stayed dead. this life he was living now, was terrible for him. he hated it.

i soon fell asleep, and neither one of us woke till morning.

when i opened my eyes, kyle was still asleep. the sun was hitting his face and he looked so peaceful. i stayed in bed until he woke up too.

"sorry." he choked out.

"it's okay." i assured him, placing my hand on the side of his sweet face.

kyle looked at me softly, his heart filled with love. he slowly moved towards me and then placed a soft kiss on my nose.

how could he have so much love in him after everything that's happened, everyone who hurt him? i might never understand, but kyle unfortunately had to.

we laid together for a little while before i decided to get up.

"i'm gonna have to leave you leave you here again, i'm so sorry." i said, seaching for clothes to wear.

he sat up on the bed and shook his head in response.

"it's okay if you don't, but do you have any other family members?" i asked, thinking maybe he'd like to stay with someone he knew better.

kyles face dropped, and he shook his head.


i got dressed, and then had to chain kyle up again. i just couldn't trust him yet.

i was just about to leave him, but then i took another look at him.

"here." i said, grabbing my ipad from my nightstand. "you have to learn, so use this, okay?"

he tapped at the ipad, showing he understood.

"okay, i'll be back."


i'd been nearly two hours, and kyle needed to use the bathroom and he was thirsty. he felt like a prisoner in these chains, and was beginning to get upset.

"y/n.." he cried softly, praying i would hear him. it had only been three days, but these three days had been by far the hardest days of his life.

he started to break down thinking about his mom, his friends who died in that bus crash, being alone, his death, the fact that he couldn't ever live his life as normal again, and just everything. he was so upset. so so upset.

eventually, i came back into the bedroom to find kyle  asleep. his face was red and stained of tears.

i set down the food i got for him and rubbed his back to wake him up. as his eyes opened, i gently undid the chains around his wrists and pulled him to me.

"i'm sorry kyle."

kyle was a little upset with me, but he was just happy he wasn't by himself anymore. kyle found himself wanting me near him every minute of the day, loving my eyes, loving the sound of my voice, and feeling comfortable just by my presence.

"l-ove." he whispered.

i furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

he gently laid his hand on mine. "you."

i smiled. "you love me?"

he nodded.

"i love you too."

this was the first time i'd seen a real smile from kyle since he died, and it made my entire day.

we hugged for a moment, just absolutely feeling the love.

"i brought you food, if you'd like."


a week had passed, kyle was starting to learn how to communicate. i could trust him more now, so he wasn't chained up when i had to go and he would instead try and work on learning games.

when i had the time, i would go through flash cards with him and try my best to teach him. he was doing actually pretty well, it was just hard for him and he was upset that he didn't learn faster. however, he was doing great learning wise.

mentally, definitely not okay. unlike the first week, kyle was distant. he didn't want me to help him when he was sad, he didn't want me to comfort him as he cried, he didn't want to be held when his dreams turned dark, the truth was he was far too embarrassed and tired of himself.

"go away." kyle shouted at me.

"kyle, please you need to eat."

kyle pushed his food off of the table. it had all been so much and i was so frustrated that kyle would no longer reason with me. tears filled my eyes.

"god, i cant keep doing this." i cried, leaving the room.

kyle watched as i left, and then looked down at the mess he had made. he felt bad.

he did his best to pick everything up, despite his weak body making it hard to move around.

when i came back, he noticed i was stressed. he stood from the bed and hugged me close. i hugged him back.

"i-i can go"

i was proud of him for talking in a complete sentence, so much so that i nearly forgot our small fight.

"no, no. i'm sorry." i explained, "i'm just stressed out."

i wiped the tears from my face before i pulled back because i was worried it'd make him upset if he saw me cry.

"i-i'm sorry."

he looked genuinely sorry, and he also looked tired from pushing out so many words. i was tired, so i knew he definitely was.

i shut off the lights and went to lay in bed, "come here."

kyle and i cuddled close to eachother, we didn't really ever fall asleep but instead we just relaxed, which was much needed.

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