chapter |6| truth

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kyle hadn't been out of the coven in two weeks and was starting to feel cramped up. he could move around just fine now, so we decided to go have lunch in the park.

it was fun for a while, he seemed so happy and he felt free.

"yo, get out of my spot!" a man yelled from behind the tree we were sitting at.

"okay, sorry." i said, getting up and trying to grab kyle to move too. kyle instead stared at the yelling man, feeling anger grow in his stomach as he screamed.

his hands quickly wrapped around the mans neck and then he started to choke him.

"kyle, stop!" i screamed, but he sydney listen. it was like a wave rushed over him, a wave that possessed him.

kyle had just murdered a homeless man in the middle of the park. when he realized what he'd done, he pulled away and started to loose his shit.

"oh no." he cried, rubbing his hands through his hair.

i used my new enhancing powers to bring the man back and erase his meomories of kyle hurting him, and killing him.

when i turned around, kyle had already booked it back to the car.

"kyle, what were you thinking? you can't just-just kill people!" i whisper yelled, getting into the car.

"i-i know..i don't know what ha-happened.." he choked out.

"i fucking doubt that."

i was mad, i mean we could've just gotten in so much trouble if someone had seen that. plus, this is the second person he's killed. i was getting worried.

"i'm sorry." he whispered, hiding his face from me as i started to drive back to the coven. yes, i felt bad for yelling at him especially since he was so sensitive, but what he did was bad. real bad.

he tried to say silent, but i could hear his soft crying as i drove. i wanted to comfort him, but i couldn't get passed the fact that i was mad and upset.

"why'd you kill him?" i yelled, shutting the bedroom door behind me.

"i couldn't...control myself." he said, softly.

"god, kyle! i cant just bring people back all the time." i said, "i cant just cover up murders for you."

"you brought me here."

"i wouldnt have if i knew you were going to kill your mother. you murdered your mom kyle."

the crying he'd been holding in started to make its way through his eyes and mouth.

"no." he sobbed, sitting down onto the bed.

"why'd you do it?" i spoke softly, trying not to get any more upset with him as it seemed to be upsetting for him.

he didn't answer.

"why, kyle?"

he shook his head, he didn't want to tell me at all. it was all too upsetting.


"you brought me here."

kyles words started to play over and over in my head. was he mad at me for reviving him? upset? sad?

there were too many questions, some i might never get an answer to.

did he blame me?

i'd left kyle alone for a while to give us both time to calm down. when i got back, he was asleep on his bed with all the lights on.

i sighed, shutting the lights off. i laid in the other hed, closing my eyes. no matter how hard i tried, i couldn't sleeo. i was too anxious.

kyle had fallen asleep because he was anxious, he kind of used it was a way to cope.

quietly, i got up from my bed and climbed next to him in his small bed. he fussed in his bed for a moment before stopping and calming down again.

"i'm sorry if you hate me for being you back." i whispered as i closed my eyes once more.

kyle was asleep so he never heard me, but i think he felt that i was laying with him as he sleepily reached his arms around me.
the next morning, kyle woke up quite early. when he noticed i was in bed with him, his mind started to replay the day before. he felt sick to his stomach, and so sad.

he also thought about my question, asking why he killed his mother. that question hurt. for some reason though, he wanted to tell me. he felt like opening up for some reason.

my eyes started to flutter open and i saw him looking at me, he looked calm and somewhat okay so i moved into his chest being i was still a little tired.

we laid like that for a moment.

"i was..r-raped." he whispered, so softly it took me a second to figure out what he said.


"my mom."

then i figured it out, he was telling me the reason he killed his mother. i wasn't saying anything, so kyle started to get nervous.

"that's why you killed her?"

he nodded, starting to feel emotional.

i reached to him and pulled him down to hold him. as soon as his head relaxed against my chest, he started to cry.

"i'm so sorry." i whispered, kissing his hair. i was heartbroken and kind of in shock, i wasn't really sure what to say. i just knew that i shouldn't have yelled at him the night before. "you can talk about it if you need, i'm here."

he wasn't yet sure what he wanted to share about his mother, or the abuse she put towards him. he just wanted to be comforted and feel safe, two things he rarely felt.

"sorry." he sobbed.

"no, stop. you're okay." i cooed, rubbing his back softly. i was feeling sick from anxiety, and imagining the horrible things my kyle had gone through.

"three years." he whimpered, "every w-week for three years."

i winced at this comment, it broke my heart. years filled my eyes and i just held onto him. i wish i'd been easier on him when she was killed, i feel so guilty.

"i'm so sorry." i nuzzled my head into his neck, still rubbing his back and hugging him close.

kyle had always dreamed of feeling a relief when he finally opened up about his trauma, but he didn't. he didn't feel a relief because he couldn't talk much more, it was too energy consuming and it hurt.

one day, he'd feel his relief. that day was not today.

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