Nine: Who They Really Are

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.............But four hands grabbed her arms. 

Sabine looked up, and saw none other than Ahsoka and Rex.

Grunting, the Jedi and Clone pulled her up. 

"Sabine!" Ahsoka cried with relief, pulled into a hug, and wouldn't let go.

Rex also went in for a hug.

"Guys, I'm okay," Sabine said, her voice muffled. 

Ahsoka pulled back, her hands still on Sabine shoulders, and looked her dead in the eye.

"We thought you had died!" She screamed, and pulled her back in. 

"Well I'm here now," Sabine said, still muffled. But she pulled back.

"I've found Ezra!"

Ahsoka and Rex looked excited.

"Where is he?!"

"Down here! Ezra?" Sabine called.

"Sabine! You made it!" Ezra's voice drifted up.

"Ezra!" Both Ahsoka and Rex called.

"Ahsoka! Rex!" Ezra called back.

"Ahsoka?!?!" A voice Ahsoka knew said.

"Yes, that's her!" Another one exclaimed.

"I'll pull Ezra out with the Force first, and then he can help me pull the others out!" Ahsoka called.

"Copy!" The seven voices below called.

It was a pretty strange sight to she Ezra floating out of a hole in the ice.

He warmly embraced Ahsoka and Rex.

Then got down to busness.

Ahsoka and Ezra consecrated, and soon, a human man, a male Wookiee, a female Rodian, a male Nautolan, a Tholothian woman, and a male Ithorian floated out.

"Ahsoka?!" They all asked the Togruta.

"Byph? Ganodi? Gungi? Petro? Zatt? Katooni!?!"

Byph, Ganodi, Gungi, Petro, Zatt, and Katooni all ran up and hugged Ahsoka.

"We missed you when you left the Order," Katooni cried.

They all started talking at once, all reuniting. 

But that quickly came to an end.

"Well, well, well. What have we here?" Said a voice Ahsoka and Rex knew well.

Standing in front of them was the Palliduvan who had attacked them.

"Aurra Sing. It has been a long time," Ahsoka spat, venom in her voice.

"It sure has, Ahsoka Tano," the bounty hunter replied.

"Why are you here?" Ahsoka turned on her lightsabers. Sabine passed Ezra his, and the younglings turned theirs on.

Aurra laughed, and said, "Now, now. Do you really think you can beat me because you have a Mando girl—" Sabine clutched her hands so tight, her knuckles turned white—"a Clone, and eight total Jedi, although two of you are Padawans, and six are younlings."

Sure enough, the Empire surrounded the Rebels and Jedi.

"Well, hello, apprentice," a voice Ahsoka, Rex, Sabine, and Ezra all knew and hated.

"I AM NOT YOUR APPRENTICE!!!" Ezra screamed.

The voice was none other than Darth Maul. 

"YOU DIED!! I SAW YOU GET KILLED!!" Ezra shouted. 

"Apprentice. That was only a scratch," Maul sighed.

"I was going to say, you had your legs cut off. I'm still surprised that you survived," Sabine hissed.

Maul sighed again; but this time with anger.

"You just don't give up, Wren," a silky, cat-like voice came from behind Maul.

And it was none other than Thrawn.

 Sabine clutched her blasters, her hands turning white. Hate, rage, and a feeling that no one could explain glowed in her eyes. She was trebling, and she looked like she was about to kill Thrawn.

But Ahsoka and Ezra stopped her.

"Not yet," they whispered in her ear.

"That's right. Listen to the Jedi," Thrawn grinned. "Or else, Wren, I'll kill her."

Sabine stiffened, and all of the Force-sensitives could feel fear coming from her.

Aurra smiled. "We have her, Grand Admiral. She is now afraid."

Thrawn's smile widened, and he told one of his commanders, "Bring the girl."

"You don't have her," Sabine said suddenly, her voice shaky.

Thrawn and his commander stopped. 

"We-we do," Thrawn studdered.

"No, you don't." Sabine's voice was filling with confidence. 

"If you had her, you would also have the others. But you didn't say you have them, so therefore, you don't have her."

Thrawn looked enraged because Sabine called his bluff. 

He tried to kill Ezra because of it, but Sabine was too fast. 

The Imperials froze.

Thrawn looked at his chest in confusion, and fell down, dead.

This happened to Gar Saxon, Sabine thought.

The Imperials could only stare at Sabine in shock. They all had thought Thrawn was invincible. But here, he had been killed.

Aurra Sing screamed with anger, and before anyone could think, the Imperials started shooting, Aurra grabbed Sabine after stunning her and then dragged her off.

"NO!" Ezra screamed, and tried to go after her. But she and Aurra had disappeared, and no one could find out where they had gone.      

Hello there! 

Another chapter out!! 

So what do you guys think about me adding the younglings and Aurra Sing in? 

The younglings had been figured out, but did anyone suspect Aurra Sing?

So Thrawn is dead—or is he? 😏

May the 4th be with you!!

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