Eleven: The Force

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Hope was chasing Jacen around the Ghost. Kanan and Hera sat, watching the two running around.

"I'm gonna get you, buckethead!" Hope laughed.

"You can't catch me, Jedi! I'm an Inquisitor!!" Jacen turned around, and tried to tackle the little girl, but Hope's Mandalorian and Jedi reflexes jumped in.

She flipped over Jacen, who now stood in confusion, and tried to tackle him from behind, but tripped. Reaching her hands out to catch herself, Hope felt as though a hand was reaching from her palm. Before her brain could process what was happening, Jacen flew through the air, and Kanan had to catch him with the Force.

Hope could only stand in shock. Jacen looked at the four-year-old in surprise. 

Hera ran and picked up Hope, comforting her. 

"I'm sowy," the girl said.

"Shh. Don't be," Hera soothed. After Kanan made sure that his five-year-old son was alright, he went to talk to Hope.

"Are you okay, young one?" He asked gently. 

"I be okay," Hope lied. In truth, she was very scared. And Kanan sensed this.

"Tell me the truth," he pushed softly.

"I'm st'ared," she finally whispered. "I don't know what I'm supposed to do."

Kanan held the girl closely. "You be brave. That's what Mama told you to be, right?" 


"Shall we be brave then?"


Kanan and Hera laughed.

"Time for bed," Hera called.

Both Hope and Jacen pouted. 

"Now, now, you two. Enough of that," Kanan scolded, but Hope didn't hear him.

Something was calling her....something far away.

"Hope? Hope!" Hera's voice brought her back to the present.

Then he went over and picked up the shivering girl, and took her to Sabine's old room.

"Grandpa Kanan?" a small voice asked.


"When will Mama be home?"

Kanan stopped. He didn't want to tell Hope that the person she felt being tortured was her mother.

"Soon, young one. Soon," he whispered. 

"Hope," Kanan said after reading the girl a book.


"I want you to try to open this," he said, pulling a holocron out of his pocket.

"Okay...." Hope sat on the floor, and opened it with ease.

Kanan stroked his beard (he had one because Hera made him grow out his hair) thoughtfully, and got lost in thought. 

"Grandpa?" Hope asked, a bit scared.

"Don't worry, you did good," he assured the daughter of his Padawan.

Hera came in, and stayed with Hope until the girl feel asleep.

"Good night, kaa'lia," she told the sleeping girl.


"Mama?!" The little girl asked in delight.

Her mother was standing in front of her, but she didn't look down at her daughter.

She was staring ahead, looking at something full of hate. 

"Where is your daughter, and what is her name?" A voice asked. Sabine didn't answer.

"Who is her father?" The same voice asked.

Sabine still didn't answer.

Hope turned around to see a Chiss, a Nightbrother, and Palliduvan standing where Sabine was glaring. 

The Chiss spoke again.

"May I?" He asked the Nightbrother, who nodded.

The Chiss pressed a button of some sort, and screams of pain came from behind the little girl. Spinning around, she saw something she didn't want to see. Electricity bouncing freely around her mother.

Pain erupted like a volcano in the little girl. 

When the electricity stopped, the Chiss asked again, "Now, tell us about your daughter."

And again, her mother refused.

The electricity started again, and Hope squatted, her head bowed and covering her ears.

Tears streamed down her cheeks. 

After forever, the screaming stopped, and Hope dared to look up. Did her mother fall asleep?

The door to the cell opened, and a buckethead ran in.

"We're under attack!" He shouted. The three people who hurt Hope's mother ran out, but the trooper stayed in the room. 

Taking off his helmet, he slowly approached Sabine.

He opened a green Lightsaber, and slashed the Mandalorian's chains. Then he picked her up, and ran out.

Hope sprung up, gasping. 

"Who was that man who helped Mama?" She wondered. 

Images flashed through her mind, and she realized that he had her hair color and eyes. 

"Could he....No. Don't get your hopes up," she scolded herself. And then she laughed at herself.

Hope softly began to sing a song her mother used to sing for her.

Mirrorbright, shines the moon, its glow as soft as an emberWhen the moon is mirrorbright, take this time to rememberThose you have loved but are goneThose who kept you so safe and warmThe mirrorbright moon lets you seeThose who have ceased to beMirrorbright shines the moon, as fires die to their embersThose you loved are with you still—The moon will help you remember
She pulled her knees in, and cried.
"Waffles!" Hera called. The delicious smell of waffles floated into Hope's room.
"WAFFLES!!" She screamed, and ran out of the room. She had better run before Zeb took all of the food.
Sure enough, Hera was scolding Zeb as though she was scolding Jacen.
"Zeb, you have to let the others get firsts before you take seconds!" 
"Zebby hungry!" Hope laughed, and clapped her hands. 
"Someone's in a good mood today," Kanan laughed.
"Eat fast! Mama is coming home," Hera said joyfully.


Scarfing down the waffles, she ran outside.

And when she got to the ramp, a ship had just landed, and it's door opened.

Hello there! 

Another chapter will be out tonight!

May the Force be with you!!

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