chapter |2| resurrection

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the next morning, i found out that only two boys survived that bus crash. id been upset the whole night, even though i just met kyle i really liked him and definitely didn't want him to die.

all i could do was hope that one of those two boys was kyle.

i'd been kind of upset with madison since last night. i know what happened to her was absolutely terrible, but i was upset that she was the reason for kyles possible death. i mean, he saved her.

i stood beside queenie as the tv played, talking about the horrors of the bus crash the night before.

"wow, 9 kids."

"some of them deserved it." i whispered under my breath.

madison knew i was mad at her about kyle, but she didn't care.

suddenly, we could all hear heels against the coven floor.

"that's the supreme." queenie whispered in my ear.

"get dressed girls. wear"

the other girls immediately left the room to get changed, except madison who was just staring at the supreme.

"go, now."

"who are you?" madison rolled her eyes.

"fiona goode. i'm the supreme."

i was surprised madison didn't already know this, as she'd been here for a while.

i went upstairs to get dressed, although my mind was still on kyle.

i wore all black, of course, and went with fiona and the other girls to town. fiona brought us inside the witch museum, but i didn't really pay attention. kyle was all i could think about.

i decided to just leave the museum, and made my way through the local hospital in hopes to see kyle there, alive.

"please be him." i whispered to myself as i opened the door to the room that laid the two survivors of the bus crash. "please be him."

i looked at the first boy, not kyle. then i looked at the second boy, also not kyle. my heart sank to my stomach. the second boy, however, was familiar.

i went through the events of the night before, and then i recognized his face. the damn rapist.

i felt my sadness turn to anger as i looked at him, he seemed he was going to be fine. i was gonna make sure he wasn't.

i turned to look at the hospital door, then gently shut it. i was careful not to bring any attention to myself. killing him would be easy considering my powers. all i had to do was have sex with him.

i made sure to get this done as fast as i could, and within about 5 minutes he was dead.

i felt guilt and relief. it was an odd mixture. if only i could get kyle back...
"y/n. get up." madison said, opening my bedroom door and turning on the lights.

"madison?" i groaned, "it's five in the morning.."

"come on, get up."

"why?" i said, trying to open my tired eyes.

madison didn't answer my question and instead pulled back my covers and dragged me out to her car. madison drove to this weird building, and broke into the building using a pin.

"what are we doing here?" i asked.

"i heard what you did for me." she told me, "so, i'm paying you back."

i followed madison into a room in the very back. then i noticed what she meant. the room was filled with dead bodies, bodies from the crash.

"oh my god." i whispered.

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