chapter |12| hospital

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things had been going better, well, atleast i thought they were.

i was getting therapy, and had been clean for three weeks. i was feeling happy and okay again.

also, our relationship was doing great. we started having sex, and recently started looking for apartments close to the coven that we could move into.

kyle, he was struggling badly. i mean, so much happened to him in one year that most don't even experience in a lifetime.

i was sitting in bed, going through my phone as kyle took a shower.

"y-y/n. i'm s-sorry!!" he sobbed, begging for help and running from the bathroom and to me. "i regret it."

i got really anxious.

"stop, shh. just talk." i said, trying to calm him down so that he could tell me what was wrong.

he looked dazed and was sobbing harder then ever before.

"i took a whole b-bottle. i regret-i-it!!" he sobbed, begging for help.

my heart skipped so many beats.

"okay-o-oh alright. it's- okay." i said, freaking out.

i grabbed my phone and we went back into the bathroom.

"i'm sorry..i regret it!!" he sobbed, trying to fall into my arms.

he was starting to get really tired. the pills were working.

"i know, kyle. just-stay awake okay??" i said, "you have to throw up."

he shook his head, he was freaking out so badly he was starting to loose it.

"you have to kyle."

he tried to gag himself, but he was getting weak. tears filled my eyes as i tried to help him throw up, and he did.

as soon as he started throwing up, i called 911. i knew he needed more help then just this.

"it hurts!" he cried.

"they are on their way." i assured him, rubbing his back as he continued to throw up.

his body couldn't take it anymore though, he was getting too tired.

i held him close until the ambulance got here, trying to keep him awake.

"i'm sorry." he kept repeating.

the ambulance arrived, and loaded kyle up into the car. kyle was now unconscious. i sat in the ambulance with him, but they ushered me away when they made it to the hospital.

words can't describe how i felt in that waiting room. it was only half an hour, but it felt like an eternity. guilt filled my stomach, and sadness overwhelmed me. i was so worried.

once he was stable and awake, they let me come in and see him.

he was awake, but barley when i came in. he was half asleep from being so tired from everything that just happened.

"it's y/n." i whispered to him as i pulled up a chair to his bed.

as soon as he opened his eyes, he started to cry.

"i don't know why i did that." he whimpered.

i shushed him softly, caressing his face with my hand.

he held in his sobs, but his tears still fell.

"i'm so sorry i scared you."

i sighed, "i'm sorry that you were hurting and i never helped you."

i felt guilty, i thought kyle was doing okay but i was so wrong.

i softly kissed his forehead.

"it'll be okay." i whispered.

hearing that made kyle tear up, and all he wanted was to be held.

"can you lay with me?"

i nodded, getting in bed with him and just hugging him.

i felt him crying, and i just felt so hurt.

"you're gonna stay here for a few nights and you're gonna get help. it's all gonna be okay soon baby." i told him, softly caressing his face.

"i don't want to stay here." he sobbed. "please don't leave me here."

"i know." i said, "but you need help."

"please." he winced sadly, "i made. mistake. that's all."

"trust me kyle, i don't want to be away from you but you need this."

"i'm not ready to talk."

"you don't have to."

he gave up on fighting back with me, and instead just closed his eyes and let himself rest.

i had no go not long after, and it was so hard. kyle was transported to the physc ward and was just absolutely devastated.

nurses and therapists tried to talk with him, but kyle didn't say much and he didn't say anything until the second day.

"is there a reason you don't want to talk?" one of the therapists asked him.

"i want to go home."

"i want you to go home too, but you have to get better first." she said.

"why would she put me in here?" kyle asked.

"your girlfriend?"

kyle nodded.

"cause she loves you."

a moment of silence passed over.

"i didn't mean to take all those pills." he finally whispered, "i promise."

"then why did you?"

"i wanted to die." he said.

"and why did you go for hell after?"

"something in me still wanted to live."

over the next few days, although some were hard and lonely, kyle started making progress. he was kind of upset that i left him there, but he tried to understand.

it was hard for me too, i missed and worried for him so much. i knew i made the right choice though.

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