Three: Det Echoy

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Ever since Hope was born, Sabine's grief lessened slowly. Her daughter may have looked more like her, but she definitely got some of her attitude from Ezra. 

For example, when she was two, Sabine asked her to pick up her toys, and Hope said in her baby voice: "So I 'tan't pway wif my fwens? I no 'twean up!"   

Hera was in the room when that happened, and she gave an "Oooo!" while laughing on the inside; and crying. "So much like Ezra...................." Both Sabine and Hera mentally cried.

But now Hope was four, and she was powerful with the Force; and not to mention at fighting. Hope also loved listening to stories about Ezra. She could sit for hours on end, listening to the same stories about the great and noble Jedi who was her father. But she was also warned to never tell anyone that her father was Ezra Bridger. 

Sabine was scared that one day, the Empire might come back and if anyone knew who the father of her daughter was, they would send Inquisitors after her. 

Not happening.

But on a happier note, Ahsoka had contacted Sabine, saying that she maybe, maybe had an idea about Ezra's life.

Sabine got excited, and immediately contacted Hera and Kanan, asking them if they could watch Hope while she looked for her love. They immediately agreed, excitement showing from both of their faces. 

The next day, Sabine told Hope part of what she was going to do. 

"Hope, I have to go away for a while. You are going to stay with Nana Hera and Grandpa Kanan, got it?"

Hope looked at her mother. 

"Why do you have to go, Mama?" She asked innocently. 

Sabine picked up her daughter and held her close.

"I have to go look for someone, okay? I'll come back. I have to do this," she whispered.

"Will you be back for my birthday?" 

"Nothing will stop me from missing your fifth birthday. Nothing," Sabine said determinedly.      

That made Hope happy.


"Bye bye Mom! See you when you get back!" Hope cried.

"Bye Hope. Listen to Hera and Kanan, okay? Be a good girl, I'll be home as soon as I can," Sabine said, blinking back tears. 

"Don't worry. We'll make sure that she doesn't get into any trouble," Kanan said.

"Good luck," Sabine said, her throat getting sore and dry. She kissed Hope's forehead and hugged her one more time, and then walked onto Ahsoka's ship. She stopped when she reached the top, and looked at Hope until the ramp closed.

Climbing up to the cock-pit, she saw Ahsoka sitting in the pilot's seat.    

"Hi," Sabine greeted.

"Hello," Ahsoka said, turning to the Mandalorian with a smile on her face. "Ready?"

"More than ever." 

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go."

The T-6 shuttle lifted off the ground, and Sabine already felt homesick for Lothal and Hope. To distract herself, she asked, "What is the name of the ship?"

"I didn't name it. I wanted to asked you what you thought we should name it," Ahsoka said.

 Sabine thought for a moment.

"How about.............. Te Echoy? That's Mandalorian for The Search," she suggested.

"What if we do a combination of both Mando'a and Togruta? What if we call it, Det Echoy? That way, it's still The Search, but a mix."

"I like that! Det Echoy. Let's make it live up to it's name," Sabine said determinedly.

Ahsoka returned the determined smile, and the duo activated hyperspace together.


"You gave the Togruta Jedi my location?!" Thrawn screamed into the holo message. His contact, Magistrate Morgan Elsbeth, flinched.

"She read my mind! I couldn't resist,"  she replied frantically.

Thrawn growled, and he spat, "Why didn't she kill you? To be honest, I don't care because I can when I get off this wretched planet."

Magistrate gulped. She was not liking where this was going.

"I'm giving you one more chance to prove yourself. If you fail," he raised his fist.

Magistrate winced, and looked at him in the eye. "I will not fail, master."

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