chapter |10| beach

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for most of that night, i thought of kyle. there was so much i wanted to ask him. some about his death, some about his dad, some about his assault, and just everything else.

my heart ached for kyle.

as my head laid against his chest, i could feel him breathing as he slept. he was so calm, something that was often times difficult for him.

i wished that we could stay like this forever. kyle calm and asleep, and me holding him and just relaxing with him.

i think i'm falling in love.

when we awoke, kyle was now in my arms and we'd moved around quite a lot.

his head ached from the crying from the night before and his eyes burned.

"i'm sorry about last night." he whispered sleepily.

he turned over and hugged me close.

"don't be sorry."

i didnt notice, but i accidentally fell back asleep in kyles arms. he liked it though, he loved watching me sleep and it also gave him time to think.

just an hour later, i woke back up but kyle wasn't in bed. he was in the bathroom. i immediately got scared that he was cutting again so i sprang from the bed to the door of the bathroom.

"kyle??" i said frantically.

he was only getting changed so when he opened the door he was confused.

"what were you doing?" i asked.

he then realized what i meant and took a deep breath. he hugged me softly.

"it's okay. calm down."

"sorry, i just thought..."

kyle seemed to be in a better mood, so we decided to go out and get lunch.

"it's so nice out today, we should go to the beach."

"maybe." he said, kissing my head.

we went downtown and looked at all the cool things they had. big buildings, museums, palm trees, it was all so beautiful.

"isn't it beautiful here?" i asked, holding his hand.

"it's beautiful."

"please, can we go to the beach?" i asked, and he finally agreed.

we made our way to the beach, which was only a little while away. the sand was so soft and the weather was just perfect.

kyle missed the sound of the waves crashing, something he hadn't heard since he was a child.

i took of my clothes, leaving me in my bikini and ran down to the water.

"come on, kyle!" i yelled back at him.

kyle wasn't sure if he knew how to swim anymore after his death and didn't want to take off his shirt anyways.

"i'm okay." he said, happily watching as i stood near the sea.

i frowned, fearing that kyle was upset.

i went back up to kyle, and sat beside him.

"are you okay?"

"yeah, go on. i'm okay." he told me.

"why aren't you coming?"

he sighed, embarrassed.

"i'm not sure if i remember how to swim."

i noticed he looked fearful and embarrassed, and i felt that maybe he thought i would judge him.

"that's okay, come on. we don't have to go deep."

i gently grabbed his hand, and he slowly followed me.

"i don't know, y/n."

as soon as his feet reached the water, his mind cleared. he felt happy. a smile smile appeared on his face as he looked at the water washing up seashells onto the sand.

i was so happy to see him happy. i leaned in and softly kissed his cheek.

"do you like it?"

"i love it. i missed this." he smiled.

"take off your shirt, we can go a little deeper."

his smile faded.

"oh, i don't know."

i was confused on why he was upset looking now.

"what's wrong?"

"i'll keep my shirt on." he said, brushing off his frown and stepping toward the water.

we walked deeper in, until we were about waist deep. kyle wanted to take off his shirt, but he also didn't.

i noticed his hands edging to take his shirt off, but he resisted everytime.

"just take it off. it's okay."

"i don't want you to see me." he whispered, looking away.

i grabbed his hand.

"kyle, i bathed you before. plus, why would i judge you?"

he shrugged, "my scars."

"you're fine, kyle."

i sat in the water, and he followed. after a few seconds, he took of his t shirt and threw it back to the sand.

his scars were still there from when he died. i was a little surprised, as i though some would heal but they didn't.

i placed my hand on his chest, feeling a deep scar on him.

"this what you didn't want me to see?" i asked.

his eyes watered, but no tears fell as he nodded in response.

i wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned in to hug him.

"you're beautiful. i don't care about your scars, kyle."

he hugged me back, feeling relived.

kyle and i spent hours in the water, playing around and just spending beautiful time together.

for a second there, kyle was even starting to feel like himself again. the self he was before the accident.

when we went back to our hotel room, we were lightly burnt from the sun and our hair seemed to be a shade lighter.

kyle was happy, he felt like he did when he went on vacations as a kid.

we even took it as far as making out for a while.

kyle usually was the one being spooned, but he wanted to hold me tonight so i let him.

"i had fun today." he whispered in my ear, kissing my face as he relaxed into bed.

i nodded, too tired to talk. he understood the memo and closed his eyes. it wasn't long until we were both fast asleep.

Beautiful Boy || Kyle Spencer Where stories live. Discover now