chapter |8| flordia

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"kyle, we gotta go." i said, storming into the bedroom.


"we're going to flordia. it's not safe for us here anymore."

myrtle had gotten me and kyle train tickets to flordia. it was getting dangerous here in new orleans for the new generation of witches and myrtle and cordelia both thought it would be best if me and kyle skipped town for a while.

i took bags out of my closet and threw them on the bed.

kyle didn't say anything, he just went into the bathroom and locked the door.

i was too busy packing my things that i didn't even think about kyle or kyle not being in the room anymore.

"you should pa-" i started, but then i noticed kyle wasnt in the room he was in the bathroom. i went up to the door and softly knocked. "kyle?"

kyle opened the door and walker out, right past me. he sat onto the bed and didn't once look at me.

"we have to leave at 5, please start packing."


"do you want me to do it?"

kyle shook his head no. i sighed.

"i'm not going."

i sat beside him. he looked sad and it hurt my heart to see him sad.

"come on, it'll be okay."

"i'm scared."

"of what? me?" i asked, confused on what else he would be scared of.

"of me." he whispered, "i can't control myself. i don't want to hurt anybody."

kyle started to cry, bringing his hands to his face to cover the fact that he was crying.

i placed my hand on the back of his head and rubbed his back to comfort him.

"i don't want to hurt anyone." he sobbed.

"you won't, please go. it'll be just fine."

"i love you, but i'm not going." kyle said flatly, wiping his tears and standing up to walk away. i grabbed his arm and pulled him back down to sit.

"we can be happy there." i told him, starting to cry with frustration. "more happy love."

kyle sniffled, "it's not your decision."

i rested my forehead against his head.

"i'm not scared of you."

the more i told him this, the more he felt okay about going.

"okay." he nodded, finally agreeing to go. he gently kissed my nose.

"okay, come on. i'll help you pack."

thankfully, kyle and i made it to the bus on time. literally just on time, 7:59 on the dot. we quickly got our seats in the very back and settled in.

we were both actually pretty happy. over the past few hours, kyle was able to create a future in florida that made him happy. he imagined getting to go to college, and getting himself back, getting friends, healing and a future with me. he imagined getting a job, settling down, and having a baby. he never allowed himself to imagine a happy future for himself, but when he did it made him feel good.

even though his new future he had just imagined was big, he didn't cars. even imagining this stuff made him feel better.

i rested my head onto his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around me, pulling me in.

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